Alan Sabrosky returns to his “first Friday of the month” slot to discuss ever-escalating genocidal Zionist lies including the Intercept’s exposé of Zionist Oct.
There is a sinister, demonic Entity in the background, financing, controlling, corrupting the World, that is the Zio-Rothschild International Financial Crime Syndicate CLAN/Clique/Tribe, owners of the 'City of London', Central Banking-US Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, etc. etc. with those 'Tools-Weapons' (Sanctions Anyone)?, They have Enslaved Mankind! We must ELIMINATE the Zio-Rothschild Crime Syndicate, like what THEY done, to the French and Russian Royalty! ASAP!
To the best of my memory, I never heard about "The Holocaust" until I graduated from high school. At the time, it was all of a sudden a "big deal" that all of us had to acknowledge and respect.
About thirty years ago, I came across a small booklet by Ghassan Kanafani about the Palestinian revolt of 1936-1939. This was quite eye-opening, as I learned about the gradual takeover of Palestine prior to World War II. As I have learned more over the years, I have come to the conclusion that "The Holocaust" never ended - it was just transferred from one group to another.
On another subject: one of the locations "firebombed" by Mr. LeMay was the metropolis of Wuhan, China, on 18 December 1944. It is estimated 40,000 people were murdered in that one attack.
"I joined the Royal College in 1958, and we were among the rare students to have daily access to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and we did not encounter the Holocaust of Six Million Jews or of Homicidal Gas Chambers in German Labour Concentration Camps. Nor did I hear about it while studying in the USSR 1964-1968. I lectured on Islam, Palestine, the Apartheid State of Israel, and UNESCO, and was Head of Biology until 1975. No sign of the “Holocaust” except in the “Holy Bible” where Israel was also worshipping a Holocaust-loving God along with the Arabian God EL, the Palestinian God Adon (Adonis), Elohim, Molloch, Ha Shem the Sun God, YHWH (Ya Hu Wah, I AM or I AM HE), etc. Judaism, a monotheist religion, my foot! Although some so-called Jews are Monotheists."
(Please, correct me with evidence where I am wrong! Thanks.)
Thank you all for your brave and enduring struggle!
From the United Kingdom of Judea, the Great Israel that declared WAR ON GERMANY in 1933 - that would starve to death 4.3 million Bengalis, genocide over 60 millions, rape over 1 million women, set up a Zionist World Government, made official by Racist unelected Rishi Sunak who is behind the GENOCIDE IN GHAZZA!!!
I used to say that in my teens back in the 1960S, but life experiences taught me truth is useless without freedom, and freedom cannot exist without a FIGHT!
Religions and the offsprings of religions, Ideologies, Marxist Bolshevik-Communism, Fascism, Zionism and combinations of those, have become the 'Tools-Weapons', in the evil hands of Control Freaks-Charlatans, who have been using those, over Human History, to brainwash, oppress, control, divide and conquer, turn on each other, the primitives, looking for answers, masses of Humanity! Just look back into our barbaric-bloody History, to this very day, the Demonic Control Freak Charlatans, are turning OUR beautiful, accommodating Planet into HELL on Earth! Like the primitive, brainwashed, 'Left Behind' Christian-Zionist Zombies, supporting, promoting, the Zionist Devils! Christian-Zionism is an OXYMORON!
This has to be the most depressing interview I have heard in sometime...
I believe I will have to seek out psychiatric counseling soon...
In any event, I do agree with just bout everything Alan said. And since I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s I know of what he speaks of that time.
The Gen-Z kids, although they may be against Israel and are abhorred by what that nation is doing in Gaza, they are for the most part a completely useless set of people who don't know which way is up. This is because so many of them have been so pampered by their rather lazy parents that they have no sense of responsibility while containing an overwhelming sense of entitlement. lot of these young people can't even hold jobs and many employers are increasingly refusing to hire them.
So the elitist Jews and the like who have promoted such a horrendous form of morality have done their job well.
However, such things tend to backfire fairly badly on such people as we are seeing the reactions around the world, including right here in the United States towards the Israeli atrocity in Gaza. Many analysts are already saying the Israel's days are numbered.
While back here in the States, people such as Colonel Douglas MacGregor are now changing their tunes by the fact that they are now openly saying that the only way we can save our nation is through revolution.
I have been saying the same for a very long time given that as a military analyst myself, I have no idea exactly we Americans can simply vote our way out of this mess when our election system is so corrupted.
The other area where our elitist fools may rue the day that they thought of it, is with their stupid idea of throwing open the US border in the south. The majority of people appear to be from South America, though there are quite few from elsewhere.
