Kevin, I think this proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Jews, and the Israelis, use food as a weapon against those who don't closely follow the Jewish script about the Holo-hoax, October 7th, and the many other Jewish ferry tales, or is it tails.

This morning, the Jewish Federation of Portland and twelve other Jewish terrorist organizations announced that they were withdrawing over two million dollars in support from the Oregon Food Bank because of a press release sent out by the Food Bank. The press release simply called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, and had the aydacity to say that all people deserve to have food. It also briefly mentioned the indiscriminate bombing of civilians and the alleged atrocities of October 7th.

I think this clearly shows how vengeful Jewish people can be. A couple of people at the Food Bank say something that doesn't perfectly kiss the massive ass of the Jew and repeat the Jewish narrative, over and over, and over, they resort to collective punishment of all the poor, hungry people in Portland, rather than the person, or persons, who wrote this fairly accurate press release.

Fortunately, the Food Bank stands by their statement and won't be intimidated by these zealot Jews, including our own Senator Ron Wyden. Jewish Voices for Peace has come out and backed the Food Bank completely. Maybe next time you have Dave Rovics on your show, he can talk about this sort of collective punishment in Portland, not to say the people in Gaza aren't suffering far, far worse.

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"how vengeful Jewish people can be."?

"JEWISH PEOPLE"? Ashkenazi Talmudist Communists and genocidal racist Zionist mercenaries working for the USA-UK-EU-UNO!

"how vengeful"?

Their own Holy Scriptures including their post-Judaic Talmud (not the one translated for the Goyim!) say it all!

6-8 billion humans scared of some 10-20 million JOOZ? Wow!


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Put another way, as I've done for decades, is that Isra-Hell is THE problem in the ME...and ((The Tribe)) is the main problem in the world and has been for 2000+ years.

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I wonder if the US & the West will come to realize

that its number 1 ENEMY is Israel.

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Well-argued by Kevin and Shabbir. All praise to the Iran government for demonstrating to the barbaric squatters in the Holy Land that their inhumane Genocide of the Palestinians, especially of the innocent people of Gaza cruelly starved, bombed, deprived of aid, water and defences, suffering a real holocaust, will bring the military response ultimately needed to halt the murderous dictatorship. If only it could be done without endangering the precious Persian homeland, for example; by a UN Peace-keeping force comprising some of the 150+ Nations that have condemned the criminal Zionist terrorist regime, aided by the USA, complicit in those crimes.

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As salaamu 'alaykum!

I know I am a bad speaker, but Shabir Razvi is a lot worse!

And Marcia Hashemi needs training sessions in SMILING!

Love you all!


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As a “free subscriber”, I have no right to say much, and I do not want to say much as it almost always proved USELESS!

I am even convinced there was never an “ISLAMIC REVOLUTION”! There was nothing Islamic about it, just a US coup to depose THEIR SHAH of Iran Reza Pahlavi! They did murder one of THEIR KINGS of Saudia, didn’t they? As they murdered one of their Dictators, Monsieur Saddam Hussain! As for the greatest African leader of modern times, Tent Dwelling Muammar al Ghaddafi (Muammar Al Qathafi), he and his politicians should have read the Holy Book of Islam instead of trusting his Great Green Book, GREATER than the entire fabricated Torahs, Bibles, and the Vedas put together! See Chapter Seven “THE LAW OF SOCIETY”, but he and his helpers criminally neglected the Wisdom, Guidance and Recommendations of the Holy Book of Islam, Al Kitaab, Al-Furquaan, Al-Qur’an where it explicitly forbids Muslims to ally with the Jews and Christians when they are allied with each other (AGAINST ISLAM)! He met with Catholic-Jew Nicolas Sarkozy in December 2007 in Paris and he was tricked by one and all including some 6 million so-called Muslims (Charles Pasqua figure in the 1990s?) and, with Zionist Jew Bernard Henri Levi in the lead, France destroyed Libya.

When, as Mayor of extremely wealthy Neuilly-sur-Seine, Sarkozy attempted to attack me physically, he nearly received my left fist in his face. When I enquired with his staff why he was so wild, one lady told me: Did you not know he was Jewish? Sincerely, I didn’t! Later, I learnt he was of Hungarian origins with links with Salonika where the Crypto-Jews Young Turks were also trained, and also working for the Knesset with the Mafia Pasqua-Chirac-Macron. Ever since I called him SARKOZY OF THE KNESETT especially after I heard him say he would never shake hands with anybody who does not accept the “State of Israel”, the US Apartheid Terrorist Military Base in Occupied Palestine.

On Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle, I once chased one of Chirac’s authorised money donation collectors who showed up at my hotel (Windsor Hotel) and showed me a list of Chirac’s “donors” for the purpose of murdering Imâm Khomeiny who France had sent to take the place of the US-UK SHAH Reza Pahlavi after he had been driven out for refusing the terms of US-UK about oil! Reza’s son was in or would join the US Air force? Of course, I refused and chased him out on to the Boulevard from the Rex Cinema to Madame Tussauds. The young man was terrified. The French were training Iraqi male and female military to attack Iran so-hated and targeted by the US-SAUDI military. France sent Imâm Khomeiny back to Iran to do their biddings, but once there he kicked them in the butt.

(NUCLEAR) “Zionists are a paper tiger militarily” and “the enemies of all mankind”??? Over 1 billion “Christians” and over 1 billion Hindutvas support them – including hundreds of millions of Muslim traitors and hypocrites!

Enough, now!


Tuesday 4 June 2024

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This was very good. Here we are off the grid and miss the downloadable audios

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Maybe I should take a poll to see how many listeners/viewers want me to go back to just posting audios at Substack, and linking the Rumble videos?

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That means you won't post your great satire anymore, Kevin?

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Cheers to your Morocco life and Truth Jihad***Seems best to enjoy your advancement in your studio and restore the audio download for those of us with low gigabits.

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