It's enough to make a person "antisemitic.".....

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The ONLY genuine Semites in the whole region are Palestinians, dead or alive !!!

Zionists, young and old, male of female are mostly coerced, direct imports from Europe with Sephardic, Ashkenazi or Khazarian origin committing atrocities in 1st, 2nd and now 3rd. generation. Netanyahu himself is of Polish descent ...

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Good article, Kevin.

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wonder if the practice of having their genitals mutilated as babies and an oversexed rabbi sucking their penises and possibly sharing herpes has anything to do with this perverted dressing in femaleclothes...

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this is way beyond revolting. On so many levels.

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In addition to the fact that conflicts exacerbate or even reveal or amplify mental disorders, these behaviors within the Zionist occupation forces are evidence of a long work carried out since the school benches, which has striven to develop within the Israeli population a feeling of superiority and, at the same time, to devalue and dehumanize "the Other" and, "the Arab" in particular. These behaviors like the other crimes of a sadistic nature perpetrated by the Zionist soldiery are tolerated, even glorified by the hierarchy and by the population. We hardly dare to imagine what would have happened if similar acts had been perpetrated by Palestinians! Try, I beg you, to imagine the "front pages" of the MSM rags! Rout is permitted, glorified, sanctified when it comes to criminal behavior of any kind that targets goyim, and more specifically Arabs. You can believe it, they themselves say it, with the approval of their religious authorities. Everything is OK, everything is "Kosher"!

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Hachemi . . . . two things. Firstly, I was about to say the same thing - imagine the outrage if this were anyone else but Israel? It all barrels down to ignorance - as long as there's a market for stupid/uneducated/uniformed people, they will continue to get away with it. People believe it.

I once read a list that stated the Italians were the most stupid people followed by the Koreans and then the Americans but I think we've since surpassed everyone else. Over 90 percent of the entire world now stands in solidarity against Israel - even their leaders.

Secondly, lets talk about the military here in the USA and how and where they recruit. Years ago judges gave felons options - prison or the military. Today, recruitment is at it's all time lowest it has ever been in addition to the all time lowest intellectual caliber. The only people signing up are lost souls which of course they love because they are so easy to manipulate. But mentally and emotionally they don't stand a chance which is why you now see the highest suicide rates.

That's why I have to laugh when people claim the USA has the greatest military. Where? You need manpower to fire guns and rockets and fly planes. It is so bad they now have a 73% obesity rate and even recruit trans people. Can you imagine what Russia and or China would do to them? In conclusion is there really any wonder why these "soldiers" behave the way they do?

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I Agree 100% ! But it is worth pointing out that, for the most part, these delinquents are reservists, representing a fine cross-section of the Israeli population, which objectively suffers from a worrying sociopathy.

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Good comment, Hachemi.

1 thing I would like to correct you, or rather expand, is the phrase "to develop within the Israeli population a feeling of superiority and, at the same time, to devalue and dehumanize "the Other" and, "the Arab" in particular."

It is not just the "israeli" population that has the feeling of superiority, it is inherent in all Jews. That is to say, they are all brought up like that. There is a small number of Jews who manage to escape Yahweh's shackles, but the overwhelming majority cannot.

The devaluing of "the Other" is of course a reference to what the Jews call "Goyim", which translates as cattle, beasts. That in and of itself says it all.

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Excellent comment.,Thank you Sir*

God bless and God speed**

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Lets not forget what was done to the civilians and surrendered soldiers in Germany after the War- but considering who came up with the plan - we should not be surprised.

Other Losses


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Fabulous correct comment!God Bless.

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Kevin wrote: We need a database of every Israeli who has been photographed committing a war crime, and an app to alert us when such a person comes within renditioning distance.

Kevin, start following Israeli Genocide Tracker on X https://x.com/trackingisrael or on Telegram https://t.me/TrackingIsraeliGenocide This person names and supplies photos of the genociders for future Nuremberg 2.0 trials.

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Hope you've listened to Bill Clinton's total crock of egregious lies which was almost as bad as Hillary's vile - starts exactly at 34 min mark


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Lemme guess: Blah blah blah. Israel is the perpetual victim and we support their genocidal, demonic wars. Blah blah blah.

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Hamas is the bad guys - how would you like living next door to people that want to kill you? Not sure whose more lucid - Carter - Biden or Clinton. He struggles profusely trying to remember lies and how he once was the KING of Manipulation. I think he had a stroke.

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Hamas are freedom fighters. Freedom from Israeli domination.

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Tell that to Clinton, he is the one lying through his teeth and mixes up history.

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That's what Bill Clinton said NOT ME

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Sick, perverted and sadistic behaviors.

