Yes, excellent interview. Jason expresses himself cogently and well.

I would love to hear you interview Anglin. He definitely has a shtick and will say anything, some of it pretty vile, but he also is a free-speech absolutist and an intelligent commentator on modern society.

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Yes, I was impressed by Jason, both the book and the interview.

Anglin is great, he's this generation's Abbie Hoffman. (Though neither would appreciate the comparison.) You're right, I probably should try to interview him.

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Great interview!! Bravo to brave Jason Kessler for keeping a key American value alive.


Jacob Dix ‘Tiki Torch’ case ends in historic mistrial

June 7 , 2024


Remix News - Stop "pro vs. con" climate debates

Well-known left-wing German author Carolin Emcke calls for the abolition of public debate with critics of climate change, saying the idea there are pros and cons on all issues is "bullshit."


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