Well, Saudi Arabia did join BRICS, and in trade with China is using the yuan. I think this is pretty big. Turkey is also in BRICS, but is tied economically to the West and its currency is under fire, so they are acting weird. And this is why we have the Ukrainian and Gaza wars, to stock the flight from the dollar. Who wins will decide, but we got some ways to go.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

The suqami pristine sawd passport "found" in the 911 rubble at ground zero achieved two purposes, goyim were grassy knolled and sawds hand was forever placed on the murder weapon. That's yer answer, petrodollar exit is all spin, after 911 the great satan, israel and sawds are inexorably tied at the hip like siamese triplets. Only a coup in Riyadh will change that. Don't expect Queen Lindsey Graham urging freedom and democracy for a sawdi dicktakership that has stood the test of time since Queen Victoria, in the near future

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I loove listening to this Wyatt Michael Peterson. More of him next time please!

And Idul Adha Mubarak Kevin Barrett Sir.

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I know it's a spoof, but maybe predictive. Endless wars, and bad PR, to say nothing of genocide will eventually topple the dollar with the new currencies on the rise. But to tell you the truth…. I don’t understand a word of economics so I’m not sure what keeps the whole thing going or when it will fall apart. Structures can teeter for decades and then out of the blue—the black swan—they are over.

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I hear you. I'm not sure anyone really understands economics. Least of all me.

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