Let’s hope that the Cancerous ZioBeasts are given a massive dose of such drugs as to cure the region of them.

After all, the illegitimate & terrorist Christian Kingdom of “ Jerusalem “ lasted but 85 years

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The worst, you see, is not the magnitude and the immensity as well as the depth of the evil. The worst is that the world is watching, arms dangling, the spread of this tumor which, soon, or, is from now on, out of reach of any possible cure given its metastatic spread...

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"Metastasizing Israel threatens all of us."

"ISrahell is a racist apartheid state of raving, fucking lunatics, who sworn to bring the world to destruction."

— Brendon O'Connell - https://v.gd/WQusms

"They are setting up to exterminate us. This is not a game. … They are going from the war against Persia to the war against Persia and all of the eurasianist forces of Gog and Magog against the Leviathan, and that spells death for everyone!"

— Christopher Jon Bjerknes - https://v.gd/Lg8h2q

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"This is reality: May 14,1948 God fulfilled ancient prophecy to the letter and the world was astonished as Israel was reborn in a single day."

This is of course total bullshit.

The people of ISrahell/[BEEP] are Amalek/Edom/Esau they claim all others are.

The people of ISrahell have nothing in common with the ancient Israelites.

The people they slaughter since the 1930s are Semites.

Only a few people of ISrahell are really Semites.

It's all a gargantuan fraud and the Westeners are too stupid do understand what is really going on. They still believe all the lies, the propaganda and the bs of ISrahell, the Zionist scum and the [BEEP].

Btw, I am an agnostic, and sorry but I cannot take people seriously who talk about some God in heaven directing the great world show with his HAL 9000.



"The majority of men is not capable of thinking but only believing, and are not accessible to reason, but only to authority and emotion.“

— Arthur Schopenhauer

EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD - https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/ | https://v.gd/CqbUza

THE ARCHITECT - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v3vkrce-the-architect.html

"Six billion idol worshippers, who makes God angry every second of their life: Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Tibet, Napal, Thailand, so many. India alone is five hundred millions, China is two billion, so many. Two billion Christians, which are idol worshippers. Between Chinese, Indians, Hindus, Buddhist and Christian at least six, six and a half billion people are idol worshippers, that according to the Torah do not have the right to live."

— Rabbi Josef Mizrachi - https://rumble.com/v3vkrce-the-architect.html?start=453

"In just 130 years, one specific tribe has managed to not only control the commerce of the world but almost every aspect of cultural appropriation. This has been achieved through media and academic institutions of which they control. They are embedded deep within European and all western governments. The end goal is to destroy these nations, then rule over the ashes. They are slowly achieving this, solely due to the apathy and the lack of critical thinking by the citizens of these nations. The "architect" plays the victim, which insulates him from criticism and accountability. Our world is in extreme danger if this is not stopped."

THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4gg0al-the-architect.html

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they find their true selves.... then others die.... as Jesus said their father was a murderer from the beginning..... like father like children

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And the cancer has certainly spread to America,.

For example, Biden says he's against the death penalty, so why didn't he commute the sentence of everyone on federal death row? And Bobby Bowers, who may have been justified in what he did, is still going to be put to death . That's curious, other than Dylann Roof, who didn't get their sentence commuted...

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Oh, that whore, Esther:

Project Esther lays out sweeping tactics aimed at dismantling our movement within the first two years of Trump re-entering office.

The paper proposes a multitude of strategies to attack our movement, including identifying “foreign members vulnerable to deportation” and enlisting law enforcement to “generate uncomfortable conditions” for pro-Palestine activists.

Project Esther also includes surveillance of organizers, "lawfare" tactics, and attempts at sewing mistrust between sectors, organizations, & individuals.

While the immediate target for Project Esther is the Palestine solidarity movement, we know that this is an attack on all people who are fighting for justice.

Just as our enemies use Gaza as a lab for weapons and tactics that then come back to brutalize our own communities here in the U.S., they are also using the Palestine movement as a lab for how to repress other movements.

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Israel is NOT a cancer. Most cancers can be cured today.

Instead, Israel is a virus, and the only way to cure a virus is to completely destroy it...

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Ahh, Jewsades, brother, the Century of the Jew is a prion, no cancer. You can't kill it with heat, blasts from a furnace, and the deadly Mad Goy Disease just folds and folds into the Goyim's head.

Read up . . .


There will be blood, man . . .


