Great interview! Thank you, Kevin for having Germar on, and thank you Germar for all of the work that you do.
The people who justify and rationalize the vicious suppression of courageous men like Germar and the many other legends of the revisionist community do so with pseudo-pious appeals to human dignity and allege that we are duty-bound to endeavoring to right the wrongs of the past . . . all while pervasively denying the human dignity of people who question the narrative and wronging them to absurd extremes here in the present.
What's more, the intellectual crime that was supposedly at the root of all the alleged physical crimes of the Nazis was the dehumanization of other people who did not live up to and embody the Nazi standard for the ideal man. Defining entire ethnic groups by what they found to be undesirable about them.
Yet, that is precisely what is being done to the German people . . . Defining them by the Holocaust and asserting that this will forever stain their legacy and weigh upon their status as a people in the world.
I can count on one hand the number of people I've met who hate other people just because of their race. Yet the entire world has been gaslighted into embracing a way of thinking that justifies the hatred and disdain of Germans. The double-standard and double-mindedness is nauseating.
This is why Revisionism is so important, and also why it is streng verboten by the establishment.
IT was the Germans that were holocausted in the homicidal gas ovens of History as told by the victors. I met with and read about only a few Survivors of that Real Holocaust in the past 78 years! All the others have lost their dignity and become Jewermans living in Jewermany owned and run by the same International and National Zionists Jews Monsieur Adolphe had to fight 1933-1945. despite of their Alliance with the National Socialists in 1923 (Eustace Mullins) and 1933 (Haavarah Transfer Agreement . He had some 150,000 assimilated Jews in his Army; even Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs.
Really great. Thank you both. Germar's work is outstanding.
This really got me wondering about the Nazis though - what were their real crimes (as opposed to the Soviet/Jewish Bolsheviks' atrocities of which they're blamed)? What was the actual propaganda of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
After Hellstorm, Europa...Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told...I'm thinking the genocidal monster was Stalin. It wasn't Hitler but the communists/Red Army. And if AD was also terrible....would love to know, how, concretely which actions confirm this. Everything is inverted, upsidedown.
Thank you, Pauline. I'm no WW2 buff but based on what I've read, Nazism was in part a response to Bolshevism along the lines of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" (using mass mobilization to destroy bourgeois democracy). Given the Nazis' anti-Bolshevism and their anti-Slav racism and intent to conquer and colonize, I don't really blame Stalin and the USSR for thinking war with Germany was inevitable. But the same can be said of the Nazis' well-justified fear and loathing of the Bolsheviks. Had the Western bankster-ruled powers wanted peace, the situation might have been defused. So there is plenty of blame to go around. And the Allies' war crimes were probably much worse than the Germans'.
The US and other European so-called Jews mass murdered over (fully documented) 100 MILLION CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS AND EVEN JEWS in Russia and Central Asia, but all we hear and read about is the 6,000,000 Jews who were holocausted in homicidal gas ovens that never existed! We almost never hear of European Jewish Communists who had started to do the same in Europe!
If you accept the earth is a revolving globe (which it is not!) why not also accept the Holocaust dogma and Industry?
There were indeed "NAZIS" made up of National Socialism that wanted to preserve their WHITENESS in peace and harmony and National Zionism that wanted to preserve the "Jewish race" by EXTERMINATING all the others!
German traitor Albert Einstein wanted all Germans to the last man, woman and child to be EXTERMINATED!
After watching Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told, you already know all this!
Larry Silverstein, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Dancing Israelis, Israeli Art students,......everybody involved in the 9/11 demolition-pulverisation military operation of the 3 towers were all Jews or dual US-Israel citizens.
On 9/11/2001, it took me just a few seconds to prove it was all staged just like the staged moon landing.
At the Royal College, the British taught us to REVISE, REVISE, REVISE for some 6 years!
They also taught us that the onus is on the ones who make the claim that there were homicidal gas chambers in the German Labour Camps and that there was a "holocaust of six million Jews - BUT THEY ALWAYS REFUSE, AND INSTEAD THEY ATTACK THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW!
Within minutes after I had posted this, my Blog was attacked and my computer hacked! Google was already in control of Youtube and Blogger!
I read in a Marvel Comics: "THE HOLOCAUST THAT WAS DRESDEN!"
"also from late 12c.
jew (v.)
"to cheat, to drive a hard bargain," 1824, from Jew (n.) (compare gyp, welsh, etc.). "Though now commonly employed without direct reference to the Jews as a race, it is regarded by them as offensive and opprobrious" [Century Dictionary, 1902]. The campaign to eliminate it in early 20c. was so successful that people also began to avoid the noun and adjective, using Hebrew instead.
