GAZA is not just one issue among many its

about the mass murder of over 30,000 human beings.

Back by a DEMOCRATIC administration with all its


You can't distract from the gravity of GAZA.

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I'm still encouraged by Kennedy's candidacy, even though I find his support for Israel strange since they are implicated in both his father's and uncle's assassinations. He sees the CIA connection but he doesn't see that the Mossad was/is joined at the hip.

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If you're for Israel and against the Palestinians, then you're supporting the Zionist/Satanists that have had control of the citizens of the world for millennia. It's clear Kennedy, while I like him a lot, he's clearly under ZIONIST control and THAT is the crux of the World's problems. The citizens of this world will never be free UNTIL these ZIONIST/Satanists are taken down and that's something Kennedy will NOT do...Trump will.

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Trump was the most enslaved-to-Zionism president in US history, which is saying something. He surrounded himself with psycho Zionist extremists like mobbed-up Kushner, Bolton, and Pompeo. Why would a second term be any different?

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I believe you're wrong about Trump. Kushner is his son inlaw...that he has to deal with. But Bolton he fired, he fired Haley, Pompeo he put on a short leash. I don't think you understand what he was truly dealing with. He fully understood that the Zionists are/were in control of the world, with their evil intent. He couldn't come out and attack the Zionists Jews. If he did, he would have gotten nothing done. So he went after them through the back door. Right now, he's doing it through Biden. Biden is now attacking Israel so when that entire evil regime comes crashing down, none of it will stick to Trump. Are you NOT aware that when Fake Biden stole...err...won the 2020, who was the first foreign leader to call to congratulate him? It was Netanyahu. Now would Bibi have done that, if he had Trump in his pocket supporting him? When Trump visited Israel during his Capitulation Tour...why did Trump stay there for two days, because Bibi refused to sign the documents that Trump had, regarding Child Sex Trafficking? Israel is one of the biggest hubs. Zionism is based on Child Sex, Child Satanic Sacrifice, Child Torture, Adrenochrome and Cannibalism. Bibi finally signed because he had to. He knew if he didn't, there'd be no US money for Israel. Trump had already stopped funding the WHO (another child trafficking org), pulled us out of the WTO...was making his own trade deals to benefit the US. He already pulled out of specific programs of the UN (another child sex trafficking hub).

Robert Kennedy, Jr. will not go after Zionism and that's the ultimate Evil because it's based on the ancient Babylonian Talmud of Satanic worship. Trump is. You're backing the wrong horse in this race. Fortunately, Kennedy won't win. So, this is really a moot point.

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Trump in October 2021 declaring that Israel "literally owned congress" & "rightfully" so.

Is that something that an "America first" candidate would say or believe? 🤨🤔💭🧐😒🇮🇱✡🕎🇺🇸 https://rumble.com/vodwkj-exclusive-the-post-millennials-ari-hoffman-interviews-president-donald-j.-t.html

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I hear what you're saying...but Trump HAS to say that. So many American's are under the spell of these Jews and if he says publicly what he's really about...many of the MAGA's will turn against him. He wants to take these Zionists down under the Biden Residency...that way Biden is the culprit and not him. Biden is already talking against Israel...it's part of the plan. And WHY is Biden talking against Israel? Because Biden has been working for Trump!

All of those EO's of Trump...Biden extended all of them. You're watching a show...

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Well, I hope you're right, because Trump might be the next president.

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You can't be the Commander-in-Chief unless you're the President. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief...so...

You're watching a show, Kevin. Yes, there's chaos...but it's a controlled chaos. Perception is everything and everything is under control. While most people sleep...tribunals have been happening where executions and life sentences in prisons has been the reality. Keep the faith. Everything is happening for the better:)

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You’re giving Trump way too much credit.

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Really??? Who is the one that gathered all the true patriots of our country to come together and do what we can to save our country? Who is the one that has put himself in the crosshairs of these evil people where attempts were made on his life? Who is the one that has been dragged from court to court to prevent him from running again? Who is the one that has endangered not only his life but the lives of the members of his family (his son Barron was kidnapped) to fight for his country...OUR country. Who is the one that champions children...anti-abortion....family values? Who is the one that during his four years never started a war but DID end the war in Syria. Who is the one that set off on a capitulation tour to bring peace around the world? Who is the one that ended the Federal Reserve from having control of the printing presses and instead, moved that responsibility to the US Treasury, in a move to eventually end the private bankers usury fraud and theft?

