Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Minds need to be focused on the upcoming miriam adelson vs kamalek battle, for that's what Harris has become after failing to turn up to pay obeisance to satanyahu at Congress. All else, including this 911 story, is just yiddish pilpul deflecting goyem eg (latent jew) musks great tweeting "concern" over a few paki cab drivers sins on underage white girls in England 20 years ago, whilst weinsteins have been rohypnoling and gorging on choice wasp pussy from all over the US in Hollywood for DECADES. German jew drumpf in his contrived musk "conversation", with references to "Caribbeans" and "Wuhan/China virus" cunningly nabbed enough black and redneck votes to win the swing states with americunt goyem voters all fast asleep as usual. Tens of billions for israels genocidal bombing and for the Russian emigre jews at State proxy war in Ukraine, but only $700 per family for Hawaian natives, the synagogue of satan already reigns supreme, but will trump win and even OK a giant permanent US Base in the Golan for miriam, is what the Nov 5 election is really all about.

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I'm not supporting Cameltoe, but Trump was on Jeff Epstein's private plane seven times, with a bedroom and at least two very young girls under fifteen. Draw your own conclusions about what that means...

And Trump didn't recognize the plane that he was using for his campaign, that once belonged to Jeff Epstein. Hum... Maybe because he was to distracted at the time admiring these young girls?

Wonder if the New York Court of Appeals, the highest court in New York, will overturn Trump's conviction, like they did for sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein? Probably not, since he's not a neo-liberal.

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Obviously, Barbara had much more to say, but unfortunately there wasn't enough time. . Kevin, maybe, you can do another separate interview, with all her slides, so she can present all the evidence available. I don't know what happened, but there's something very odd about this very convenient shooting.

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Good idea. I agree that we should do some kind of follow-up, especially if more evidence comes to light.

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Most likely the three patsies do not exist.

They have never been to trial, and they would not

have been rotting in Gitmo all of this time.

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Barbara is right about the connection between 911 and 611. The New World Order types are occultists and love their numbers. They also love 311 as 3:11 pm is the 911th minute of the day. The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 virus epidemic a pandemic on 3/11. On March 11, 1918, the Spanish Flu virus was first reported in the United States in Fort Riley, Kansas. The Fukushima nuclear accident took place on March 11, 2011.

Some believe that it is a reference to the chapter 9, verse 11 of the Revelation:

"They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer)."

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