Will Israel provide knee pads and vaseline to these sell out whores?

I sent Senator Jeff Merkley an E mail a month ago about the unconstitutionality of the Antisemitism Awareness Act, and thanked him for supporting a ceasefire but he never responded. And normally he does, so that makes me suspicious about where he stands. It's disappointing, but not surprising because of the money AIPAC (a foreign agent and a Jewish terrorist organization) is pouring into New York against Congressman Jamaal Bowman, the most money ever spent on a congressional race. That's really scary that the wealthy Jews can get away with this.

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Jeff Merkley is Jew-owned. You can bet he holds dual citizenship with Israel...

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I agree, it's hard to know who we can trust any more. But Merkley's not Jewish, although he may be a duel citizen of Israel. I pretty much know, since he supported the ceasefire, he's not a sell-out Jew, like our other Oregon Senator, Ron Wyden.

Wyden's always talking about our right to privacy, but nothing has ever changed. In fact, the unintelligence crowd is spying on us even more than before Wyden was elected and started shoveling his Holohoax shit.

When he first joined the senate, he was good friends with war=-monger Lindsey Graham (Lady G). And together they drafted their own antisemitism bill for everybody, not just university students and staff. Thankfully, the Senate had the sense to never pass it.

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I didn't say Merkley is Jewish. I said he is Jew Owned. Much of what is going on over in Israel/Gaza is not really happening. You're getting your info from MSM.

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Don't forget the gerbils...

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They killed JFK and RFK snr, yet RFK jnr is sold out to the Zionists. Trump is also under the Zionist spell.

Some of the main reasons Trump never got a second term is because the Zionists were afraid of him preventing the war between Russia and Ukraine, and money the military industrial complex would have lost which we now see has generated over $100 billion of tax payers money passing through the hands of those who profit. Another reason for the war between Russia and Ukraine has to do with an old dispute Jews had with the Russians in the 19 century, which one would think was resolved during the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI, and WWII. Zionist Jew's certainly hold unhealthy grudges for centuries. Not normal!

Trump was okay for Zionists to arrange the US Embassy move from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, and Trump was also okay to commemorate 70 yrs of illegitimate Zionist occupation in Palestine to mark Old Testament Israel's 70 yrs of captivity to the Babylonians from ± 586–516 BC. A medal was minted in gold for this occasion with Trump's mug on it. Find a link here https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/129185/israeli-group-mints-trumps-face-on-coin-following-us-embassy-move-to-jerusalem/.

If you read the link I've attached, of which there are many, this 70 yr commemoration has to do with getting rid of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosque on the temple mount in Jerusalem, and replace with the "proposed" third temple (2 Thessalonians 2). The question that's begging is how are they going to remove/destroy the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosque?

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Trump is NOT under the Zionist spell. Who do you think is behind taking them down? TRUMP!!!

Jerusalem used to be the capitol of Palestine. When the US supported Israel, we moved our US Embassy to Tel Aviv. What do you think it means, now, to move it BACK to Jerusalem? It means it will belong to Palestine once more. Did you not notice Trump never attended the opening? If that move was for Israel...and Trump was supportive of them...don't you think it would have been VERY important for him to have attended? But that opening was sans Trump.

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We would like that there is no dirt on Trump, and he is America's hope, but it ain't like that. Trump was bought a long time ago by the Jewish cabal who made him the billionaire he is today. It may be that he doesn't agree with all the cabal's policies, but he has to service the their need otherwise they can turn very nasty on him. The indictments against Trump may be to warn him that they can easily imprison him if they want.

If Trump becomes president, he will be required to support the illegitimate "State of Israel" by supplying armaments and troops to continue the genocide there. He will also have to support the US's proxy war between Russia and Ukraine. President's are not able to make their own decisions without Zionist interference.

What is required for an honest US government is a complete overhaul of both the house and the senate.

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I believe...very soon...you're going to discover all that you believe of Trump is wrong.

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Then why did Trump say “Finish The Job” to Netanyahu.

Why hasn’t Trump called for a ceasefire?

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I guess you're not aware that Netanyahu is not Netanyahu? Take a good look at the current one and you'll see it's NOT Netanyahu. The REAL one has been executed.

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Zionism is a disease. Speaking TRUTH is the cure! Free Palestine 🇵🇸

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The numbers all have logistics of their own...really depends on what o-r who you read in so called HISTORY???? 70 Million in Russia? I have read sixty and that sticks in my head... but is that true? One thing for sure the Talmud states that Jews can lie to Goyim without being chastised as long as it benefits Jews...LOL !!! I'm with you on the Idea o-f 274,000, so say the revisionist! Propaganda runs the governments of most countries'... Just seems the true is hard to- find no matter what you read... Not being there or anywhere in those times just makes the truth a wet noodle!

