Very well done Kevin!

Point one:

Exposing the psyop/control capacities of the "inoculation-desired immune response" tactic is such an important concept for citizens in the USofA to understand...and to be on guard for.

Me thinks our foreign adversaries are VERY aware of this process...known for decades now....bombs tend to do that. "No...we have no intentions of invading...BOOM!" or "No...we do not have any special forces working inside Iran..."G'bye Mossadeq".

Point two:

Your current status of rising credibility allows this sober article [full of both opinion and facts] to have a "pretty smooth landing", per se. It serves to support the idea that when future critical events do happen, its usually best to just "react"...or perhaps to just..."underreact a bit". Most "Truthers" [of whatever the many Truther subjects now], should now know that the "first story" surely isn't going to end up being the "final story". The ongoing saga of the JFK assassinations serves as perhaps the best example. And in my case regarding exposing the "aviation elements" as part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, I knew that there was an "National Air defense failure to intercept" by 2PM eastern on 9/11/2001. But I waited until I saw you present the now ailing Dr. David Ray Griffin at University in Wisconsin. Once I saw that I knew that the time was OK to begin to speak out about my knowledge of "aviation things". Had I started running down the street like a rooster with its head cut off telling about what I knew, and who I knew working as FAA Air Traffic Controllers on 9/11/2001, well , MY head would have been quickly cut off! I'm quite sure that the OLIGARCH MEDIA would have taken the position of: "OH...there is another disgruntled PATCO Air Traffic Controller who was fired by Actor Ronald Reagan out there doing some "payback". It was an interesting 5-6 year wait for me.

Point three:

What a GREAT example of "turning the wordsmithing tables around"...against the OLIGARCH NEWS? outlet writers...and the OLIGARCHS' well paid for TV Talking Heads pretending to be presenting "NEWS"! Well done...again!

Robin Hordon

Kingston, WA

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Thanks, Robin! Your approach to info activism has been inspiring me for years.

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Kevin...I'm not an "ordinary duck"...an outlier in some ways...and I appreciate your patience with me over the years as I have put SIG issues on your table.

Translation: I REALLY appreciate your kind words. Not expected...

Thank you Kevin...and Civil Informationing" is actually...the only way out of this mess...

And you are a GIFTED "Informationer" [new word?]


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Sep 5, 2022
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One of the reasons the CIA likes biological weapons is that it only takes a few people to launch a deniable attack. If a cabinet member told the operational CIA/military officer "the President has approved Contingency Plan C, it's a go" the officer could order as few as one or two covert operators to accompany the US Military Olympics Team to Wuhan and uncork the vials at the Huanan Seafood Market. Only two to four people (not necessarily including the President) would need to know about it.

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Yes, I can imagine the friends and coworkers of those few people, not knowing what the conspiracists had done, being affronted by anyone impugning their honour, thus lashing out very effectively at the “conspiracy theorists”. Of course I’m guessing, but Robert Malone seems just to have disocciated from them, instead of lashing out.

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