Oct 14Liked by Kevin Barrett

Such an excellent commentary, Kevin! Thank you so much for your clarity in explaining how the Axis of Resistance is fighting a military war against military targets, whereas the Israelis are fighting a terrorist war against civilian targets.

What is missing is that many, many Jews scattered throughout the diaspora, especially American Jews, are just as supportive of terrorist wars as Israelis. Too many anti-Zionist Jews would like us to believe that Israelis are a whole different species of Jews.

(I know you know this, just pointing out that this important fact happens to not get mentioned here.)


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Thank you, Cat. I do think American Jews are much more divided on the issue, and much less psychotically genocidal, than Israeli Jews. But a major segment of the American Jewish community, especially those who strongly consider themselves part of that community, are enabling the genocide.

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Excellent observation by Cat. Thank you for noticing and mentioning that.

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Just love reading on Al Mayadeen & the Cradle about how Hezbollah guerrilla attacks are chewing up the satanic ZioBeasts

I exult in the death of every one of them, knowing they can’t terrorize any more civilians

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Good work, Hezbollah inspires the world with their resolve, moral clarity, and courage against the depraved psychotic Zionists.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

In all fairness, just like the zio devils do, evacuation orders should be given to N Telavivs 700,000 Havaara civilians sent there by hitler (1933-39), before a bunker buster mini nuke is let off there, to destroy the 5000 capacity US built nuclear bunker and dekapotate the israeli leadership hiding there including the antichrist satanyahu. .

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Thank you, Kevin. I’m a long time reader of your work, mostly on Unz. If I might drop a relevant perspective from the Russian Orthodox perspective: what the Zionists seek is exactly what Christ told them they could not have, and that they’d misunderstood everything. And so we know what happened.

I am not sure that the poor deluded “Christian Zionists” (they are not Christian) are aware of what’s planned for them. I hope they’ll wake up before it’s too late. And it’s later than we know.

Thanks again for your work. The horror of this is unspeakable.

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Hey Dr. Barrett, thank you for good work.

Your last few posts haven’t been sent to my inbox. I had to click on your profile to see your work. It turns out I missed a couple interviews and posts. Just a heads up in case that wasn’t intentional.

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Slightly less enthusiastic comment…I watched Alastair Crooke interview this morning and he gave the historical context of the coming together of the Zionists and Scoop Jackson—how they plotted this scenario where the U.S. colonizes (oops I was wrong there is a colonialist part) and Israel hard liners go along with a bombing campaign to make the Near East unlivable and so the people would leave and Israel could have its Jewish state and the U.S. has oil (not sure about that but some kind of dominance). Like Kevin, Crooke says the media is doing a “gas lighting” job that things are going well, that the plan is unfolding perfectly. But in fact this is not the case. The U.S. weaponry is not working and Israel is vulnerable. They lost a very valuable weapon like a radar thing to an Iranian missile, plus they haven’t gotten even a mile into Lebanon and are having casualties. So… now the cafeteria drone strike and the loss of possibly 5 killed and 70 wounded. In the meantime, supposedly Haifa is bombed daily. But alas the other part of this secret pact (the U.S.) is sending more weapons and 100 troops (army guys) into the area. It’s heating up, not cooling down. So, all is tragically unfolding exactly as it looks like to Kevin says, and to the detriment of the U.S.—don’t see any good ending here. There is no neutral position either, and sadly I am not with my country.

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