2021 Jerusalem Post Chief Rabbi Yosef: "Science, maths are nonsense"

2024 Times of 🇮🇱 "decline in Israeli students’ international maths & science test scores" now @ no 35 in intl world rankings

Ron Unz "Israel ultra-Orthodox Jewish subpopulation, which has been growing rapidly, generally shows lower academic performance, contributing to the overall decline in average Jewish academic achievement"

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Jews rule the west???

When did you become captain obvious???

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

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Bingo!***directed to Mr.Fish...

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There are tens of millions of primitives, brainwashed, "Left Behind' Christian-Zionist ZOMBIES, who promote, support the Demonic Talmudic-Supremacist Zionist-Apartheid TERROR State of Israel, like the Ex. CIA Guy, Mike POMPEO and Ex, GOV. of Arkansas, Mike HUCKABEE, just to name 2, well known ZOMBIES! Christian-Zionism is an OXYMORON!

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Sadly at least 13 Million nknown evangelical duped folk..not all American or European or other Christians support any of the Scofield bible idiotic millenarian inverted erroneous counter factual dispensational misinformation ..that...they will kill for...* Then again..throughout history every race tribe tongue and religion has it's outstanding evil cults..**

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My father was Jew; I have been looking into this deeply for over 50 years! it's not a pretty picture! I don't feel so alone anymore, when I read comments like yours. I have been without out community for so long, I feel like a pariah. This is a great conversation.

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'Only TRUTH will set us Free! Try to adopt the 'Golden Rule' and live by it? In Judaism; 'What would cause pain if done to You, do not do to your Neighbor!' TIKKUN OLAM! Try to be a 'MENSCH'?!

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I like how you make that comment China has the most powerful economy. Who are your top 25 entrepreneurs in China not including Hong Kong or Shanghai do you even know one? How about thanks to the tax code thanks to the club of room thanks to the Jews whoever or whatever is responsible everything is made in a Chinese razor wire facility and when it comes out of that facility it's ready for the garbage dump because it doesn't have any quality features whatsoever it's just garbage packaged up ready to come to Long Beach and go on a long trip. I know you're a gomer Kevin you were a college professor that says a lot about where your head has been the last 5 decades but here's something for you to ignore:




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Excellent comment"*Thanks..God Bless..... ,...Now it's time'. Rearm Now"

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It is a diseased cult, and if they want the DNA fingerprint for their cult, to call themselves another "race" and god's chosen people, then, well, they shall be blood libeled.

Human stain, and, again, Kevin stated that around 90 percent in Isra-Hell are for the killing, starving, baby splatting, mother mauling, raping and poisoning.

Generous. And, this number, 15.9 million Jews in the world. WHere do those guys and gals and theys get these figures?

The Point Two Solution, the Final Solution?


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It’s an interesting perspective and there is some truth. They are declassifying the 911 papers but (not clear what this means) they are checking with our allies first. Hmmm why do we need to check with allies to declassify anything. Now that is probably fear. I would say under Biden the U.S. was reeking with fear as Biden was off and on declaring his U.S. citizens bad names. He blamed the covid plague on the unvaccinated multiple times. He had these draconian vaccine mandates that forced young babies to get a shot they didn’t need. He opened the borders and allowed the drug cartels to rule some cities and a million people died of fentanyl overdoses. And, of course, he used the taxpayer money to enrich himself and his buddies with money laundering wars and a lax bureaucracy . Plus he ruined our reputation with the genocide in Palestine. His staff was heavily Jewish—maybe that chief of staff was like a Stalin henchman. So…. I think Trump is a whole lot better and with Bobby in HHS there won't be forced vaccination. But is the West over, done, finished. I think it will be a multi-polar world, not a world of U.S. hegemony—that part is over. Will we who live in the U.S. live in total fear worse than China? Will Americans migrate to China like the Chinese migrate here to have free speech? Hmmm It won’t be the first time that Islam has written off the West.

