The incessant cacaphony of annfrank, auschwitz, elieweasel, swindlerslist, etc, does not stop for a second to consider a basic truth, the Almighty (aka Yahweh) kept silent and did not intervene, really the ashkenazi devils should be hiding in a corner in shame. Theyr now accumulating sins like they did in Eastern Europe, in the Middle East. And once again the Almighty may be expected to remain silent on the carnage, whilst His cause and effect mechanism corrects for the misdeeds. If only goyim would put a stop to their genrikh yegoda behaviour, since in the correction many millions of goyim will inevitably end up dead as collateral damage. The time to act is now and cull the remnant neanderthal genes of the Caspian khazar ashkenazi before all of homo sapiens perishes.

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My question as Kevin notes is: did the CIA or Mossad or both being down Raisi’s chopper. Do hope that Iran’s leadership playing it close to the best & will impose appropriate revenge

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