I believe all the Jews of the world have to take

responsibility for thier failure to influence Israel.

The wealthy Jews of the US,UK must agree with

the ongoing GENOCIDE. Which makes them right

up there as war criminals.

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Save the children, however it takes, hopefully peacefully.

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I can’t help quipping in that the Holocaust is not a new religion to me, not that a single individual matters. But sometimes minds are joined and I don’t think the Holocaust as a new religion is gaining any adherents. Still, I’m actually shocked by the people who are pro-Israel in the U.S. It’s not the holocaust; it’s Israel itself that has them. I think there was a time when thousands, maybe millions of American traipsed off to Israel and experienced some kind of conversion. So, you could say that there are the Israeli tourists who are on the side of Israel and then the humanitarians on the other side. We humanitarians hate to see children starve.

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Kevin, have you considered interviewing Craig Nelsen at Odysseus Unsheathed? Or have you already?


Is Judaism Incurable? The scourge sharpens its knives


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I interviewed him once a couple of years ago and should probably have him on again.

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