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Most people do not research the histrionic homicidal well documented history of the JEWS...during pre and post MASADA times THE JEWS dressed as women to stab Roman soldiers..and others ..in the head**Fact check it. The Globohomosexual baphometic Jews are not at all any sort of new development...Adolescents in thinking still say..,"it's Not Jews .it's just Zionists-'-*Nothing could be further from historical and current Fact*And no..with all due respect o our many Muslim friends ..you do not have to be Muslim to despise The . Synagogue of Satan....**The JEWS*..Not every little Jew..but the mainstream Judeao -bolshevist majority..secular.."religious"atheist -anarchist--dysphoric gender confused JEWS***JEWS**

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As I see it Judaism is a religion with some inherently problematic aspects (chosenness, abusive patriarchal anthropomorphic deity, talmudic hairsplitting, positive view of cheating and swindling i.e. Jacob "the Heel" vs. Esau, etc.) Christianity and especially Islam are correctives.

But along with its flaws Judaism has some positive aspects (respect for learning, outsider view of other cultures offering perspective, irony and humor—and among some Jewish thinkers though far from all, genuinely ethical monotheism).

Today's Jewish tribe is not very traditionally religious, and its tribalism poses a huge threat to the rest of us, as Gazans would no doubt agree. There are lots of good Jewish people, meaning good people who happen to have been born Jewish, but because they were born into an evil tribal project, they face a choice of either ignoring/embracing the evil, or rejecting the tribe. The best and smartest Jews are those who have fully rejected the tribe.

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Nice post Kevin....yeah.....Kevin seeks the best in people in the most rational way analytically possible..still we firmly disagree with a number of points..1* Judaism* is at best a hodgepodge of solipsistic degenerate pseudo theological filth stolen..borrowed from many other Non Jewish cultures..2 Jews generically..no joke intended..are more schismatic than Democrats! or luciferian woke leftwingnut demonrats..tho rino Isreal firster a are no better...."Jews

fiercely disagree and argue dolipsistically..to.make conform or due the order if the day...with each other..often very openly- masters of

falsehoids...lies... Masters of poorly cloaked ambiguity.. idiotically proffering pseudo theosophistic...theofacistic... inane arbitrary discursive argumentation...while child raping .murdering..see chabad brooklyn ny...

***. vile reprobate Jewdevil disension..minyans of satanic Magyar type ..schismatic stupidity...false historical exagerated or fabricated stories to scam the Non Jews..especially in europe.."in general THE JEWS..das juden.have intense self hatred

neurosis. legendary mentally dysphoric illnesses...... masochism false teachings galore..open vile ugly rebellion to Jesus ,plus a poorly hidden homosexual bisexual subculture known openly by many Jews since David and Jonathan of the old testament*The *Jews*which even today a very few...claim to live only by the first 5books of the O.T..are obviously shunted aside by the

arrogant pharisaical Jew mainstream *...However..for us who Love Jesus..

..*living *only by the first 5books of the O.T..is acinine..regressive retrograde. .idiotic.against The Will of The Creator..there is obviously more than what was revealed in 600bc..****We will not for brevity sake go into the shulcan aruch... Mishnah... Gemara ...toledoth yeshu kabala..gematria... the Tanya and many other satanic idiotic Jewish unholy books*but advise everyone..... no so called *innocent person* can live by pretending to be a "good person"and appease the overall horrific long term

homicidal... subversive.. deleterious Jewish agenda s.....Yes!it Is That Bad!***we don't speak only of Converso s..Jews who fake being Muslim or fake being Catholic..we say..no innocent person can play dumb about millenia of Jewish lies..not just homosexual Jew Sigmund freud either..though 100 percent of his hideous hateful filth has essentially been disproven ..see...geinrich Yagoda..Bella Cohen Kuhn..Robert durst Sergey brin..Larry page sam.b.fried..sam Altman..Schumer nadler Jack Rubinstein..chertoff...

.silversteen dov zakheim..pritzker..paul singer Isreal epstein....on and on Josip Broz the Soviet Jew mass butcher..no friend of Muslims either Kevin..or Moshe pijade..or rabbi solomon fried pornhub owner or al Goldstein Jeff mossad Epstein Ben *kill all of them!...shapiro--..mossad agent Jeff Epstein or the JEWISH BIOWEAPONS MOB w behind daarpa... Jewish malfeasance Jewish ADULTERATION..JEWISH MAFIA .on and on and interminably on with endless sedition..The Jews are at best rebels 5th columnist without a clue......sure .Kevin..love all your friends .but when JEWS don't stand up contra Jewish deleterious JEWISH------ not just isreali Zionist influences they are absolutely part of the problem ..not the solution...Whether Christian convert or..Muslim convert..an inner change Must Take Place..that starts with recognition of not only Zionist Genocides..it's much deeper ..much more insidious than that.sorry..its much worse....fact stands..all who research the vast body of deleterious Jewish influences

come away with a firm

negative -verdict..a sharp understanding..the JEWS want a world of their own*and it never includes equality with Non Jews*Be clear..plenty of hook nosed loud proud and vile Jews openly said this for generations and plenty say it in 2024...no one on earth can play dumb about facts**..*the most pernicious Jews..like Rothschild..Eric Schmidt..the Google gulag cyborg scum---- don't say too much..they ACT..as the entire world sees in Palestine Lebanon Ukraine..and absolutely in a trillion malevolent internicene intertwined seditious ways in America*A man s subjective view is his own...however...as the entire world sees ..

