Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

Russki plays 5D chess, the 8 year shelling of Donbass causing 14k civilian deaths was reason enough for the SMO. But now the dumb concentration camp guard benderas and their kapo allies in Kiev have been sucked into giving Russia enough reason to denazify/dekapotate Ukraine right upto the border with Poland. For Russia, quite apart from the increased security, the numbers are simple, an extra 12m Russki population, 10 trillion worth of ex USSR assets incl land and a grain world monopoly. And all for a trillions worth of arms and judiciously well kept low 50k casualties. Victoria nudelman eat your heart out, before yer hanged at Maidan.

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The obsession of the heartless godless globalist is manifested in ukraine palestine and all oppressed areas of the world.

Thx u Kevin and Arnaud for sharing true investigative Journalism.Godbless

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