The problem is, is that South Americans tend to be conservative culturally and our own Hispanics in the States are beginning to throw their lot in with Trump as a result.
If Trump gets back into the White House, he may be better advised to get rid of the criminal element that has come across our borders while allowing those who have skills and are professionals (there are many who are) stay and become a part of the US social fabric in order to get a boost of increased Conservatism in our population.
The only thing I have to disagree with Alan on is with the his statement on transgender people. Yes, the overwhelming majority of them are seriously mentally ill people who ll belong in a loony bin. And 4 psychiatrists and psychologists that my wife and I have been able to speak to on the subject have all stated to person that each has worked with such people and they all suffer from very serious mental and emotional problems.
However, that being said, approximately .002% of newborns are actually born in the wrong bodies and need assistance as they grow older. Yet, with the stupidity that has overtaken our society, it is doubtful that such a fraction of our newborns will actually get the legitimate assistance they need. Nonetheless, this tiny fraction of newborns is hardly a reason to build the ridiculous movements that now surround such a non-issue.
The cold hard facts . Not hard to swallow for many simply because they just don't care . I did not know any of this when I grew up around the same time as Alan ,but I have since learned .
Genocidal Zionist lies ,yes and ongoing as they sniper kill Palestinians swarming towards food delivery vehicles .It does not get much worse than this . Is anybody still not paying attention because they don't know what is happening or do they still don't just don't care ?
"Alan Sabrosky: When I was growing up in the United States and in high school in the late 1950s and at college in the early 1960s in Michigan and Ohio respectively, there wasn't a word about anything that added up to, that was called later a Holocaust. Nothing about gas chambers, nothing about extermination camps, nothing about any huge numbers of people murdered. World War II was strictly World War I on a vaster scale and bloodier scale, and that was it. And also, by the way, no one at that time ever talked about the real Holocaust, and there were real Holocausts in World War II. I'm not talking about the Holodomor under Stalin in Ukraine before World War II."
Thank you, Alan, I thought I was the only crazy one!
1. While the black politicians (s)elected to run our cities are abominable, as with the demise of black communities, both tragedies are not sui generis. They are direct end-goal products of ZOG grand plans.
2. Southern South America probably is a great place to go, but bear in mind, it's increasingly being populated by Jews, from both ongoing migrations and now from so many Israelis hightailing it out of Israel. Settler communities anyone? Examples:
* A Chilean posted online that the founder(?) of Benneton now owns practically the whole bottom cone of Chile.
* Whitney Webb wrote an account several years ago about rich Jews taking over parts of Argentina.
* An Israeli friend of mine was recently in Buenos Aires helping two older relatives move there from Israel where apparently there was a ready-made community awaiting them.
3. In terms of the woke breakdown of society, this is a great interview Tucker Carlson recently had with a Chinese woman who is now American. She grew up during Mao's Cultural Revolution and shares important first hand experience that directly relates to what is happening in the West. The one downside is she claims the CCP of Mao's time is the same as CCP of today. I disagree.
Further, we cannot expect any people who has been victims of bombings, carnage, terrorism, starvation, to behave as if nothing has happened to them. The question is not about the Afghan Survivors of the UN-EU-USA orchestrated Holocaust (a REAL one!) "depopulating" the "highy civilised" Boston Paradise, but THEIR RIGHT TO POPULATE THEIR OWN LAND IN PEACE WITH A RELIGION OF THEIR CHOICE!
In 1964-1965, I had some 20 Afghani TALIBAAN friends in Moscow, but the word "TALIBA"N the West has been peddling is just a genocidal anti Islamic WEAPON to destroy all free Islamic governance!
Gaza section: "The whole world is watching." Dem Convention '68
Black cities bad, no family, or underclass economically, let's not blame them. Their leaders are dead. Bidens, Zelensky, Soros, Gates and Trump are the all coke heads and addicts as were the Rolling Stones. So what's so bad about Black drug use our leaders ply it. If Trump and Bidens use whores, let the good times roll. But the issue really is the ELITES, not the black, white, and brown underclass that has to get by with dancing and music, because the rest is just debt slavery.
There is a sinister, demonic Entity in the background, financing, controlling, corrupting the World, that is the Zio-Rothschild International Financial Crime Syndicate CLAN/Clique/Tribe, owners of the 'City of London', Central Banking-US Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, etc. etc. with those 'Tools-Weapons' (Sanctions Anyone)?, They have Enslaved Mankind! We must ELIMINATE the Zio-Rothschild Crime Syndicate, like what THEY done, to the French and Russian Royalty! ASAP!
