Jasun Horsley did come across as a terrible bore , with a terrible monotonous way of speaking

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I disagree. Did you even listen to what he was saying?

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I had a lengthy email exchange with Jasun Horsley some years ago which ended up going nowhere because he insisted on claiming that he knew why I had gone through the transsexual experience and refusing to listen to my own account of my existential experience.

Check out my page if you would like to know more about this.

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Great discussion. Learnt a lot from you both. Indeed, keep up the good work.

Any superficial criticism, whilst mildly distracting, is hardly a worry.

Good to get a Rudolf link, also,

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Of interest also is Frank Herbert destination void also check out Prof Hugo de garis cosmists vs terrans

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Great interview. That's very timely, Kevin.

I just finished reading Ashley Shew's excelent book, "Technoableism." In her book she talks about this need for the Technocreeps to cure all disabilities with technology, and they refuse to let anybody who is disabled just exist as a disabled person. Jasonis right, technology doesn't work for all people, yet I feel they are shoving it down our throats, saying "Enjoy."

It took a month and a dozen E mails to get my landline finally fixed. I even bought a cell phone, but I'm taking it back. And I threw away my televison years ago, refuse to own one (because it's all Zionist propaganda). So I guess we'll have to keep fighting against these TechnoJews, who run everything, and offer us their cyber insecurity.

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I found this interview quite interesting; especially when he discussed his analysis on Human consciousness.

Last year sometime I read somewhere that a Korean mathematician believes he has proven through mathematics that consciousness and the Human body are actually separate entities...

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Yes , he did make some interesting points. But nothing really original on the holocaust or Israel. His spiritual views on the devil and Christ were on the other hand very interesting

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An interesting spin on Various dimensions of mental abberation..artificial intelligence; satanism...and the oedipus complex.

A possible view could be that before clay man was spiritually in total agreement with Gods divine presence.This spirit was "blown" into man..and Satan the arrogant..felt that he was made of fire..and hence fire is better than clay.

This conflict is on going uptothis day and beyond; between mans immortality as directed by satan.

This in comparison to mans divine charateristics and accountability with the paths to heaven and hell.

The climax is The Antichrist...Artificial intelligence and ol satans alliance to lead man without a conscience and no soul..puffed with materialism into hellfire.

The psycopathy is played out in gazza and throuhout the world where Materialism is The Golen Calf.

thx u guys.

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Funny how no matter what point in history we are, the most superstitious always think now is the end of dayz.

You'll be right one day.

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