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And they wonder “why is antisemitism sky rocketing?”

Yet, it never occurs to them to stop being evil!

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need to ban the word 'holocaust' instead

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ACTION ••••••• !!!!!!!!!!!! —

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when Divine law is subsevient to man made expediancy..we can justify anything in the name of tecnicality...and the "law " takes its course..

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

Caustic good satire indeed! Uncomfortably close to reality!

Many places have totally unconstitutionally banned BDS against Israel!

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The remnant neanderthal genes found around the Caspian which result in the khabibs/khazars large hagari ears, golda funeral faces and especially the ludicrous lying we goyim are being insulted with, need to be researched. But theyr recessive in the ukrainian slav admixture of the khazars, compare the clear but rare homohabilis face of an adambloom with a scandinavian galgadot/younger nuland who would be at home selling in Dubai, and you know what I mean. It's the only way we will get to a resolution of these devils who have invaded Palestine. In the meantime we will continue to be fooled by their litany of lies, stretching from the holohoax, JFK murder, 911 and now the this Gaza genocide attributed to a 2000lb bomb in a Hamas missile shot down over the Al-shifa Hospital, which even uncovered 40 beheaded babies in a chabad tunnel in New York of all places!!!!

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How is it that whatever the adl zinos want they get the legislation passed so quickly? It shows that these scumbags use money to buy the souls of these greedy people and prove that they have all of them in their back pockets. These bought out cheap creeps should be booted out of office in the elections. But then these scumbags will buy those ones as well.

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The word antisemitism should be banned and the hyphenated form. Being called that word can ruin your life even when telling the truth. All I did was post the actual words of Israel’s prime minister on face book the same day he said it and someone demanded I take it down. “That’s antisemitic and probably not true”, meaning she didn’t have to look it up because it did not matter.

I get if you are talking about space lasers, but really? I was never accused of being anti-anything before I was a peace activist.

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The word antisemitism should be banned and the hyphenated form. Being called that word can ruin your life even when telling the truth. All I did was post the actual words of Israel’s prime minister on face book the same day he said it and someone demanded I take it down. “That’s antisemitic and probably not true”, meaning she didn’t have to look it up because it did not matter.

I get if you are talking about space lasers, but really? I was never accused of being anti-anything before I was a peace activist.

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Past time to send the ZioBeasts to another world, one filled with fire & boiling excrement

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Wasn't ( and still not completely) sure at first if this was satire!

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Will Cull be okay? Elimination? Gone? In a better place? Ahh that works for me..

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Here's a conspiracy, you are an agent, lol

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this is a joke, right?

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How pathetically desperate.

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