by Kevin Barrett, for the forthcoming issue of American Free Press
Are Zionists—people who support the invasion, occupation, and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and its euphemism “Israel”—a protected category? They will be if Jewish Journal editor David Suissa has his way. “All societal phobias — from homophobia to Islamophobia to transphobia — are unacceptable, except, apparently, for Zionophobia,” Suissa complains.
Suissa isn’t the only one crusading against “Zionophobes.” But some prefer to just call critics of Israel “anti-Semites.” Misha Galperin, chief of the National Museum of American Jewish Heritage, argues that “if somebody denies you the fact that you are identified with a state — which is also part of our religion — that is also antisemitic.”
According to the Jewish Daily Forward, the term Zionophobia was coined by UCLA computer science professor Judea Pearl in 2018. Professor Pearl explains: “Zionism (The eventual return to Zion) is at the core of Jewish identity, more fundamental even than divine supervision. Hence discrimination on the basis of Zionist beliefs amounts to ‘racism’ — discrimination on the basis of an immutable quality.”
Dr. Pearl’s argument runs like this: God gave us some land thousands of years ago, so we have the right to cross the oceans to murder and expel the millions of people who live on that land. Anyone who objects to our murdering and dispossessing millions of people is—get this—a racist!
Sure, doc. And if narcissism, psychopathy, and vengeful murderous rage over mythical wrongs you claim to have suffered are at the core of your identity, then anyone who doesn’t like narcissists, psychopaths, and psychotic killers is probably racist too.