The pro-Trump sites like Breitbart and Fox are hysterically pro-Israel. So is Trump. Kennedy dithers around about being "independent" while failing to call for peace or even mention the crisis. US politicians fail. Except Cornel West. But he is not a politician.

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I wonder if, when Biden claimed that the other team blew up the hospital, he had actually seen the bomb from his plane when flying in to Israel that night....

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Thank you for an edifying conversation. I have 2 comments for Mr. Rovics.

1) The issue that no country would let drifting Jewish refugee ships like the Exodus dock during the WWII era is a canard. The US and I believe France were willing to take Jews in. It was the Zionists through back channels who turned them down because manipulable PR of poor unwanted Jews seeking safe harbor was just too powerful to pass up. This supports, of course, what you both said about the blowing up of these Jewish vessels.

2) Mr. Rovics understanding of Jewish immigrant history in the US could use some filling out. I highly recommend "Secrets of Military Intelligence" in which the US military's concerns about Jewish fifth columnism in the early 1900s bore out as predicted in later years in the form of the Venona Project in which Jewish Soviet agents saturated FDR's administration. It seems it was concern for the security of the US - far more than a distaste for swarthy dark people - that the US clamped its borders shut with the 1924 Immigration Act.


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Thank you. Please see me new book on war, peace, and presidential politics.


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David made some excellent points by comparing America's own genocidal history to what's happening in Gaza. I would like to hear the disagreement between yourself Kevin and David over the song, "American Reichstag Fire." Do you have any links to these interviews? "Bubbling Up" and "Watch Out for the Cops" are great songs, but my favorite Rovics song is "American Reichstag Fire."

Last I knew, David lives here in Portland, Oregon, where I'm also live. Unfortunately. all of our U.S. representatives are Zionist protectors, and they are all Democreeps. That's interesting, isn't it, since I thought the Democreep Party was the party of the people.

We know all of the right wing fascist morons in talk radio are sick Zionists, but they don't have the balls or brains to admit it.

That's why I'm voting for Robert Kennedy Jr for president.

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The two available archived interviews can be found at https://www.unz.com/?s=rovics&Action=Search&ptype=audio&postid=496110 . But I'm not sure we argued about 9/11 in either of them. I think that happened quite a bit earlier, and unfortunately there's no archive.

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Kevin, just to let you know, I like your written work even more than your podcasts. Keep writing. Thank you for your intimate knowledge of Israel and its $ionist World Domination Program, which we need to understand so accurately, as Global Ignorance is killing people. May the universe provide Peace and Energy for you. Thank you Helena Guenther

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Gordon Groves, I hear your anger, and the awake, or, truthfully informed all concur with your sentiments. The Babylonian Talmud that our Zionist overlords follow is almost complete, in it's vision for Domination Worldwide. Only we can stop this evil. The Devil doesn't rule all yet. Helena

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