Israel has no right to exist

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Thanks Kevin for exposing this inadvertent admission from on high that the usurpers of God's Authority are embarrassed by any notion that reference to 'Mercy', cynical or genuine, might be associated with the Cult of the Devil. Quite right!

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Good God, oh mercy please Kevin, I can't read when you make me laugh so hard!

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That's why it's called "pitiless satire" or "merciless satire."

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they are relentless, merciless, gassing here, 911 sums of Ba'al, worshipping scums, making their inroads, sheeplepeep and ragged goat, bewildering their herd

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It's getting more difficult to know if this is satire or not.

Queue Minister Marvin:

Woah, ah, mercy, mercy me

Ah, things ain't what they used to be (ain't what they used to be)

Where did all the blue skies go?

Poison is the wind that blows

From the north and south and east


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Jonathan Greenbutt to Elon: 'Cause you knock me off my feet, have mercy on me. Yeah you knock me off my feet. There is no Goy in the whole woyld that can suck me like you do!

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