Listen to John Friend interview me on “We Need an American Putin” at:
Also note that False Flag Weekly News will be broadcasting live tomorrow, Friday, 11 to noon Eastern, instead of Saturday, to accommodate Allan the producer’s schedule. E. Michael Jones joins FFWN for tomorrow’s show, headlined “Ukraine: The New 9/11.” Find out what that headline means (check out stories #5 and #6) and watch live (11 to noon Eastern) or archived at:
My Friday night live radio show tomorrow will feature Marilyn M. Singleton, MD discussing the plandemic and denouncing the American oligarchs; Eric Zuesse on “We need Douglas Macgregor for U.S. President”; and more. Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio .
Thank you for paying attention!
Kevin Barrett
PS The Fundrazr for tomorrow’s FFWN is running way behind, so please help:
Is the revolution radio thing archived somewhere? I missed it :(