Oh...let me guess...Hillary?

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I’m glad AJ has turned around on the Israel/Palestine issue, but I don’t think he’s quite up to speed yet on how important it is for America and the world - how instrumental Zionism has been in corrupting American politics and stirring up wars around the world. Regarding RFK Jr., a trojan horse-type scenario is possible, but I think it’s more likely that he is compromised, either by Zionist ties or blackmail or, as AJ says, using extreme support for Israel to draw in Evangelicals. Consider how quickly Republicans have begun criticizing Biden for abandoning Israel because of his recent comments on the ‘accidental’ on purpose WCK killings. Thus RFK becomes the alternative foil to Biden. But regardless of his reasons or how many of his other views I agree with, I couldn’t vote for him. Disappointing!

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Disappointing is right! I almost regret writing in RFK Jr. in 2020.

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And I had the double whammy “pleasure” of writing in RFK Jr in 2016 and 2020, but that was before he betrayed Palestine.

Anyway, the 800 pound gorilla in the room that nobody seems to be seeing is that RFK jr was reputed to be a guest of Mossad asset Jeffrey Epstein on his pedo island. Whatever recordings that might have been made Israel possesses and uses to leverage their position. I think it was Chuck Colson that once said, “grab them by the balls in their hearts and minds will follow“.

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I voted libertarian. No regrets!

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you all should be supporting Dr Shiva for president, https://x.com/va_shiva/status/1775475196222185589

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Kevin, I listened to your podcast with Mike King. Very interesting...especially the part where it was mentioned that Trump pumped up Passover and to a much lesser degree...Easter. I think it would behoove you to listen to this vid from Ron Partain's Untold History Channel, about EASTER. Trump was given a very unusual education. It's possible he's well aware of the difference between Passover and Easter.


I'm not a historian but I do love history and because I used to be Catholic, I saw a LOT of very questionable beliefs of the Catholic Church that drove me out of that religion. What we are ALL experiencing today is the worshiping of the Luciferian/Satanic Babylonian King Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis, and their son, Tammuz. Tammuz later to be renamed Horus and in modern times...Jesus. Just like Semiramis was renamed Ishtar, Ianna, Diana, Isis and now Mary. Nimrod renamed Ra, Osiris and currently, Joseph the father of Jesus. This INFECTION has permeated ALL of the organized religions of today. This Luciferian Babylonian Satanic religion is a Death Cult. Proof? Mass genocide is all around us...whether that be wars or by Big Pharma's vaccines...particularly the lethal COVID DeathJAB. These evil Satanists have permeated every area of our lives giving us a false history to believe in to solely benefit their agenda.

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Kevin, I highly suggest you go to this site. This is Mike King's article about Trump and Israel. Hopefully, you'll see that your opinion of Trump is wrong. Please pay attention to the Q postd #151 & #916, where Q calls Israel a "very dangerous animal". I don't know if you followed "Q" or even knew about it. But if you had, you would have known, from the beginning, what Trump was REALLY about.


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I interviewed Mike King recently: https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_m-s-king-of-tomato-bubble-everything-you-know-is-wrong/ Again, I hope he's right. But it's an interpretation backed by very little evidence.

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There's more evidence to say he's right than to say he's wrong. I just recently came upon Mike King. However, I've been a "Q" follower since around Dec. 2017. "Q" has called out many of these Zionists by name, since then. "Q" in case you don't know, is our Patriot military intelligence. The very same Patriot military working with Trump.

Trump never created a war during his first four years and certainly never after. He believes, as MAGA's do, that every country should have their own sovereign govt and that all people should be allowed to practice their religion...PROVIDING their religion does not interfere with the rights of others. Certainly, these Satanic Zionists ARE interfering with the rights of others, with their evil inhumane practices, therefore nullifying their right to practice their religion.

When Trump was a young many, he traveled with his Uncle John to many places. One such place was a supposed Jewish extermination camp. Trump's uncle was an MIT professor...a brilliant man. You can be sure he saw, as well as DJT, the lies we've all been told about these camps. He didn't see any gas chambers, where they were supposed to have been exterminated...just regular show heads that were hooked up to water lines. There's a big difference between water pipes and gas pipes. DJT saw the TRUTH of the lies these Zionists have shoved down our throats using guilt to get us to swallow it.

As "Q" said...these Zionist Jews "are a very dangerous animal".

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