It is rather fascinating that after weeks, months, years, of headlines telling us about "Russian and Chinese hackers are constantly attacking US infrastructure", that as soon as there is a major infrastructure hit, they are the first out of the gate with "this is definitely a pure accident".

And that's the problem with lying all the time; Nobody believes you anymore! In fact, for most people, since their level of trust with the MSM is so incredibly low, as soon as the MSM says something, most people assume it's a lie, and that the opposite is most likely true.

And as with most "odd" things, it'll get buried under a mountain of BS, obfuscated by whacky counter-narrative informational "false flags", and rendered ridiculous, before the facts, or bodies, are even cold.

Sometimes, Occam's Razor is the best metric of all.

This event looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.

Moreover, if we go with "their narrative", then the reality is that our entire infrastructure is so fragile, so mismanaged, so delicate and antiquated, that a single ship pilot can knock out any one of our major ports, at any time, by just going off course for a few seconds.. and that is supposed to make us feel better?

Here will be the deciding vote- When there is another, weird, anomalous, bizarre, purely accidental "event" that also manages to cripple some major infrastructure.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Kevin Barrett

Israelis angry that US didn't go all-in and veto the UN Security Council ceasefire on Gaza is certainly a plausible reason for the bridge attack. But on some level, such global geopolitics in our backyard is not all that necessary when you understand that the US is ZOG'd to high heaven.

One of their foremost goals is to tear down if not destroy the United States as we know it. Be it turbo-charged inflation-till-we-break, trans degeneracy, woke divisiveness en route to civil war, vax bioweapons, migrant invasions, or manmade disasters like Lahaina, East Palestine, massive farm arsons, and "weather" events -- you name it. Americans are in the throes of a full-court-press, purposefully-induced breakdown.

Given ZOGs are calling all our shots at this point in history, the controlled demolition of the "Star-Spangled Banner" bridge seems like just a cynical, laughing "take that!" lagniappe as part of the genocidaires' takedown of America.

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There are some indications that the concert hall attack might be similar to the Boston marathon bombing or the Sandy Hook attack. Ie, a staged event with fake blood, and crisis actors.


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Israel dirty? C'mon, they wouldn't pull such a stunt. They are above stoking tension and wars, right?

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The Rus Retaliation sounds logical

As does the Zio one. Some years ago, Jews were surveilling Baltimore’s tunnels & bridges, taking many photos. Arrested, they told the coppers they were Israelis. Were immediately released

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Hostile Control of Ships via False GPS Signals:

Demonstration and Detection


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There are (were) four main structural supports of the Key Bridge (interesting name). Arguably the outside two are the only targets that could take out the entire bridge in one blow. The Dali headed straight for one of them. Baltimore city and port will be impaired for months if not years. Nothing to see here?

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How many ships have passed successfully beneath this bridge in the past 45 years?

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Baghdadis army of the Black flag had a fatal flaw, it started from Jordan/Iraq and not from Khorassan (NE Iran) as prophesied. Whilst Khalif baghdadis CIA recruiters at Langley went overdrive in FB, etc with 8 language glossy brochures enticing wannabe jihadis from all over, they had to do something about the fatal flaw. That's when they started the Khorassan narrative. ISIS-K is just another open plan office division at Langley, that's all. No wonder they had the crocus investigation sewn up in 55 minutes, it was all in house.

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If anyone - I go Israel.

BUT this is the most important aspect stated but not stressed - "Baltimore Bridge—an important bit of American infrastructure whose loss will take a top-ten port out of operation indefinitely and gum up supply chains—looks, at first glance, suspiciously like retaliation" ... like the 100 plus food plants suddenly blown up or on fire and and ... it is all part of the globalist agenda.

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great insight into the logic of the turncoat trotskyite j neocons. the soviet promised land was replaced by the j promised land. and most definitely the cold war stoked by the zios. thanks for those pieces of the puzzle.

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just as with pearl harbor and jfk assassination, we'll probably never know the real story.

Experts say urgent need to improve old bridges to accommodate modern vessels

ha, ha.

how about: ban monster container ships from china loaded with JUNK

remember the evergreen in suez?

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What is the source of the video of the bridge collapsing?

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I have for a long time suspected external control of the flights that struck the towers in nine eleven .

After all ,think about drones . This to bring us the Dali container ship that lost control certainly brings up questions and possibilities .One conspiracy theory feeds another ? Strange times we live in . Most conspiracy theories end up being true ,given enough time . But Cui Bono is always the number one question in any investigation .Just my thoughts .

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Entirely possible and a logical conclusion!

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Kevin's links to Putin and Pepe Escobar said to be claiming, substantiating that the Crocus Hall massacre was a "U.S. -- NATO operation." See first paragraph as well as in middle of this article. All three of these links when clicked upon yield "This site can't be reached."

I unsuccessfully followed these links because I have not seen anything substantiating that Putin had attributed the massacre to the U.S. Has Putin done so?

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