Today Christians celebrate the birth of their Savior—by supporting the Hebrew Holocaust of the Palestinians. More than 20,000 dead, mostly women & children, and nearly 500,000 maliciously wounded condemn the foul hypocrisy of Christianity. They will be judged & their support for the savage Apartheid Entity will finally destroy it

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True of the crazed evangelical and rapture-mad bible thumpers. True Christians and all other sincerely spiritual people of all faiths abhor violence and want an end to all wars and PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO ALL!

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If World Peace required turning Israel into a smoking hole in the ground, is that a fair price?

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For years, the Jewish people have been able to leverage the holocaust to evoke worldwide sympathy. In this short period of time, they have convinced the world that those sympathies were misplaced, and that they are no better than those they claimed persecuted them, and, in fact, they're equally barbaric as the worst of Nazi atrocities, as in the case of the Nazi siege of Warsaw Ghetto of 1940-41.

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I agree that the Warsaw Ghetto is a good analogy, up to a point. But the victors' history of WW2 we've all been taught is a feel-good myth. Reality was very different. See: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-nakba-and-the-holocaust/ https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-gaza-and-the-anti-semitism-hoax/

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There are so many lies about WW1 and 2, who started them both, why? Of course, it goes back to the group we are talking about here, who enrich themselves using control of the currency, turn around and enslave the population through debt and political control, essentially using our own money as a weapon against us. There are so many things I know, reading deeply as I do into these subjects 4-5 hours a day, things most people would refuse to accept. But I'm sure it's the same with you. Knowledge is a heavy burden to carry. But ignorance, while it may lighten that load, denies one the ability to recognize the world's realities. L. Frank Baum's 'man-behind-the-curtain' analogy was far deeper than anyone suspected.

يعتبر from a fellow WI-ite. MWG

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The price that Israel will definitely pay will be some time in the future, we know that. However, the killing must be stopped now, on this special day.

Zionist-Christians like Charlie Kirk are not real Christians...killing innocent women and children. Would Jesus approve of what they're doing?

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Netanyahu's angry Christmas message was depressing, completely missing the point of Jesus's message of peace and love.

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Kevin , from your lips to Gods ear!

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Ameen, Amy Harlib

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