Go you courageous Hamas Freedom Fighters!!!

All you Palm Beach pedos enjoy, while the bullets and bombs rang down on your Gaza Paradise!

Three hundred years ago, the generals would lead the troops in to battle. If Trump wants to take over Gaza, he ought to strap on the boots and lead the troops. I wonder how long his military career would last? Oh yeah, he's never been a soldier. And you notice, almost all former-soldiers are against war, I wonder why...

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'October 7, 2023' was a FALSE FLAG, designed, set up, allowed by SATANyahu and his cabinet of Devils, to save the A--s of Satanyahu at the price of Israeli and Palestinian 'Sacrificial Lambs'!

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Yikes. Shifting baeline for what "win" means in the 21st Century of the Jew.

Right, brother. A million Palestinians will be dead spiritually and physically, lives cut short, complex trauma and depression and, well, like ghosts, with rotting bodies of loved ones picked over by feral dogs.

Trump told reporters that he wants to expel “all” Palestinians from Gaza — not just during a period of reconstruction, but permanently.

“The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too,” Trump said during a press conference alongside Netanyahu. “We’ll own it … get rid of the destroyed buildings, level it out, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area … do something different, just can’t go back, if you go back, it’s gonna end up the same way it has for 100 years.”


And so every fucking word spoken, written, mouthed is scrubbed and picked up and stored and AI-ed and, well, the list of those so-called victors, Hamas, just gets longer and longer, and alas, expect some bio-warfare fun coming to an Arab and Hamas neighborhood and stronghold soon.

Pagers and cell phone? Shit, there ain't no cave a revolutionary fighter will be able to hide out in without the Talmudists and their bumblebee drones and hypodermics of poisons coming for them in the night.

Win, won, overcame, victory, landslide, overwhelmed? Take down? Nah.


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It appears you’ve inhaled the Arab/Muslim delusional smoke!

I Love your work and agree with 90% of what you say but…last night on the Richie Allen show you sounded worse then any Goyim hating Talmudic Jew i’ve had to endure! Calling for the annihilation of all Jews? I appreciate your probably frustrated and angry but to then propagate genocide on the Jewish people whilst propounding the current spate of Palestinian slaughtering as genocide as well! That my dear friend is hypocritical.

Back to the delusional smoke. I’ve lived in the Middle East most of my life (UAE, Saudi, Jordan and Egypt) and in Many Muslim countries (Pakistan etc) so very aware of the delusion of your “victory” mindset. A victory most Muslims I know propagate whilst lying beaten in the ring. They tend to find victory in the most obvious of defeats. To say Israel has surrendered and Hamas are victorious is rather naive coming from an intelligent bloke like yourself! Israel’s agenda is land grab and annihilation of the Palestinian pest. They have achieved this. From their perspective it’s a success. Their puppet Hamas is finished when they want them finished. The incursion over the walls looks like a false flag to me. The Hostages look like Mossad/IDF agents who have been fed and cared for by Hamas IDF/Mossad agents. Israel controls theough inversion. Israel is controlled through inversion. Gaza and soon the West Bank no longer exist. I am 100% pro Palestine and anti Zionist Israel. ZIONIST champions are pure evil and that includes the Christian Zionist who are perhaps as bigoted if not more, then the extreme Jewish bigots! But murder for murder is not the answer. Massive peaceful and total civil disobedience is. However as this will never happen I do think we are all finished. The cabal will do what they need to do. Palestine is but a stepping stone to this objective. Create hatred and stir up the plebs so that they can justify killing each other. Your anger and verbosity is just playing into their hands!

Jews are also pawns in this chess strategy. A front for the real evil that pervades our society. The bloodline families of Jews, Muslims, Bhudists, Hindus, Christians et all).

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I obviously did not call for the (physical) annihilation of all Jews, just a recognition that we are in a war and that "the Jews" are the enemy. (Not just of the Palestinians or Muslims, but of the West and the world.) You can't win a war if you can't correctly identify the enemy. The fact that you and others can't recognize the enemy who has taken over your institutions of power and steered them in a profoundly destructive direction speaks volumes of the degree of control the enemy has achieved over your thoughts and perceptions.

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Nice you get a reply from you Kevin. Like I said I agree with 90% of what you say. But I dont believe the Jews, albeit the Zionist Satanists (that includes many Christian's and atheists) play an integral part, are our chief enemies. They are the cannon fodder - the cloak that covers the shenanigans of the absolute Satanists. Isreal and its evil Knesset and blind Zionist supporters certainly need commupence and the wrath of the world charging down on them. But it goes much much deeper. Look at the Catholic Church of Satans brood. Look at the illuminate bloodlines. Look at ancient Babylon, Rome, Persia, Khazaria. Look there and you'll see pure evil. I believe the Zionist Azkenassi Crypto Jews are fronts for all this. Like satanic guards to the real evil. Everything is inverted.

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You are a trailblazer Kevin! Thank you for your resilience.

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