I do appreciate your comments, it's hard to find those that will stick their neck out...considering today's climate of Jewish disinformation-misinformation ana they want to destroy any that disagree with them, and they own the media... We can all be crapped on in a moment of time if the media gets a hold on us!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

WW3 will start after the jew devil tries to kill Vova, and Russia will immediately nuke shitsrael. The safety of 7m jews gathered in Palestine (incl 750k US passport weinsteins) is what's preventing the Russian emigre jew kagans now in control of the great satan from using the US to renew a conflict that started way back in the 10 century when Russki wiped out their khazar kingdom in the Caspian and scattered them. After Israel is wiped out there will be nothing left to prevent the genrikh yegodas arranging another WW goyim cull. It appears Yahweh (or Allah or whatever u call Him) has subcontracted the job of ridding the world of the remnant neanderthal genes in the khazars, no more hagari ears, or cuomo funeral faces, or bibi inveterate lying, or goyim holodomor. This means us goys should move out of Brooklyn, NJ, LA, Philly, N London, Florida where Russian missiles will find another 5m khazars, its not only tagine that has drawn a very prescient KB to Morocco!! And Pompeos Kingdom of Heaven on earth can then arise, with Satan's spawn out of the way. Only problem is the southern baptist zios will miss out on "rapture", as Jesus (pbuh) will no longer be required to come down and do the needfull.

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We're in WWIII right now...but it's a war of our minds...not bullets and bombs. The bullets and bombs war you speak of will not happen.

Pompeo is a traitor to our country. He KNEW the COVID-19 was engineered and a Fake Pandemic but never told Trump...not until one of those 3:00 PM press conferences, where Pompeo divulged that information. Trump was standing right behind him and you could hear him say, "I wish you would have told me!" Pompeo is just another of the many RINO Israel-owned arse-kissers.

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I always suspected trumps repeated "China virus, China virus" rants were meant to deflect from the great Satan's GoF work turning covid into a bioweapom at Fort Detrick.

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It's very difficult to assess Trump's comments and actions, as he's playing a very dangerous game that's needed to be played, in order to take down the Global Zionist Satanic system. He has all the facts...we don't.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Another example of trump "honesty" (spin) is "we are in Syria for the oil". To fool the Turks into thinking the great satan is in Syria to midwife a nascent puppet kurd state by protecting the PKK/SDF kurd rebels. All this talk about Scottish ancestry and golf in Scotland is one big yiddish spin too, he is a dumpf jew from Germany!! Dem yids know how to grassy knoll goyim.

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Trump's father had ancestral roots in Germany. His mother's roots are from Scotland.

It's clear you don't know the situation around Syria. OBAMA got us into Syria to dethrone Assad...a move orchestrated by ISRAEL. Trump's ONLY involvement in Syria was to get our troops out of there...which he did.

Trump believes every country has a right to live within sovereign borders and run their own country. Where Trump draws the line is Human Trafficking and the SEX TRAFFICKING of children. Since abducted American children are flown all over the world for sex...he's made it his mission to end that practice. THAT was what the Capitulation Tour was all about. Trump notified each of those countries with the PROOF they were involved in Child Sex Trafficking and organ harvesting and they had to stop! Israel was using Palestinian children and others for their horrific biz...

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???? "Trump's ONLY involvement in Syria was to get our troops out of there" so what are they still doing there, please no caps. .

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When Gaza was cleared of Israelis, it was to make them a target without 'Jewish sheilds'. Is the Settler Colony, as Fadi calls it, now making itself a target with no native inhabitants? It would be entirely a military outpost. Interesting side-effect of ethnic cleansing.

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Isrehell... if more Americans would besome aware of who controls the worlded we live in... Then maybe we might find a way to combat all the Jewish propaganda and the Devils mental state of false reality!

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We have too many Christians dealing with Holocaust guilt...just like the Jews intended. Little do these Christians know that no more than 274,000 Jews died during WWII...not the SIX MILLION these lying Jews have preached. The REAL Holocaust was the over 70 MILLION Russians that died, during that war...either directly or indirectly because of the war. Many died of starvation.

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Thank you for writing this. Needed to be done. Please write more on this subject and, if possible, how do we fix it?

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I wonder which members of congress got

an Israeli gift increase during this GAZA


You know alittle bump from their prior gift.

Just to see there is also no delay in the billions

they get from EVERY American tax payer.

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The ICC is another of the Rothschild organizations that works hand-in-hand with the UN. Now that Bibi has outlived his usefulness...to keep the Jew victimhood alive and well...time to pull the plug on one of their own, as a bad boy.

Note: Bibi has already been executed...what we're seeing lately is either a double or a mask-wearer.

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