Now I'll say 'a Jew' and just the word Jew sounds like a dirty word and people don't know whether to laugh or not. [Lenny Bruce, "How to Talk Dirty and Influence People," 1965]"
When you commented in your usual sarcasm that if they keep up wirh the publishing of Holocaustianity books they'll get to 6M titles he reacted in the way I've become accustomed to Germans reacting, like they didn't get it but its not even that it's this cognitive reflex where they just don't go anywhere 'controversial' then add that German seriousness, unwillingness or inability to be a lil sassy..
Come to think of it now I can see what EMJ was on about with him. I have noticed it soooooo much with Germans thru the years and seeing it also with Rudolf I think says a lot !
Dr. Rudolf comes off as a very sensible fellow tho. Besides, seems fastidious, precise and honest.
• "Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we're only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.
• Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”
Sefton Delmer – former Jewish chief of British ‘Black propaganda’ in a conversation with Dr Friedrich Grimm (German Professor of International Law)
"Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”
Sadly, modern people have un-learned that prevention is better than cure! But, we prevent nothing by signing petitions, demonstrating in public, lamenting, voting for the same governing puppets over and over again...!
Former Jewish aristocrat who proved that the « Holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews was a mathematical impossibility. He even wrote to the lying and racist Zionist Steven Spielberg . Pr
He proved 6,000,000 times that he was on the side of TRUTH if you understand what it means!
Buy Britannica or Judaica instead!
Alleged Son of Eva Braun and of a Muslim Officer in the German Army. WHY NOT??? Monsieur Adolphe must have known she was expecting a child and married her at the last minute. Adolphe could not bear children! PRINCESS DIANA WAS EXPECTING A CHILD WITH DODIE FAYED, TRUE OR FALSE?
Europa, biased though it is, woke me up to the possibility of a truly massive exageration of things.
Atrocities undoubtedly happened, but the scale and methods are certainly in question.
Or at least they should be, if they weren't shut down, silenced and destroyed by the "narrative keepers" at every turn.
Great interview! Thank you, Kevin for having Germar on, and thank you Germar for all of the work that you do.
The people who justify and rationalize the vicious suppression of courageous men like Germar and the many other legends of the revisionist community do so with pseudo-pious appeals to human dignity and allege that we are duty-bound to endeavoring to right the wrongs of the past . . . all while pervasively denying the human dignity of people who question the narrative and wronging them to absurd extremes here in the present.
What's more, the intellectual crime that was supposedly at the root of all the alleged physical crimes of the Nazis was the dehumanization of other people who did not live up to and embody the Nazi standard for the ideal man. Defining entire ethnic groups by what they found to be undesirable about them.
Yet, that is precisely what is being done to the German people . . . Defining them by the Holocaust and asserting that this will forever stain their legacy and weigh upon their status as a people in the world.
I can count on one hand the number of people I've met who hate other people just because of their race. Yet the entire world has been gaslighted into embracing a way of thinking that justifies the hatred and disdain of Germans. The double-standard and double-mindedness is nauseating.
This is why Revisionism is so important, and also why it is streng verboten by the establishment.
IT was the Germans that were holocausted in the homicidal gas ovens of History as told by the victors. I met with and read about only a few Survivors of that Real Holocaust in the past 78 years! All the others have lost their dignity and become Jewermans living in Jewermany owned and run by the same International and National Zionists Jews Monsieur Adolphe had to fight 1933-1945. despite of their Alliance with the National Socialists in 1923 (Eustace Mullins) and 1933 (Haavarah Transfer Agreement . He had some 150,000 assimilated Jews in his Army; even Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs.
Really great. Thank you both. Germar's work is outstanding.
This really got me wondering about the Nazis though - what were their real crimes (as opposed to the Soviet/Jewish Bolsheviks' atrocities of which they're blamed)? What was the actual propaganda of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
After Hellstorm, Europa...Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told...I'm thinking the genocidal monster was Stalin. It wasn't Hitler but the communists/Red Army. And if AD was also terrible....would love to know, how, concretely which actions confirm this. Everything is inverted, upsidedown.
Thank you, Pauline. I'm no WW2 buff but based on what I've read, Nazism was in part a response to Bolshevism along the lines of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" (using mass mobilization to destroy bourgeois democracy). Given the Nazis' anti-Bolshevism and their anti-Slav racism and intent to conquer and colonize, I don't really blame Stalin and the USSR for thinking war with Germany was inevitable. But the same can be said of the Nazis' well-justified fear and loathing of the Bolsheviks. Had the Western bankster-ruled powers wanted peace, the situation might have been defused. So there is plenty of blame to go around. And the Allies' war crimes were probably much worse than the Germans'.
For a case that Stalin was a worse villain than Hitler, see McMeekin:
The US and other European so-called Jews mass murdered over (fully documented) 100 MILLION CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS AND EVEN JEWS in Russia and Central Asia, but all we hear and read about is the 6,000,000 Jews who were holocausted in homicidal gas ovens that never existed! We almost never hear of European Jewish Communists who had started to do the same in Europe!
