Easy answer: YES

"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature."

- St. Augustine

If someone thinks, e.g., that the Bible stories about miracles are mythological, it is probably because he thinks miracles are impossible, which is much more a deliberate choice than a reasoned conclusion in the face of historical evidence. And if someone disbelieves in miracles, he usually disbelieves in God as well. But denial of God is also a choice, not a reasoned conclusion.

"Anyone who denies God has reasons for wanting Him not to exist." - St Augustine

Just because almost all Christian denominations have become corrupted, including the Vatican, the latter definitively since 1958 when the papacy was usurped by the โ€œpowers that ought not beโ€ (whitesmoke1958.com), and just because there are many false "miracles," either hoaxes or demonic manifestations, that doesnโ€™t mean there is no such thing as authentic Christianity or authentic miracles. As the saying goes, โ€œAbusus non tollit usum,โ€ "Abuse (of something) doesn't negate its (legitimate) use."

See the great G.K. Chesterton on miracles from his famous book, Orthodoxy:

"...my belief that miracles have happened in human history is not a mystical belief at all; I believe in them upon human evidences as I do in the discovery of America. Upon this point there is a simple logical fact that only requires to be stated and cleared up. Somehow or other an extraordinary idea has arisen that the disbelievers in miracles consider them coldly and fairly, while believers in miracles accept them only in connection with some dogma. The fact is quite the other way. The believers in miracles accept them (rightly or wrongly) because they have evidence for them. The disbelievers in miracles deny them (rightly or wrongly) because they have a doctrine against them."

Continued at spiritualmeanderings.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/chesterton-on-miracles

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It depends how you define "miracle." There is abundant scientific experimental evidence for precognition, telepathy, psychokinesis, and clairvoyance, and very strong anecdotal evidence for levitation and what appears to be reincarnation. https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_dean-radin-trust-the-science-magic-works/

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I think you want there to be no evidence & you also want that there be no God because you don't want to repent of your sins, which leads to intellectual blindness.

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If you believed in God, then you should logically believe He can suspend the laws of nature which He himself established.

There are thousands of reliable instances of miracles. Look up, e.g., the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, miracles of healing at Lourdes, the eucharistic miracle at Lanciano, & a couple modern ones: the miracles of Padre Pio:


The predicted public "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima, Portugal, 1917, witnessed by about 70,000, many of them sceptics until they saw it:


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Oh my God! Superstitious Catholics!!

There are thousands of reliable instances of miracles. Look up, e.g., the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, miracles of healing at Lourdes, the eucharistic miracle at Lanciano, & a couple modern ones: the miracles of Padre Pio:

The predicted public "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima, Portugal, 1917, witnessed by about 70,000, many of them sceptics until they saw it:

All utter bullshit.


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Kevin if you keep this up you're going to Out--JEW THE JEWS! YUP..this was a really fun scintillating constructive and somewhat educational podcast..but hey! We got an idea..why don't you contact Brian Ruhe..Birdie jaworski..she is just adoreable and amazing*--get Jim Rizoli and Lady Dianne King for a much better than trump-dog. gong show ...that's the ticket Kevin! This was much better than a midevil discursive digression on how many Catholic angels can fit or sit on top of a pin.! Maybe Li Hong Zi will comment more hyper accurately in the Chi Gong floatation stuff. You know Kevin...back in the day and all the folks in the know used to say the somewhat physical miracles that occured prior to Jesus was *soul power *not nesecerily spiritual..the folks back then also used to say..some *miracles*occured because The Heavenly Father just didn't want everyone to die at childbirth or get eaten by a lion or a bear or trampled by. a rhinoceros..we aren't scientific materialist dupes or woo--hoo- gay Freemason Jews or scientologists but in 2025: everybody s in a mad rush to get in on this occult stuff..you for sure have heard that story of the relatively unattractive Jewish lady who swore up and down that she was..captured abducted mentally..emotionally and physically gang raped by greyish aliens in their spaceship..but..she loved every moment of it! What can you do Kevin..!that's the world outside of the blood dripping Zionist entity and all..but trumprat loves every scam he can monetize.....well before you ascend to the mountain top and get renamed as a new imam..don't forget we like appreciate enjoy and have some fun with most of your fine podcasts ...

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Mid..evil...tough to guarantee perfect spelling on goggle gulag dumbphone automated keypad.."were ..not.."grammar stalinists..but ..,anyway.....really fun podcast Prof.Barett.We appreciate where your heart is and all...**

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Makes a lot of sense. Lets find some peace. And make it grow. But I know that what you are saying about "finding" is not going to make sense to many. It is too deep, or goes against too many fixed ideas, which unfortunately we all have to a greater or lesser degree. I have met many people who would not believe a miracle even if they encountered one. So they call it coincidence. And no, I'm not talking about Trumps ear. Pshah.

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Michael Grosso PhD explained in his short book on miracles entitled Smile of the Universe: Miracles in an Age of Disbelief that some people with ESP abilities are not necessarily of higher than average moral character.

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Thank you for this to both Eric and Kevin. Sometime within the past 10yrs ago I had an odd experience whereby a woman before our eyes disappeared. I was with my girlfriend and her 15yr old niece. As we approached a recently installed outdoor public washroom in Montreal which stood on its own (In other words, not one side of the four outer walls was attached to any building), a lady within 10 ft from us beat us in going inside to see what it was like. We were all curious to see the inside so we patiently waited outside some 5-8 feet away while we kept our eyes on the door. After 10mins of waiting I got frustrated so I knocked on the electrically controlled door. No answer. So I pressed the OPEN button to open the door. The door opened and no one was there. She disappeared. We were certain that she never exited the washroom cause we were closely monitoring to be next. I then went inside to check if there was a secondary exit/entrance. I pressed every button I was able to find. Absolutely nothing. She disappeared. Some years later I meant up with a couple who do ghost busting work in the city and they told me that in old Montreal, which was where we were, is known for ghost stories.

On a separate issue, they say the Chi is much more abundant in nature. Dr. Sheldrake also said that studies have shown that exercise in nature has more benefits than walking on city streets. Actually, according to a brief internet search "Forest air isnโ€™t just refreshing โ€” itโ€™s therapeutic. Trees and plants release phytoncides, organic compounds that can enhance the activity of natural killer cells in the body." The whole experience in nature is more contemplative, relaxing, magical. And the crazies like Gates and company want to wreck all this up with their nature manipulation.

This docufilm from Austria was fascinating. People from various backgrounds and religious traditions who survive with little to no food what so ever.-https://www.lightdocumentary.com/

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