I keep being blocked from posting comments on Kevin's Rumble page???

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I don't know why that would be. I normally don't moderate Rumble comments.

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"COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran." UN, EU, CHINA, SAUDIA AND INDIA WERE ALL COMPLICIT!

This is exactly what happened and the names of the culprits are all known including the 2 sons of Satanyahu Bill Gates, Jesuit Anthony Fauci, Donald Israel Trump. (Fort Dietrich, Beth Israel, etc.)

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I always thought maybe China was in on it, because they have so many elderly people. Sure it looks like a bio weapon, and acts like a weapon used against China, but would the Chinese Government let us put in this kind of dangerous lab?

I always wondered if it was a weapon to depopulate the earth, starting with the weakest immunity. According to NPR this morning, the elderly and people with disabilities are no longer a protected class, just like the neo-liberals want it. They want to depopulate, and who better to start with?

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Gee, just when you've got the definitions of opinion; agreement and disagreement, up there on the blackboard, the bell rings. Shoot ! Interesting conversation.

But an aside re Paperclip more medical than rocketry; news to me; mere weaponry or something more ? If so

what language to refer? Nietzsche's superman, the golem or Frankenstein, homunculi and test

tube babies, how to grow half a calf and eat it, or deconstructing the brain ? Hm, not the right sonar. What then?

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is it possible to have zero inkling whatsoever....of that which, for so long, I categorically refused to name. Day 1 of Buddhism Edward Conze drew on the board 2 separate pairs of small and large circles for the sacred and the profane. In the East, the sacred is nested inside the profane. In the West, it resides outside it. I still carry that picture around with me.

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