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Kevin and Wyatt. You two are a piece of work. Both of you are spiritually dead. Dead though you walk and breathe. Israel will receive the punishment he deserves. The punishment that a disobedient, rebellious and stiffnecked firstborn son will suffer to bring him to the place of repentance. That’s the outcome of the Great Tribulation yet ahead. Bottom line, the very blasphemous, egregiously corrupt and loathingly evil nation you and your readers/listeners describe so thoroughly, will, in the end, rule all the Gentile nations of the earth. Isreal will rule and bless all the earth via a King/Priest ministry in a Theocracy. That rule lasts for 1k years. The period required to put down all remaining Gentile rebellion. Be sure you are on the right side of the blood. Israel remains God’s Chosen for this very purpose. A purpose He created Israel for way back in Exodus. God will have the last word. He always does.

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Spiritually dead people are the ones who accept or support satanic/yahwist genocide. Spiritually alive people resist.

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Kevin. I agree with you, and this puts me at odds with virtually all of orthodox (small o) Christianity.

To accept the character depicted in the Hebrew scriptures (Yahwea) as the one true God of the universe does at least two things to the mind of the one who does this. It sets up impossible cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile the idea of God being Love or Truth (Logos) with the character depicted in the Hebrew scriptures. This dissonance destroys the mind of those attempting to do this leaving them either blind to the grotesque acts of the Yahwea character, or renders them functionally atheists.

The other thing it does is set up a state of metaphysical dihimitude to the Hebraic authors of said scriptures. If you accept these scriptures as "true", really in any sense, then you must accept the character at the center of them Yahwea as truly the supreme God of the universe and therefore everything he says or does as "good." Everything else is downstream. This is why for example it was difficult to accept the sun as the gravitational center of the solar system an not earth, or biological evolution, or anything besides young earth creation. But these are at least not central to faith or morality (and are not things for which the Catholic church has claimed infallibility). More seriously orthodox Christians find themselves having the make ridiculous excuses for things like killing all the babies involved in the Israelite conquest (which is repeatedly and plainly ordered by Yahwea) as justified, as one of your guests did (muh the Canaanites were really bad so killing them is OK). Were the babies bad? Whatever the Canaanites may have done the babies were certainly innocent. The only way one can preserve their sanity seems to be to either view the Hebrew scriptures as fiction or to impose very tortured "interpretations" on the text that we would not apply to any other. The latter seems to be the approach of orthodox Christianity all of the early leaders of which were these Hebraic people who didn't think of their scriptures as fiction and obviously had no problem with the immorality of the Israelite conquest for example (there are countless examples of grotesque and obvious immorality commanded by Yahwea in the Hebrew scriptures, and just one is impossible if this was truly the word of a true and good God). You mentioned that Islam re-interprets the Hebrew scriptures and somehow makes sense of this? Please press E. M. Jones next time hes on and don't let him just dismiss it.

Also are you Sunni or Shia or something else? Or will this get you into some sort of trouble if you declare (please don't then I'm just curious).

I am beginning to think Marcion and his followers had a point and perhaps the Gnostics.

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William...What you have written is Scofield bible evangelical Satan -deceived inverted cult nonsense.**AllMighty Jesus Christ does not" need "JEWS or any homicidal psychotic "entity"to do His Work (s) for Him..**All are called to repentance by free will ..not coercion...He does not stop JEWS from repenting..on the contrary...They said..**let His blood be on our heads and on our children s heads*The Deocidal Curse*Neither Kevin or that very fine man he opted to interview are*pieces of work*or deserving of other ad hominem disparaging pejorative hurled insults..On the Last Day every man will stand and give an account for every idle word**Point is William..people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones**What THE JEWS in the majority support.(.or do nothing good...about..). and isreali ..is homicidally doing in Gaza Syria Lebanon etc..is genocide holocausting..extermination.land power asset grab.s...*... you sound like a dyed in the wool evangelical Scofield bible deceived lunatic believing..all sorts of subjective rapture nonsense neo--protestant ..wishful thinking--with zero scriptural basis.just speculation ..based on the old testament scripture you have taken out if context..**.. you sound like that bombastic fool John Hager..really just a Mexican variety of talmudic Jew**..attacking 2very genuine people**Almighty Jesus Christ didn't excoriate or persecute the innocent **If you were so spiritual as a *Christian*you would pray for them not hurl condescending language ..lots of real deeply educated Christians disagree with most of what you wrote William..show the *superior*light that you have ..if it is. In actual fact..light...**The secular super parasite failed state--nation of Jewish isreal....will...not rule much for long..the true Jewish god..is......**Satan*They will certainly be destroyed from within and more and more from without...no *Jewish*kingdom ever lasted more than 80 years .your theology is wrong*..

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What will be the specific effects of hubris this time?

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What the cat says makes sense.

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important article based on facts. sadly I could not subscribe because they say a problem with my MC no chance to fix this!.

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Very true article

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