I appreciate an alternative viewpoint as much as the next guy, but China being the primary locus of engineering and technological innovation for 5000 years is absurd. What of the antikythera mechanism? The Parthenon? Euclidean geometry? The discovery of musical scales? Roman Roads? Roman concrete? The Coliseum? Flying buttresses? Bifocal lenses? Modern musical notation? The Gutenberg printing press? The scientific method? JS Bach? The sextant? Electricity? Telegraphs? Refrigeration? Plumbing? Internal combustion engines Powered flight? Rocketry? Microchips? Antibiotics? The list goes on and on. The mind boggles. There is no Chinese equivalent.

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Ask Jeff...about The spectacular continuing horrific persecution of the Falun gong...the human organs extraction Zi does with Isreal....*** black ..mobile execution vans. No freedoms..the entrapment of vile .*state capitalism without freedoms.....*4 jews on that top ruling ccp ultimate government body.

..and jewrat Eric Schmidt s social credit score...more technofacist horrors perfected by Zi.and the blood dripping ccp......the fact that Christians and Muslims have a plethora of horror stories about the blood dripping ccp scum...Jeff talks as if the Chinese government really is one with the Chinese people but that sounds like utter deception..brainwashing.....Jeff may be correct about some cash banks and asset issues in the mainland but we hear the bank of china is imitating most of the judeao bankster scam protocols...is that true or not?.. but fabulous cat is correct to inquire very ..very..closely.......Most Americans

only see massive amounts of Chinese who would be free.... fleeing emperor zi......we agree with other posted comments below..again..Cat is tremendous in her abject correctness on the super felonious

super banksterism of the zograts.the super predator ziocon cyborgs.... Somehow we intuitively distrust Jeff s rose coloured glasses mindset about over polluted heavy communist atheist and

ham fisted monopolist ccp ...administrators..yeah..we have any number of friends who also went there mostly for business but no one except Jews ,at first,we're so glowing about the massive slave colony still known as red dragon antiChristian Mainland China...*. we don't accept the neocon Jewdevil protocol of ..one china..no freedom no independence for Taiwan..etc..if red dragon China is such an overwhelming miracle success. as Jeff seems to posit..why do millions try to escape?....whats with emperor Zi and fink schwarsmen Schwab ?Red dragon China was pretty tight with Isreal for a very long time..as Zi was with WeF blackrock..we hope that changes...we don't hear that the ultra rich ccp government is one with Chinese people..not at all ..not even a little bit...it's an unhealthy disaster catastrophe in waiting...***. We hear and see Chinese people who don't dissent because they don't want a bullet in the back of the head...jus sayin..**.Kevin and Cat we're fabulous anyway...

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

It was jew opium lord sassoon who got Queen Victoria to send gunboats up the Yangtze to protect his opium monopoly trade, leading to China's 100 years of shame. The Mandarin Chinese are not about to enter into 100 years of deference to the white man again, even if all the jews in the US get a Queen Lindsey Graham to send an aircraft carrier gunboat up along the Taiwan Straits. The deluded God given jew supremacy "chosen" paradigm under which the fake jew khazar/slav mutts now rule the West is in serious danger, the Chinese with their space station, rovers on the moon and Mars, etc, etc, etc are making hymie maher look like just another shyster middleman that it really is. Its not only Islam that's awakening the Western goyim from this grip of the shysters, the Chinese dragons real supremacy is even more an existential threat to the sassoons chosen paradigm.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

The people of China are very different than their gov't. which is 100% on board with the WEF globalist parasite technocratic total slavery agenda and their hideous control is everywhere far worse than anywhere else on earth. Just look at what they did with C-19 hysteria in 2020 and after - UGH! HORRORS!

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