Methinks sabrosky is a master gatekeeper on the level of a syhersh (samson option blackmailer) and chomsky (911 denier), he kept silent for 10 years whilst holding his War College post, only showing dissent after the 911 lava pools under the WTCs had cooled. Matza batter is even thicker than blood.

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Well, I kept silent for 2 1/2 years and held my University of Wisconsin position for 5 years, so I'm a little quicker on the uptake than Alan, but still a lot slower than I should have been. And Candace Owen was silent throughout her career until last week. I don't think people are slow to speak out because they are gatekeepers. It's the people who never speak out, or say the wrong things, like Chomsky, who are the gatekeepers. Alan is just a typical American with a patriotic-conservative worldview that got in the way of him figuring things out.

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Theyr too clever for you, with respect. Eg syhersh grassy knolled recently in substack that he only just knew angleton. But he had interviewed him just after JFK hit (CIA has different compartments), and knows it was agent angleton who helped mossad piggyback on the CIA plot and make sure with a frontal shot by the two hit men staying with Ruby at his apt. Rabin, who never mentioned it in his memoirs was in Dallas that day and promoted to Defence Minister 2 weeks later. I dare say somebody should examine his security detail in the following years, they will find the same two translators who stayed with Ruby, in it. Mathew 10.26

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Generally, I lean toward Kevin's prior response, and it boils down to case by case. Specifically, I'm inclined to agree with you on Hersh. His knowledge of Angleton is new to me, but prior, I considered his "Camelot" book in 1997-98 a planned, sophisticated "hit piece." And it subsequently came out that My Lai was far from a single, radical outlying event, which I figure someone with his inside knowledge and connections would know. The Russian pipeline story also struck me as not quite on key.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Another example, oliver stone (silverstein), JFK "epic" threw the mossad/rabin hit job into the long grass for another 50 years, subtly deflecting goyem from the obvious into barking up the wrong tree. JFK was wholly financed by the resident mossad overseer in Hollywood arnon milchon, grassy knollery at its finest, synagogue of satan at its most cunning.

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Stone's JFK may have been the greatest limited hangout of all time.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

If u believe 33 level freemason "amateur videographer" zapruder plausibly "forgot" and had to go back to get his top of the range new videocamera, I have a canyon in Arizona to sell you. Like the 5 dancing israelis of 911 he had already set up for the perfect speilbergian panorama day(s) before. All the dumb goyem had to ask is, did he forget his tripod too, there was no OIS then, the video had no shake. He too was documenting like the 5 yids hava nagilaing in the car park on 911. PURE EVIL. Yahweh may be expected to remain silent again.

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