Kevin this empending disaster seems to fall right in line with

the Jewish Zionist complete take over of the US & its European


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"Time is not on the Americans’ side."

This, precisely, is why the empire managers are so belligerent. There is a method to their madness. The calculation is ten, even five, years down the road will be too late. They would rather have the war now than later, if they can't bring their most dangerous enemies to heel. Conversely, the Russia-China-Iran Axis prefers to wait till its combined economic, military and soft power – and the Global Rest's mounting resentment against the out of control Collective West – takes an unassailable lead.

Many writers and commenters in the alternative media are frustrated by the Axis' tame responses to successive breaches of their red lines by the empire. Notably in Ukraine, Taiwan and Gaza. Am reminded of Muhammad Ali's unorthodox Rope-a-Dope tactics against George Foreman in their famous heavyweight bout in Kinshasa, 1974. Ali turned himself into a punching bag to exhaust a furious Foreman before exploding off the ropes to knock him out in Round 8. We are perhaps at Round 6 or 7 of a global scale Rope-a-Dope.

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Priceless! Thank you, Kevin!

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I think a lot of us are skipping ahead to the next administration which may not be run by Joe, or his mysterious cohort of Neocons wrapped in the tissue paper of liberalism. Yah sure, you are into feeding the starving Gazans from a dock that disintegrates when the wind makes a current, etc. I have some hope for the Russian Bear and the Chinese dragon—I somehow don’t see a Trump administration (if that is the election result) amping war over there. I am not an anti-Trumper. I think my daughter who is in commercial real estate got him right—he is your typical real estate broker—happy to make golf courses and then play on them. But I dread what will happen to the West Bank under Trump who dislikes the Palestinians because he doesn’t get it. I mean he is one of those people who really doesn’t get it. He could misperceive the threat of a global war by allowing Israel to annex the West Bank—please God, no.

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Ben Franklin was right. The turkey should be the US national bird. It is too stupid to come in out of the rain & is good eating, especially for hungry bears

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But is there anything Americans can do to change the stupidity, with so many Americans completely brain dead, as far as world politics. I think you're right Kevin, the ending is inevitable. We will lose the next world war. The American arrogance is on display for the world to see, and we'll (America) pay for it eventually.

Americans have become fat and lazy, and our military and politicians are a good example. Where our beauty queens are severely obese and sexually defective, and no one cares or notices. And Israel is no longer the power they once were imagined to be, if they ever really were...

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Lauren Guyenot has just published his latest book, "The Pope's Curse".

The book is very easy to read and within the first 20 or so pages you quickly come to understand why the West and America are in such bad shape.

All this began in the Middle Ages, the 11th century to be exact, when the Papacy decided, like the Jews later would, that it was the supreme authority on Earth...

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It will be ISRAEL that introduces tactical NUKES first, justifying it because they are existentially threatened, and then I do not know what happens as neither Iran or Hezbollah have any, and I really don't expect Turkey or Pakistan to do anything. Russia, or did they give nukes to Iran? Is there a DETERRENT to Israel nuking its neighbors with the Sampson option?

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