Great discussion, but I wish you had been able to explain what is driving the mass migration (e.g., the destruction of their homelands and societies by US, NATO, Israel forever wars; groups like Hebrew NGOs and UN promotion and plans) and explain why it is being intentionally and surgically done. Also the masses need to understand that practically all of these tribal and "terrorist" groups were created and funded by bankers and governments to achieve division and fear and justify suppression of human rights and war. At some point, people have to realize they have been lied to their entire life and controlled. Things which they once thought were crazy will begin to makes sense. The caller who attributed 1 Samuel 15:3 (Now go and attack the Amalekites) to the Quran was either a joker or truly ignorant - this OT citation has been openly used by Bibi and the Zionist to justify the attack and widely cited since the false flag of 10/7. Everyone with a pulse has heard it.
People should take a moment and ask themselves what if what is happening in Palestine was to happen to them and their loved ones: e.g.,- What if I, my family, my community were targeted, bombed and buried under rubble as the aggressors (supported by the West) told lies about us? What if my home, farm, school, cultural center, history and material belongings were destroyed? What if I could not find food, clean water, medical treatment for myself or family because the Israeli terrorist were blocking supplies and destroying infrastructure? What if there was no end in sight and when it does end we have nothing to return to? Would we still turn to your God? Would we run towards the flames and rubble, or would we flee leaving each man to his own fate?
In this man-created hell hole - I observe, it is the Palestinians, with their loss and uncertainty, in their pain, hunger and thirst that still prostrate themselves to God and run towards the flames and rumble to rescue their fellow victims of this real Holocausts.
You did a great job pushing back against low hanging fruit questions from commenters about Islam/Muslims, Dr. Barrett. Great interview and articulation.
I do become concerned about a time when I cannot access truthjihad and information freely anymore. Or God forbid when esteemed individuals like yourself, Dr. Barrett, are not with us anymore.
I hope I don’t have to witness that. Jummah Mubarak
Very enjoyable show. Remarkable that these Islamophobic tropes have become normal, and you did a great job of course of debunking them. Personally, I try to sidestep them by not presenting an ideological label. Where am I coming from? You have to read a bit to find out..
Muito boa tua entrevista. Interessante de ver o quanto as pessoas de países ditos altamente civilizados podem ser tão estúpidas a ponto de crer que o Islã tem alguma coisa a ver com mutilação genital feminina, casamentos arranjados, etc.
Eu sou brasileiro e meu país é uma das colônias que nunca conseguiram expulsar o invasor satanista europeu que se escondia no nosso caso atrás do 'Cristianismo'.
Aqui a população não conseguiu se rebelar e continuaram vassalos de senhores feudais até a atualidade, comandados pelas mesmas famílias de latifundiários judeus escravocratas. Aqui é um Israel do século 16 que exterminou a população nativa.
Aqui a "independência" foi comprada de Portugal e não passou de uma declaração da boca do próprio REI! 😅... UMA FRAUDE que se paga na dívida externa até hoje aos Bancos da City of London... Temos todas essas mazelas, mas até aqui me parece que o povo tem MENOS idéias cretinas preconcebidas sobre o Islã do que nas ilhas da Europa...
Obrigado pelo seu trabalho, Kevin.
Continue sua Jihad até o dia que Allah quiser te chamar.
The problem with broadcasters like Richie Allen who I listened to for many years, is they often question Islam and Muslims without having ever read the Holy Book of Islam, read Muslim History, or having ever had a Muslim friend or relative. It is sad and annoying to see them borrow anti-Islam and anti-Muslim propaganda to make a point.
GERMANY was abolished in 1945, and JEWERMANY took over, 500,000 times more racist than the Reich. Jewermany employed Kemalist Turks by the tons to save their industries and businesses, and once they were not needed anymore, 500,000 of them were sent back to Turkey because they were allegedly Muslims when in the UK I saw all of them running shops selling alcohol and pork.
In my own family, all girls and boys had both primary and secondary education. Four of my alleged six brothers turned apostates. Yet, when the media decides, they will be branded as Muslims if they are suspected or convicted of any crime.
Richie needs to learn his lesson before interviewing TRUE Muslims! Daryl Bradford Smith never used those tactics and he had many prominent Muslims on his show.
very eloquent. great dawa. thanks. it's easy to forget how totally ignorant even nice people can be. too bad we must be part of the identity politics, but as i see it muslim is the only one necessary now. if people accept islam as legitimate, that's already half way. no racism. social justice. we need to have our message clear in these dark times.
It's a tough nut to crack when an agnostic retorts I'm not buying any of this Jewish Anti-Christ stuff. RA cites the Torah as being a loving gospel as much as the NT and Koran. He must have read the kosher Reader's Digest that omits Deuteronomy, which spells out the Jewish subjugation mission and details the horrors gentiles can expect if they resist.
Does he (RA) think only Israelis want genocide? I knew some settlers, rabid Zionists, first gen Israelis, who came from Brooklyn and were members of Schneerson's flock before making aliyah. The agnostic would dismiss them as religious fanatics. Fair enough, Deuteronomy is Jewish religion.
But what about the Bolsheviks? Millions murdered by Jewish communists, churches and priests slaughtered wherever/whenever communists gain control. Communists are not religious Jews but they share the same hate towards gentiles who resist.