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We Intuit that this is a magisterial incisive balanced if not stentorian comment..though we are not trumptards we generically concur with Kapire s overall excellent comment...u funnily enough..we sympathize more with many of the maga peoples non Jewish goals .we just know better than to trust jewdevil chabad Satan cult convert fjtrumpdig..the obvious Zionist kabalist anti Christian anti white pro Jew domination trumprat ..at the end of the day and all even now .the...*trumprat as better--than --Jesus---*clowns are quickly become BG ..*trumprat *disappointment*syndrome"folk...we think pump and dump bibsey twin elites trchnocrTbFoolmRl--On-Muskrat .the..Jew or crypto Jew is full of demons ..but we don't worry...it's not over till the fat lady sings..**Still we hope that female Jewish animal who wrongly excoriated.. mischaracterized.. slurred Kevin s last podcast...when Prof Barrett was merely correctly exposing Isreali--Jewish genocides.... largely supported total holocausting. ...--Total exterminations....genocide of Palestine ...as. simply.satanic. feminazi Jewish screeching..She will have her chance on the Last Day to explain every idle word to AlM Mighty Jesus Christ**cast ..as inciting massmurderi of jews

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Typos..Kapoore... Unfunnily enough... Jewish bobdeybteins .or batman and Robin types .El--On Muskrat..and trumpdog..**Technocrats both"

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Typo Kapoore s comment. And....that Jewish female hysterics mischaracterizibg Kevin ns abjectly correct dissent on isreali --Jewish massmurder of Palestinians*You don't have to be muslim--were Not *..we are non sectarian Christians ...----to oppose Jewish Genocides*

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Actually, I can’t say I totally understand your response. I am not Jewish, but Christian. I recall the story of the wheat and the weeds, and can apply it to the Jewish things. Yes, there are weeds in the wheat, but don’t forget there is the wheat—the good mixed in—in fact, the very good. You don’t want to condemn what might be very good with the obviously bad. So… better to focus on the good, and let God take care of the bad.

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The Antisemitism Policy Trust produced "Conspiracy Theories: A guide for members of parliament and candidates" which turns out to be quite revealing -one does wonder why the authors believed these theories are all anti-Semitic. https://antisemitism.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Conspiracy-Theory-Guide.pdf

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The Chinese are the last great hope for mankind.

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Tell that to Falun Gong and Christian political dissenters s "*

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I suspect the CCP is a more reliable source than Falun Gong (which may not be saying much....)

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Hi Kevin..we hope the funding works out for you.If..and when you have time ..perhaps you would podcast on why Jews and many Muslims ..some Catholics too…seem Hell bent on stamping out any views but their own*. This cultish small minded dogmatic absolutist..obscurantism is as old as Cain and Abel..sure..but some restraint is nesecery as in 2025 many folks can't even have a civilized genuine discussion on this or any other real subject… Perhaps start with Jew Satan Cult Chabad lubavitch..**In any case..all best..don't let the Jews muzzle you. Don't let the Jews destroy you.font let the Jews get you down good buddy..we know you mean well…**

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I agree that "cultish small minded dogmatic absolutist..obscurantism" is a problem, including (especially?) in the Islamic world. It's the main reason Muslims haven't been able to unite and send the Zionists home.

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Well we can get only hope..even if against hope..that our beloved Muslim brothers and sisters will come to their senses and openly decimate eviscerate.eliminate..remove forever.. the actual historical and current..livid..depraved demon filled enemy of all truth ..the classic enemy of all Spiritual Righteousness..the oldest known enemy of AllMighty. Jesus Christ..and the enemy of all Non Jewish Mankind”

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All best Kevin.We wrote a reply.Politely if you can ..confirm that you received it Too much..fake freedom of speech no real reach occuring.**

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Why does Li Hongzhi live in NYC?

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Li Hong zhi apparently lives in upstate New York..maybe..just maybe.most free Chinese people have realized that state capitalism ..mental slavery..zero toleration of dissent..is no good for anyone except tyrants..we admit it…we love the free Chinese who escaped”*..

