About 20 years ago I read LOVE AND DEATH IN THE VALLEY, by Kevin Annett, about the Canadian boarding schools for children of American Indians. It was rather upsetting, but I don't remember all the details (especially whether it mentioned mass graves). In looking it up just now, I see that there are opposing views to the validity of the claims in the book. I will remain neutral for now.

The thing I do remember is that the boarding schools (both in the U.S. and Canada) were basically designed to indoctrinate the children to the ideology of Anglo-European culture, and to separate them from the culture of their families and ancestors. In my experience, the public schools I attended as a child basically played the same role.

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Excellent point. American and Canadian public schools are designed to rip children away from the parents' ethnicity and reprogram them as "Americans" or "Canadians." So it isn't just the Indian schools.

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phew..sounds complex weaving and undoing knots in a media hypnotic spell;.unfolding the truth standing up for academic freedom.

The money printed in one aspect wins the debate temporairily versus blood sweat and tears that ultimately precipitate the truth.

There is certainly light in the tunnel however ,stumbling in the dark must not provoke despair.

thx u Kevin Barret and Anthony Hall

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Thank you Feizal. I appreciate your consistently good feedback here.

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It is very rare to see "humans" acknowledge they misunderstand anything! Only humans with pure hearts do.

Wth Christic Love


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Mass Graves in Ghazza and elsewhere will not distract me from the real genocides having been perpetrated by the same genocidal racists and monsters (demons) and still ongoing. Some half a billion victims, since the bogus discovery of the "Indian" Amerigo Vespuccian Continent, has already been recorded by some. (quoted by Australian Sheikh Khaled Yasin) EBBA

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Do you really think half a billion native Americans were murdered in the U.S.? I didn’t think people lived very long prior to modern medicine. Many women and children died in childbirth. Without antibiotics there were a lot of other deaths that would never happen today. I had always had the impression that the number of native Americans was fairly sparse, but now I keep hearing that hundreds of millions of native Americans were genocided. We don’t even have a half a billion people living in the United States now, and that’s with mass immigration.

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"Some half a billion victims, since the bogus discovery of the "Indian" Amerigo Vespuccian Continent, has already been recorded by some. (quoted by Australian Sheikh Khaled Yasin) EBBA"

1. This is not what I THINK!

2. I did not write "half a billion native Americans were murdered in the U.S.?"

3. I wrote "SINCE THE BOGUS DISCOVERY OF THE "Indian" Amerigo Vespuccian Continent, ..."

Please, Anne Kiessling, do not corrupt my GOSPEL any further! Thank you. God bless you!


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I misunderstood your comment. 😂

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Wednesday 18 July 2012




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