Something’s very wrong. If this were a sane world there would be 20,000 comments here by now.

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I agree. Dave is onto something big. Maybe too big!

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General Vaughn

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Great show Kevin! Again, its so interesting that as time goes on, how we see the same names, the same agencies, and the same schemes showing up again and again to be enacting "black ops" over the decades. Anyway, I met Lindorff in Santa Cruz at Project Censored's "Truth Emergency Conference" in 2007 [I think 2007?] and we had a nice chat. He was focused upon the "three of four" Black boxes" that WERE FOUND at the WTC. So, if its within your protocols, please ask Dave if he might share with me some of his background info about "stealth capabilities" on military aircraft. He may not know that I consulted with Mark Gaffney on his principal book "Mystery Plane" [which is a work on the E4Bs seen flying atop The WH and over The Mall WITHIN P56 the restricted "no-fly" zone...aka...IN prohibited airspace]. My further research on this subject [along with David Cole], has firmly established that the E4B seen flying both atop the Mall/WH [we call those videos the "low flier"]...and then filmed later at a much higher altitude in a right hand bank turning to the south [we call those E4B videos the "high flier"], was actually the same aircraft. Cole found an eyewitness whose position east of the WH saw an E4B flying northbound at a low altitude to the west of the WH...AND ALSO, its left turn towards the Pentagon. This was to join the RADES departure route [see below]. This sighting confirms what General Vaugh observed when he was stuck in traffic near the Pentagon as he saw a huge white plane in a left climbing bank towards the southwest over Georgetown...aka...over/near The Mall/WH as it began to join the hacked RADES departure route [again, see below]. Anyway, most Truthers thought those sightings showed that there were two E4Bs above P56 at that moment in time...but there was just one. Translation: The flight path released by RADES radar analyses [from Hill AFB in Utah] was hacked to promote such a disagreement...and to "cover/hide the ''low flier' ". Part of our research included looking at all the radar files available from DCA, IAD, BWI and PLA [The Plains joint use long range radar site west of IAD]...and there are NO radar targets shown from ANY of those radar sites which show THAT part of the flight path of the E4B over The Mall/WH...aka...IN P56. Thus, the only conclusion that I have come to is that the E4B had engaged its "stealth capabilities" when it was flying over The Mall/WH etc. And of course...there was NO RAIN...on 9/11/2001. So, I hope that Dave might be interested in sharing more specific "stealth info" with me...it would be very helpful! Peace robin

PS There were two E4Bs that departed ADW in the AM...but the first one, "WORD31", had departed earlier on a straight southwesterly heading...which oddly, crossed the flight path of AA77??? as THAT HIGH SPEED PRIMARY TARGET arrived the WDC area...it was out near ADW in fact. The second one is the subject of this writing. rdh

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