Assume that everything is built as per the plan - then what is that India exports via IMEC, cows or cow dung? No disrespect to India (I am of Indian origin). Other than some spices and software (which doesn't need trains or ships) what else we are talking about? Or the hidden assumption/promise is that US will make India as a competing manufacturing power house rivaling China. Only Modi and his supporters are dumb enough to believe that.

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Maybe there will be something like the fall of Constantinople in 1453, and the West in this second fall will have to sever ties with Asia. Nothing like being thrown back on our own resources. Probably East Asia will continue some trade with the Pacific Rim (like Korea and Japan and some China), but who knows; and I don’t see Russia entirely going the way of Asia, it’s so oriented toward Europe. In any case, the West will have to really look inwardly at the causes of our ruin and I doubt we will ever abandon the Jews—that is not going to happen. But I can see Asia going its own way and the West will have to work hard to retain relations with south and central America—still, there again, the religious ties and ethnic ties are strong. Spanish being the second language in the U.S.

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I have no use for Kentucky Fried chicken. The Chinese are probably smart enough to exclude such items in their diet.

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If you're stuck in a train for ten hours and you get hungry, it's actually pretty good ; - )

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