Great discussion, but I wish you had been able to explain what is driving the mass migration (e.g., the destruction of their homelands and societies by US, NATO, Israel forever wars; groups like Hebrew NGOs and UN promotion and plans) and explain why it is being intentionally and surgically done. Also the masses need to understand that practically all of these tribal and "terrorist" groups were created and funded by bankers and governments to achieve division and fear and justify suppression of human rights and war. At some point, people have to realize they have been lied to their entire life and controlled. Things which they once thought were crazy will begin to makes sense. The caller who attributed 1 Samuel 15:3 (Now go and attack the Amalekites) to the Quran was either a joker or truly ignorant - this OT citation has been openly used by Bibi and the Zionist to justify the attack and widely cited since the false flag of 10/7. Everyone with a pulse has heard it.
People should take a moment and ask themselves what if what is happening in Palestine was to happen to them and their loved ones: e.g.,- What if I, my family, my community were targeted, bombed and buried under rubble as the aggressors (supported by the West) told lies about us? What if my home, farm, school, cultural center, history and material belongings were destroyed? What if I could not find food, clean water, medical treatment for myself or family because the Israeli terrorist were blocking supplies and destroying infrastructure? What if there was no end in sight and when it does end we have nothing to return to? Would we still turn to your God? Would we run towards the flames and rubble, or would we flee leaving each man to his own fate?
In this man-created hell hole - I observe, it is the Palestinians, with their loss and uncertainty, in their pain, hunger and thirst that still prostrate themselves to God and run towards the flames and rumble to rescue their fellow victims of this real Holocausts.
You did a great job pushing back against low hanging fruit questions from commenters about Islam/Muslims, Dr. Barrett. Great interview and articulation.
I do become concerned about a time when I cannot access truthjihad and information freely anymore. Or God forbid when esteemed individuals like yourself, Dr. Barrett, are not with us anymore.
I hope I don’t have to witness that. Jummah Mubarak
Very enjoyable show. Remarkable that these Islamophobic tropes have become normal, and you did a great job of course of debunking them. Personally, I try to sidestep them by not presenting an ideological label. Where am I coming from? You have to read a bit to find out..
Well done Kevin, you are a great inspiration.
Thank you, Azy.
Muito boa tua entrevista. Interessante de ver o quanto as pessoas de países ditos altamente civilizados podem ser tão estúpidas a ponto de crer que o Islã tem alguma coisa a ver com mutilação genital feminina, casamentos arranjados, etc.
Eu sou brasileiro e meu país é uma das colônias que nunca conseguiram expulsar o invasor satanista europeu que se escondia no nosso caso atrás do 'Cristianismo'.
Aqui a população não conseguiu se rebelar e continuaram vassalos de senhores feudais até a atualidade, comandados pelas mesmas famílias de latifundiários judeus escravocratas. Aqui é um Israel do século 16 que exterminou a população nativa.
Aqui a "independência" foi comprada de Portugal e não passou de uma declaração da boca do próprio REI! 😅... UMA FRAUDE que se paga na dívida externa até hoje aos Bancos da City of London... Temos todas essas mazelas, mas até aqui me parece que o povo tem MENOS idéias cretinas preconcebidas sobre o Islã do que nas ilhas da Europa...
Obrigado pelo seu trabalho, Kevin.
Continue sua Jihad até o dia que Allah quiser te chamar.
The problem with broadcasters like Richie Allen who I listened to for many years, is they often question Islam and Muslims without having ever read the Holy Book of Islam, read Muslim History, or having ever had a Muslim friend or relative. It is sad and annoying to see them borrow anti-Islam and anti-Muslim propaganda to make a point.
GERMANY was abolished in 1945, and JEWERMANY took over, 500,000 times more racist than the Reich. Jewermany employed Kemalist Turks by the tons to save their industries and businesses, and once they were not needed anymore, 500,000 of them were sent back to Turkey because they were allegedly Muslims when in the UK I saw all of them running shops selling alcohol and pork.
In my own family, all girls and boys had both primary and secondary education. Four of my alleged six brothers turned apostates. Yet, when the media decides, they will be branded as Muslims if they are suspected or convicted of any crime.
Richie needs to learn his lesson before interviewing TRUE Muslims! Daryl Bradford Smith never used those tactics and he had many prominent Muslims on his show.
very eloquent. great dawa. thanks. it's easy to forget how totally ignorant even nice people can be. too bad we must be part of the identity politics, but as i see it muslim is the only one necessary now. if people accept islam as legitimate, that's already half way. no racism. social justice. we need to have our message clear in these dark times.
A distillation of our Reality:
What built the Synagogue of Satan:
Suggest we have Christian-Muslim "Under God" issued notes -- for an "Under God" vision:
It's a tough nut to crack when an agnostic retorts I'm not buying any of this Jewish Anti-Christ stuff. RA cites the Torah as being a loving gospel as much as the NT and Koran. He must have read the kosher Reader's Digest that omits Deuteronomy, which spells out the Jewish subjugation mission and details the horrors gentiles can expect if they resist.
Does he (RA) think only Israelis want genocide? I knew some settlers, rabid Zionists, first gen Israelis, who came from Brooklyn and were members of Schneerson's flock before making aliyah. The agnostic would dismiss them as religious fanatics. Fair enough, Deuteronomy is Jewish religion.
But what about the Bolsheviks? Millions murdered by Jewish communists, churches and priests slaughtered wherever/whenever communists gain control. Communists are not religious Jews but they share the same hate towards gentiles who resist.
The Ox and Donkey method