To the best of my memory, I never heard about "The Holocaust" until I graduated from high school. At the time, it was all of a sudden a "big deal" that all of us had to acknowledge and respect.
About thirty years ago, I came across a small booklet by Ghassan Kanafani about the Palestinian revolt of 1936-1939. This was quite eye-opening, as I learned about the gradual takeover of Palestine prior to World War II. As I have learned more over the years, I have come to the conclusion that "The Holocaust" never ended - it was just transferred from one group to another.
On another subject: one of the locations "firebombed" by Mr. LeMay was the metropolis of Wuhan, China, on 18 December 1944. It is estimated 40,000 people were murdered in that one attack.
"I joined the Royal College in 1958, and we were among the rare students to have daily access to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and we did not encounter the Holocaust of Six Million Jews or of Homicidal Gas Chambers in German Labour Concentration Camps. Nor did I hear about it while studying in the USSR 1964-1968. I lectured on Islam, Palestine, the Apartheid State of Israel, and UNESCO, and was Head of Biology until 1975. No sign of the “Holocaust” except in the “Holy Bible” where Israel was also worshipping a Holocaust-loving God along with the Arabian God EL, the Palestinian God Adon (Adonis), Elohim, Molloch, Ha Shem the Sun God, YHWH (Ya Hu Wah, I AM or I AM HE), etc. Judaism, a monotheist religion, my foot! Although some so-called Jews are Monotheists."
(Please, correct me with evidence where I am wrong! Thanks.)
A brother in the human family .Respect !
Thank you all for your brave and enduring struggle!
From the United Kingdom of Judea, the Great Israel that declared WAR ON GERMANY in 1933 - that would starve to death 4.3 million Bengalis, genocide over 60 millions, rape over 1 million women, set up a Zionist World Government, made official by Racist unelected Rishi Sunak who is behind the GENOCIDE IN GHAZZA!!!
Only Truth will set Us Free!
I used to say that in my teens back in the 1960S, but life experiences taught me truth is useless without freedom, and freedom cannot exist without a FIGHT!
Truth will never be denied ,it can only be delayed .
2-3,000 years of delay for the world to preach the same lies and mythologies?
Mon cher Guy, vous plaisantez, ma parole!
World History is made up of tons of lies including in SCIENCE!
Religions and the offsprings of religions, Ideologies, Marxist Bolshevik-Communism, Fascism, Zionism and combinations of those, have become the 'Tools-Weapons', in the evil hands of Control Freaks-Charlatans, who have been using those, over Human History, to brainwash, oppress, control, divide and conquer, turn on each other, the primitives, looking for answers, masses of Humanity! Just look back into our barbaric-bloody History, to this very day, the Demonic Control Freak Charlatans, are turning OUR beautiful, accommodating Planet into HELL on Earth! Like the primitive, brainwashed, 'Left Behind' Christian-Zionist Zombies, supporting, promoting, the Zionist Devils! Christian-Zionism is an OXYMORON!
"Christian-Zionism is an OXYMORON!"
CHRISTIAN itself is an oxymoron!
Christ was not the name of "Jesus", and the one called JESUS was not even a Christian. Nor was Romanised Crypto-Jew Paul! And, this is not my opinion!
This has to be the most depressing interview I have heard in sometime...
I believe I will have to seek out psychiatric counseling soon...
In any event, I do agree with just bout everything Alan said. And since I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s I know of what he speaks of that time.
The Gen-Z kids, although they may be against Israel and are abhorred by what that nation is doing in Gaza, they are for the most part a completely useless set of people who don't know which way is up. This is because so many of them have been so pampered by their rather lazy parents that they have no sense of responsibility while containing an overwhelming sense of entitlement. lot of these young people can't even hold jobs and many employers are increasingly refusing to hire them.
So the elitist Jews and the like who have promoted such a horrendous form of morality have done their job well.
However, such things tend to backfire fairly badly on such people as we are seeing the reactions around the world, including right here in the United States towards the Israeli atrocity in Gaza. Many analysts are already saying the Israel's days are numbered.
While back here in the States, people such as Colonel Douglas MacGregor are now changing their tunes by the fact that they are now openly saying that the only way we can save our nation is through revolution.
I have been saying the same for a very long time given that as a military analyst myself, I have no idea exactly we Americans can simply vote our way out of this mess when our election system is so corrupted.