"Everything is inverted, upsidedown."
If you accept the earth is a revolving globe (which it is not!) why not also accept the Holocaust dogma and Industry?
There were indeed "NAZIS" made up of National Socialism that wanted to preserve their WHITENESS in peace and harmony and National Zionism that wanted to preserve the "Jewish race" by EXTERMINATING all the others!
German traitor Albert Einstein wanted all Germans to the last man, woman and child to be EXTERMINATED!
After watching Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told, you already know all this!
Larry Silverstein, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Dancing Israelis, Israeli Art students,......everybody involved in the 9/11 demolition-pulverisation military operation of the 3 towers were all Jews or dual US-Israel citizens.
On 9/11/2001, it took me just a few seconds to prove it was all staged just like the staged moon landing.
At the Royal College, the British taught us to REVISE, REVISE, REVISE for some 6 years!
They also taught us that the onus is on the ones who make the claim that there were homicidal gas chambers in the German Labour Camps and that there was a "holocaust of six million Jews - BUT THEY ALWAYS REFUSE, AND INSTEAD THEY ATTACK THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW!
Saturday 2 July 2022
MEDIATECA BLOCKED ONLINE. Tehran Holocaust Conference 2006 VILIFIED. Céline. Garaudy. Faurisson. Reynouard.
Within minutes after I had posted this, my Blog was attacked and my computer hacked! Google was already in control of Youtube and Blogger!
I read in a Marvel Comics: "THE HOLOCAUST THAT WAS DRESDEN!"
"also from late 12c.
jew (v.)
"to cheat, to drive a hard bargain," 1824, from Jew (n.) (compare gyp, welsh, etc.). "Though now commonly employed without direct reference to the Jews as a race, it is regarded by them as offensive and opprobrious" [Century Dictionary, 1902]. The campaign to eliminate it in early 20c. was so successful that people also began to avoid the noun and adjective, using Hebrew instead.
Now I'll say 'a Jew' and just the word Jew sounds like a dirty word and people don't know whether to laugh or not. [Lenny Bruce, "How to Talk Dirty and Influence People," 1965]"
When you commented in your usual sarcasm that if they keep up wirh the publishing of Holocaustianity books they'll get to 6M titles he reacted in the way I've become accustomed to Germans reacting, like they didn't get it but its not even that it's this cognitive reflex where they just don't go anywhere 'controversial' then add that German seriousness, unwillingness or inability to be a lil sassy..
Come to think of it now I can see what EMJ was on about with him. I have noticed it soooooo much with Germans thru the years and seeing it also with Rudolf I think says a lot !
Dr. Rudolf comes off as a very sensible fellow tho. Besides, seems fastidious, precise and honest.
Thanks for the video Mr Barrett
• "Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we're only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.
• Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”
Sefton Delmer – former Jewish chief of British ‘Black propaganda’ in a conversation with Dr Friedrich Grimm (German Professor of International Law)
"Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”
Sadly, modern people have un-learned that prevention is better than cure! But, we prevent nothing by signing petitions, demonstrating in public, lamenting, voting for the same governing puppets over and over again...!
Take care, Julius!
MY BROTHER KEVIN knows that we, Muslims, thank and praise God for everything even when we are not very happy with His Management of human matters! Ha!
But, all humankind was warned what would happen when we DISOBEYED HIM!
Standing under Common-Law
Never "belonged" to any religious or political group.
Never voted in my entire life
Satanyahu ordered his Apartheid Army of racists and terrorists to "PULL IT", and the exterminationists PULLED DOWN GHAZZA IN OCCUPIED PALESTINE!
All this thanks to Arab & Muslim hypocrisy, cowardice and treachery worldwide!
Monday 7 August 2017
Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (April 24, 1939 – August 5, 2017) returned to the elements.
Tuesday 11 June 2013
. Roger-Guy Dommergue Polacco de Menasce. RIP.
Former Jewish aristocrat who proved that the « Holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews was a mathematical impossibility. He even wrote to the lying and racist Zionist Steven Spielberg . Pr
Pr. Roger-Guy Dommergue Polacco de Menasce
The Einstein mathematics of the Holohoax do not add up!
He proved 6,000,000 times that he was on the side of TRUTH if you understand what it means!
Buy Britannica or Judaica instead!
Alleged Son of Eva Braun and of a Muslim Officer in the German Army. WHY NOT??? Monsieur Adolphe must have known she was expecting a child and married her at the last minute. Adolphe could not bear children! PRINCESS DIANA WAS EXPECTING A CHILD WITH DODIE FAYED, TRUE OR FALSE?