I can agree with Fadi's timelines. However, it is not possible that so many factors that came into play were all for the creation of a Jewish state. Thus, by the time of the Balfour Declaration, the plans of the Zionists just happened to coincide with British and French larger plans for The Levant.
Additionally, the Zionists, are\were primarily secularists. Their ideology came from the sickness of their own religious cult, which just happened to be based on the god of the Old Testament.
If we look at the philosophy of Zeev Jabotinsky, who provided the foundations for all later Zionist ideologies (1897), there was absolutely nothing religious about his views. He was simply a classic sociopath (who tend to be quite violent), who found his own way to creating a power base. He just happened to use his interpretations of Judaism to accomplish this.
Today, what is left in Israel are the secular fanatics and the messianics, both of whom have always been bat-shit crazy. Just read some Shahak to understand this. And this is where Fadi is correct to predict the downfall of the Israeli state. Militarily, fanatics simply make good cannon fodder. However, rational thinking is not in their wheelhouse...
I can agree with Fadi's timelines. However, it is not possible that so many factors that came into play were all for the creation of a Jewish state. Thus, by the time of the Balfour Declaration, the plans of the Zionists just happened to coincide with British and French larger plans for The Levant.
Additionally, the Zionists, are\were primarily secularists. Their ideology came from the sickness of their own religious cult, which just happened to be based on the god of the Old Testament.
If we look at the philosophy of Zeev Jabotinsky, who provided the foundations for all later Zionist ideologies (1897), there was absolutely nothing religious about his views. He was simply a classic sociopath (who tend to be quite violent), who found his own way to creating a power base. He just happened to use his interpretations of Judaism to accomplish this.
Today, what is left in Israel are the secular fanatics and the messianics, both of whom have always been bat-shit crazy. Just read some Shahak to understand this. And this is where Fadi is correct to predict the downfall of the Israeli state. Militarily, fanatics simply make good cannon fodder. However, rational thinking is not in their wheelhouse...