Free markets are a fraud too. There has never been one in history and never will be. Perhaps if you abolish money altogether you might have a chance of bringing about the dream world you advocate. And as deplorable as government so often is, the alternative of zero government is actually far worse, because there would be no protection whatsoever for the weakest against the powerful. Total nightmare.

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Though I agree with the nonaggression principle, the basis of libertarianism, I think the best way to implement it, given realities of human nature, is through having something more or less like a "government" that has to earn its perceived legitimacy. Libertarians are largely right that most governments today coast along on unearned legitimacy which makes them little better than the mafias that would run things in the complete absence of government.

I also like the idea of governmental legitimacy being rooted in an ancient sacred tradition that establishes a metaphysical basis for shared notions of right and wrong. (The nonaggression principle will be taken more seriously by people who believe that "God does not love aggressors...do not be aggressors").

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"Government" is the technique that is being used to rob everyone in society from the weakest to the relatively powerful and strong. There would still be armed service providers in a world without "government" just not a monopoly version. You would still be able to protect your neighbor who may be physically weak as would their other friends, family and colleagues. The poor would be allowed to own weapons where "government" frequently prohibits them today (NYC, Washington DC, Chigago, etc.) Government-scam.com

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1990s Russia, where the government collapsed, had plenty of privatized armed service providers (mafias) and plenty of armed people, but it was a hellhole, not a paradise. Today's Russia, with its strong central government that enjoys a degree of religious-based legitimacy, has put most of the privatized armed services providers out of business, which (given the imperfections of the situation) is a very good thing.

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No thanks. I want to build a world at peace not a society constantly at war. Arming the poor will simply increase the levels of violence inside the ghettos, whose numbers, lacking any state intervention or welfare provision, will quickly explode, as money is syphoned off thanks to unfettered markets ever faster into the wallets of the super-wealthy. It all just sounds like a total nightmare to me.

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It does cut off by the end.

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Thanks, fixed!

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The program abruptly cuts off in mid-sentence! Please fix it and post the full recording! So frustrating!

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Sorry! My Quicktime has gone haywire and can no longer covert mp4 to mp3 without producing a truncated mp3. Thank you for alerting me so I could repost using a workaround.

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Very stimulating conversation. Kevin can you suggest any readings on the influence of Frankism on the Rothschilds and elites in general? Thanks.

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