The other area where our elitist fools may rue the day that they thought of it, is with their stupid idea of throwing open the US border in the south. The majority of people appear to be from South America, though there are quite few from elsewhere.
The problem is, is that South Americans tend to be conservative culturally and our own Hispanics in the States are beginning to throw their lot in with Trump as a result.
If Trump gets back into the White House, he may be better advised to get rid of the criminal element that has come across our borders while allowing those who have skills and are professionals (there are many who are) stay and become a part of the US social fabric in order to get a boost of increased Conservatism in our population.
The only thing I have to disagree with Alan on is with the his statement on transgender people. Yes, the overwhelming majority of them are seriously mentally ill people who ll belong in a loony bin. And 4 psychiatrists and psychologists that my wife and I have been able to speak to on the subject have all stated to person that each has worked with such people and they all suffer from very serious mental and emotional problems.
However, that being said, approximately .002% of newborns are actually born in the wrong bodies and need assistance as they grow older. Yet, with the stupidity that has overtaken our society, it is doubtful that such a fraction of our newborns will actually get the legitimate assistance they need. Nonetheless, this tiny fraction of newborns is hardly a reason to build the ridiculous movements that now surround such a non-issue.
Zebrews don’t like jistory.
Read A.C. Grayling’s Book “Among the Dead Cities”. He proves the US & UK were guilty of war crimes for killing civilians in Germany & Japan
Yes. We know 🙏
The cold hard facts . Not hard to swallow for many simply because they just don't care . I did not know any of this when I grew up around the same time as Alan ,but I have since learned .
Genocidal Zionist lies ,yes and ongoing as they sniper kill Palestinians swarming towards food delivery vehicles .It does not get much worse than this . Is anybody still not paying attention because they don't know what is happening or do they still don't just don't care ?
"Alan Sabrosky: When I was growing up in the United States and in high school in the late 1950s and at college in the early 1960s in Michigan and Ohio respectively, there wasn't a word about anything that added up to, that was called later a Holocaust. Nothing about gas chambers, nothing about extermination camps, nothing about any huge numbers of people murdered. World War II was strictly World War I on a vaster scale and bloodier scale, and that was it. And also, by the way, no one at that time ever talked about the real Holocaust, and there were real Holocausts in World War II. I'm not talking about the Holodomor under Stalin in Ukraine before World War II."
Thank you, Alan, I thought I was the only crazy one!
Kindest regards
Great interview guys. A couple comments:
1. While the black politicians (s)elected to run our cities are abominable, as with the demise of black communities, both tragedies are not sui generis. They are direct end-goal products of ZOG grand plans.
2. Southern South America probably is a great place to go, but bear in mind, it's increasingly being populated by Jews, from both ongoing migrations and now from so many Israelis hightailing it out of Israel. Settler communities anyone? Examples:
* A Chilean posted online that the founder(?) of Benneton now owns practically the whole bottom cone of Chile.
* Whitney Webb wrote an account several years ago about rich Jews taking over parts of Argentina.
* An Israeli friend of mine was recently in Buenos Aires helping two older relatives move there from Israel where apparently there was a ready-made community awaiting them.
3. In terms of the woke breakdown of society, this is a great interview Tucker Carlson recently had with a Chinese woman who is now American. She grew up during Mao's Cultural Revolution and shares important first hand experience that directly relates to what is happening in the West. The one downside is she claims the CCP of Mao's time is the same as CCP of today. I disagree.
Further, we cannot expect any people who has been victims of bombings, carnage, terrorism, starvation, to behave as if nothing has happened to them. The question is not about the Afghan Survivors of the UN-EU-USA orchestrated Holocaust (a REAL one!) "depopulating" the "highy civilised" Boston Paradise, but THEIR RIGHT TO POPULATE THEIR OWN LAND IN PEACE WITH A RELIGION OF THEIR CHOICE!
In 1964-1965, I had some 20 Afghani TALIBAAN friends in Moscow, but the word "TALIBA"N the West has been peddling is just a genocidal anti Islamic WEAPON to destroy all free Islamic governance!
Gaza section: "The whole world is watching." Dem Convention '68
Black cities bad, no family, or underclass economically, let's not blame them. Their leaders are dead. Bidens, Zelensky, Soros, Gates and Trump are the all coke heads and addicts as were the Rolling Stones. So what's so bad about Black drug use our leaders ply it. If Trump and Bidens use whores, let the good times roll. But the issue really is the ELITES, not the black, white, and brown underclass that has to get by with dancing and music, because the rest is just debt slavery.
gotta expose the jewish supremacy..if they knew they would care