I have listened to quite a few analysts state that we are on the brink of a nuclear exchange. However, I don't see it.

The US military already knows that such an exchange would see the US annihilated if it were to engage Russia and or China at such a level.

As far as Israel is concerned; yes they have nukes but I suspect the reason that Iran is taking so long to retaliate is a result of Russia still working to get the data on all Israeli sites that could possibly field such weapons. As a result, one should expect all of the Israeli airbases to be destroyed upfront so that aircraft cannot launch with such devices.

As to whatever land-based delivery systems the Israelis have, I suspect that the Russians are finalizing such coordinate data now.

When all is ready, then buckle up...

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Brother, you may be an expert. You may be the best informed in the world. However, all is unpredictable. Their are just too many variables for the little military/geopolitical minds of men. The madness must be stopped. It requires an act of God as it did with Babylon.

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Time for Iran to hit the US hostages. E.G. 10,000 airmen at Al Udeid in Qatar & 20,000 sailors, Maines, & civilians with the 5th Fleet & at Manana in Bahrain.

Would love to see the ZioBeasts nuke sites hit. Can’t be worse than all the depleted uranium dust the US has spread around the region

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Deeply Honoured to have been invited onto Brother Kevin Barett's Radio Show for an in-depth Geopolitics sitdown regarding the rapidly developing situation in Palestine & the wider West Asia region. Thank You Again to Brother Kevin for being an exceptional Host! 😉

Enjoy, Dear Listeners! 😉

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The beast is most dangerous when it is thrashing in its death throes.

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They might keep the Israelis waiting a few months but retaliation will happen and it might start ww3.

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