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Totally impossible anyone would use a religious sect to subvert the state. The mental slaves are in the West because we think we're free.

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We absolutely cherish our Chinese NON COMMUNIST friends..first this was a really fun fine podcast..does Hua. Bin speak about the continuing horrifying Emperor Zi s policy of organ harvesting of Falun Gong ...Falun Dafa members strictly against their free will? Does Hua Bin.

speak of the Mainland red dragon Chinese serpent unelected imposed Neo Stalinist brother persecution of Christians also?..**. We get it if he doesn't...if he does please do more----.all of us generically prefer to remain alive but..we hope the obvious organ harvesting relationship between Red Dragon Mainland Communist China s government and Isreal..the main buyer of illegal organs harvested from dissenters..is exposed.retributed and ended. It is not sufficient only to talk of Muslims persecuted by Mainland China s emperor Zi... Again for all thinking....sentient.. moral Americans..it's time**Rearm Now**

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If the Catholic Church is still strong among Chinese, which I believe it is, then the Jesuit Marxist are not far from the center of power; who directed that Marxist revolution? The Jesuit order was founded by a Jew! they were at the heart of all the Marxist revolutions!

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Kevin, you are wrong about Russian Central Bank. It is controlled by the West.

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Controlled in what sense? By being a member of BIS? By having a Rothschild stooge in charge? Or what?

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On Russian economy, you can interview Professor Valentin Katasonov. He is a retired Russian economist and speaks excellent English.

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Great talk, by the way. I do not know what Western banks owns them, but by their policies, you can know them. Unlike Chinese banks, Russian banks do not support Russian economy. The Russian Central Bank make Russian banks issue unfavorable loans to Russian businesses. Even during the current state of war, it obeys the dictates of the IMF. For example, domestic loans are allowed only to the extent of the reserves in hard, non-Russian currency. The result is that the money is still leaving for the West and there is not much domestic investment.

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Thank you. Do you have contact info for Professor Katasonov?

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Yes, I do. How can I send it to you?

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email truthjihad(at)gmail

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I have sent an email to you.

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MORE evidence that 'its the Jews' is a true statement

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Kevin, on a different topic I was wondering if you ever asked Dr. Denis Rancourt for an interview to talk about COVID. His research counters Ron's take on COVID. Rancourt argues there was no pandemic. Chossudovsky has published a lot of his work on GlobalResearch.ca and Rancourt testified at Canada's independent inquiry on COVID at the National Citizens Inquiry. https://rumble.com/v2wpyqu-national-citizens-inquiry-denis-rancourt-virtual-testimony.html. There Was No Pandemic by Dr. Denis Rancourt, https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/denis-rancourt

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I interviewed him several times pre-COVID. https://www.unz.com/?s=Rancourt&Action=Search&authors=kevin-barrett&ptype=all But during COVID I invited him a couple of times and didn't hear back, so I gave up.

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If I've observed correctly on Unz's site, Ron has completely ignored Dr. Denis Rancourt's research whereby he argues there was no COVID pandemic.

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I think Rancourt is wrong about "no COVID" just like he was wrong about "no controlled demolition on 9/11." I have seem some of the "no COVID" arguments and (a) they are weak, and (b) they were obviously promoted by the people tasked with covering up the US bio-attack on China and Iran.

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I can't recall his take on a possible US bio-attack on China and Iran but I recall his argument that the deaths we saw during COVID before the shots started we're on average to other years and the deaths we saw were due to govt mandates, behaviour,etc...which caused damage and/or death, and after the shots started he says that we saw an increase in deaths due to the shots. And if I recall correctly from what he said, COVID was a type of pneumonia which could have easily been managed as normal but govt/medical authorities intervention prevented doctors from prescribing and following typical methods of treatment for such conditions. Anyway, you probably know this already about him, but i thought of elaborating for those who might not know of Dr. Denis Rancourt.--https://www.globalresearch.ca/there-was-no-pandemic-dr-denis-rancourt/5824976

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Wow! He never replied. That's a shocker for me.

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