We know Prof B has a certain absolute mystical type conception of morality apparently after a half lifetime if leftist life in Middle America .but while he smears Christians as dopey he needs to look very objectively at most mentally enslaved deeply regressive Muslims who often can be lovely folk but their imams their political thought leaders are often in bed with Isreal and sick occult Jews*. Most Christians and perhaps more than most Muslims are powerless.*

Still it is notable so many Muslims RUN AFTER JEWS for...validation? in hopes of..converting Jews? For supposed legitimizing. some connection to..the Old testament lost tribes? Many questions that Kevin has to deal with as the entire world system.thecBeastvdystem in top is all Rothschild..Jews..isreali pedophiles..could Kevin complete many if his podcast narratives without references by Ron unz over and over and over? Our...salient point is...get new reference points s new scholarly voices not just Catholics.jews .Marxist socialist blabbermouths filled with half intelligent speculation ..at the end if the Day..*the heart of the king is in the Hand of the Lord(Jesus) not in circular half truths and Marxist socialist non sequiturs..the world tried thesevl luciferian leftwingnut *solutions* all we got was THE HOLODOMOR**and a Jew grifter that always used the kol nidre prayer to Welsh on his creditors .djtrumprat..the chabad Satan cult Jew convert that uses eitan yardeni scdick Jewish kabala occult ..like Madonna and Cucker tarlson died..see red wrist bracelet kabala clowns**...Truth and destiny is not a short term popularity contest..or a *new pointless religion of speculating . blabbering.. blustering worn out tired left-wing nut economic platitudes.. misconcocted theory..etc..trumprat is an egomaniacal..megalomaniacal.. stupid grifter. puppet whore for Isreal and satanic Jews..,*.


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Marxist-Bolshevik-Communism, what I call, 'The Jewish Plague', that DISEASE of the Jews that they spread from St. Petersburg, Russia to Shanghai, China, to Cape Town, S. Africa, to Eastern Europe, resulted in the deaths of some 200 million people, in the 20th century, that was/IS the 'World HOLOCAUST', done by the Jews! Under the Demonic Flag of Zionism, they are still at it!!

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Bingo,! Cheers...God Bless..God speed...now..let all decent folk..Rearm*

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Typo..like Cucker tarlson did...** There is a new enervating religion of political speculation.predicated. on shortermism... no matter how tribal ..provincial...kept backwards..many Muslims are they don't seem able at all.to retribute Isreal and Jew supporters of the worst genocides ...man rapes..rape of women and girls..organ harvesting .computer default vote rigging..mass starvation.massive Jewish online repressive censorship .hyper inflation...poisoning if all the energy sources of life chemtrail poisoning...weather weaponry ...direct energy weapon assassinations..stalinist lamestream.massmedia control..Jewish communist gun controls for Goyim.. Jewish advocated of mass depopulation of non Jews**etc ....jus sayin..---- Don't forget trumprat the jewdog murdered SOLEMANI""

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Ramadan Mubarak, Dr. Barrett.

The Prophet ‎ﷺ‎ and his companions fought the Battle of Badr during Ramadan. Please keep up your fight similarly.

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