.facts predominate. over wishful thinking or good intentions to the ultimate self chosen. ..*strangers...illicit bloodthirsty anarchistic solipsistic *wanderes*rebels. without a clue...----*that .people who shall dwell alone...As we all know..people who live in

glass houses shouldn't throw stones..but. mass .murder agenda s...are occuring micromanaged by THE JEWS** ..malocchio.....the evil eye exists..it's correctly called The Synagogue of Satan**DEAL WITH THAT**No one is calling for extermination of Jews..or perhaps after Palestine... some do...but ..we say..what a man or woman does. follows them and there is no exemption from respecting The Moral Law...We see it in Jesus.You see it in Mohamed...THEY see it in Jew Race Supremacy*. By the way..an astounding medical guy ...Dr .Jack Kruse has many relevant interesting things to say on a host of your favored topics ..We don't knock Abraham at all..never did ..never will... but for easily 2thousand years of open known history the premiere enemies of Abraham and Jesus areTHE JEWS*. You might recognize by now.. we aren't neoliberal gay sectarian dolts....we said it all decades ago..it's Not Just Zionists"It's needful to eradicate... dispel ...disempower...reject ..disallow.. Jewish influence*. Your pal ...e. m Jones.. lately... ..long after we did..just said the same thing*. We aren't Catholics either **Any one who protects those who aggressively ignore and fiercely Hate what Jesus taught will get the reward of those who Hate Allmighty Jesus Christ**. Beware The Synagogue of Satan**We advise all decent folk..prepare for the next life....what you do follows you... .Rearm Now*. . All who dance with the devil will Burn**2wrongs never make a right...problem is..no one convinced The Jews that a 2 tier moral system ..Them *and Us..(all Non Jews.) doesn't work.creates inexorable revolutionary anxiety..like stalinism...and is at best... satanic**You mean well Kevin..but demon possesed Jews are in unmerited positions of wealth power and degenerate influence..see **Naambla...**...glaad **..Jewish planned Parenthood..isreali-- American antifa....Jew owned Jew created Black Lives Matter....Wef--blackrock Jewdeviltry!....*see also..America s unelected dictator Jared Kushner*..and that dear sir ..is just a start*All best to your erudite French scholar friend... Laurant too

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Welcome to the New American Kristallnacht**The Jews did themselves in...again*No surprise there..history doesn't rhyme. It repeats cyclically when abusive carnal fallen human nature makes a new* Lord of the Flies "planet * ruled by satanic pack rat schizoid solipsistic Jews*..jus saying....

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Solipsistic..Google dumb phone typo..Dot solipsistic...*

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Well said, the depth of their depravity is difficult for most non-Jews to fully comprehend.

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Free Palestine Now**Hang the war criminal Isreali Jews and all culpable Jews empowering funding assisting the current holocausting extermination and Genocides of Palestinians*

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Dismember the vile Zionist globohomosexual depraved Isreali

Jewish Zionist entity forever**

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The entity should be wiped off the map.

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Don't mess with Jewish State of Murdering Maiming Starving Occuping Palestine. Christ. You haven't seen all the gay guys in the PayPal Mafia? Most Jews in skinny jeans who are multimillionaires with their digital and microprocessor tricks.

And of course all the hormone disruptors everywhere.


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There is an epidemic of porn and violence, usual US exports, inside its ME entity

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The whole damn country is perverted by their presence ever since they ERASED the "Holy" from Humanity's own historical Holy Land:


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"Is such Israeli soldiers’ behavior considered contrary to international law and humanitarian norms?"

And the details that follow are kind of absurd - so killing women & children during war is fine, but mocking them & wearing their clothes is breaking the law. Got it.

The fact that there are separate "laws" for war is ridiculous. There is no war without harm, therefore it should all be considered "illegal" - and certainly immoral. Especially when most of it is a proxy war - and is only for resources. It has nothing to do with fighting for "social justice" or "humanitarian rights". It is because greedy people want more money, power, land, resources, etc. Thats it.

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> There is no war without harm, therefore it should all be considered "illegal"

It IS considered illegal already. That is to say, it is illegal to start a war, it is not illegal to defend oneself.

> Especially when most of it is a proxy war - and is only for resources.

That is irrelevant. A war is a war.

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I think there is a Twitter account documenting the soldiers

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They are the seed of the Devil--as described in the Bible -- "Children of the Devil" and the "Synagogue of Satan":



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I agree, glad we have the faces of these perverts to be used for future prosecutions.

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