Will Joe Biden's "Second Pandemic" Begin in Russia?
Sterling Harwood says Biden is a peacenik and a soothsayer
Watch my debate with philosophy professor and retired attorney Sterling Harwood on False Flag Weekly News
Sterling Harwood puts an innocent spin on Biden’s assertion that a “second pandemic” is coming. Sterling says Biden’s right—more pandemics are inevitable, even though the severe ones only happen once per century.
But why would Biden issue an urgent warning about something that shouldn’t happen again for another hundred years? And why would he demand more US taxpayer money now?
“We need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic,” Biden prophecized. Does he know something we don’t?
When I emailed Sterling calling attention to Biden’s ominous prophecy, the following dialogue ensued:
Sterling Harwood: Add to ‘Peacenik Joe’ ‘Soothsayer Joe.’ Bill Gates has a new book out predicting another pandemic, which obviously will happen sooner or later given humans inhabiting more and more of the earth and given air and sea travel clustering hundreds of folks together for hours, days or weeks as they travel thousands of miles. It's a safe prediction in the longer term, given the science of how diseases mutate and how we are exposing ourselves more and more to new environments.
Kevin Barrett: My parents were born in the 1930s and my siblings and I were born around 1960, and none of our lives were noticeably impacted by any pandemics…until COVID.
So unless there is a hidden factor, predicting a severe pandemic is pretty stupid — the odds it will happen even once in anyone’s lifetime should be small. (1919 to 2020 is a century; life expectancy is around 80 years.)*
The hidden factor, of course, is biological warfare. Joe is telling us the US is going to launch more biowar strikes like they did with COVID. https://www.unz.com/ebook/covid-catastrophe-ebook/
Sterling Harwood: You omit other factors I mentioned in my earlier email plus I'm adding more here:
1. global warming thaws out ancient viruses, which then pounce;
2. global warming causes insects and birds to change their habitats and migrations, and they are vectors for disease;
3. increasing population means we are reaching out ever further into the wild, where the new vectors for disease live;
4. your argument implies that Gates was a fool 8 years ago or so in predicting a pandemic but he looks like a soothsayer instead of a fool;
5. increasing population density creates more conditions for disease to take hold or spread once it has taken hold
6. modern air travel crowds people around for hours on planes and in airports much more now than in the 1930s or even later, and that air travel moves the vector of disease hundreds or thousands of miles in just hours;
7. modern cruise ships crowd hundreds of people on a boat together for days or weeks at a time and transports them hundreds or thousands of miles.
8. food-borne illness can spread further and faster given modern transport and longer and longer supply chains for food.
Well, 8 is enough to make my point. Another pandemic is a safe bet even without bioweapons from Ft. Detrick or the Wuhan Institute of Virology etc. They should come at faster and faster intervals, given the 8 factors above plus the bioweapons bonus!
Kevin Barrett: If your bullshit detector can’t see through this stuff, it badly needs a tune-up.
People were much more crowded together in the past than today. Large families lived on top of each other in unventilated tiny dwellings very close to other dwellings, excreting into the common drinking water or tossing chamberpots into the crowded street.
Virtually all medical care was useless or worse, usually worse, until a little over a century ago.
The modern era has seen ever-fewer pandemics, not more. There is only one reason why it would see more: biowarfare is extremely attractive militarily.
Obviously COVID was a deliberate bio-attack. Have you read Unz’s ebook?
Sterling Harwood: You miss my point about population density, which is higher now than in 1492 or 1930 or the dates you have in mind. Once a disease happens, it can spread to millions living within just a few miles of each other. The Chinese know this and lock down entire cities as soon as they can after an outbreak. Worldwide pandemics probably didn't happen in 1275. The transportation was too slow and cumbersome. Today, hundreds of people infected can jet off to the other side of the world, disembark in NY City and infect or expose over 8 million before you can get your boots on. Here's another factor:
10. Bacteria are developing immunity to are anti-bacteriological drugs. Something similar might be happening with antiviral drugs and viruses evolving with RNA. The Middle Ages didn't have millions or hundreds of thousands huddled together in refugee camps.
Why do I need Unz when I announced it was a bioweapon before he did, I think. (Note: Actually that was more than seven months after Unz’s first COVID bioweapon article. -KB)
Kevin Barrett: From 1919 to the 2020 bio-attack there were no significant pandemics. There still haven’t been any natural ones.
Anyway, imagine that some of the factors Bill Gates lists do slightly increase the odds of pandemics. Other changes including better ventilation, fewer people per square foot of dwelling, better medical technology, better nutrition, better sanitation, etc. reduce the chances, but let’s imagine that the net effect tilts toward making (severe) pandemics slightly more likely. So instead of 1/200 each year as they may have been in, say, 1960, maybe they have risen to 1/190 each year by 2030.
Meanwhile, as Trump’s biowar czar Kadlec has spent his career pointing out, bioweapons technology is by far the most promising military technology out there, and the US has spent over $100 billion developing it.
So which is increasing the likelihood of pandemics more?
Sterling Harwood: You pose a false dilemma, Kevin. We don't need to choose. Any cause of a pandemic gives us a pandemic. And Biden predicted a pandemic. There is great ventilation in the outdoor homeless encampments. Sharing needles in 2022 or the year 1022? Which spreads disease more? Medicine can be great but there is the breeding of superbugs that have a tolerance for our medicines and there are iatrogenic diseases. MRSA is found most often in hospitals, right? Do we have bigger zoos in 2022 or in 1930 or 1730? Do we have bigger wet markets in 2022 or in 1804? And:
12. more prisons in 2022 than in 1930 or 1830 etc.;
13. more nursing homes in 2022 than in 1930 or 1790 etc.
14. more meat-packing plants in 2022 than in 1930 or 1804 etc.
Okay, Sterling…So…if Biden’s ineffable wisdom and vast knowledge of history and epidemiology, his enthusiasm for the highly suspicious pronouncements of Bill Gates, and perhaps his classified briefings on future deniable bio-strikes against US adversaries, lead you to call him “Soothsayer Joe,” can you explain to us why you have also dubbed him “Peacenik Joe”?
Indeed he can. For the long version, check out:
Sterling Harwood Says Biden Is Doing a Good Job
We continued that discussion on today’s False Flag Weekly News. As far as I can make out, Sterling thinks Biden is showing restraint by stopping short of all-out World War III in Ukraine. (For now, anyway.)
Will Biden also be showing restraint if he refrains from a nuclear first strike against Moscow and instead opts to do what Trump (or his underlings) did: hit his biggest adversary with a deniable bioweapon strike? Could Biden’s insistence that we need to spend lots of money right now to prepare for the next pandemic be a tip-off? Will the knowledge and pathogens accumulated in US biowar labs in Ukraine be used against Moscow? Will the US plan to use migrating birds and bats to carry diseases into Russia be implemented? And will it blow back as badly as Pompeo’s COVID bioattack on Wuhan and Qom did?
If we soon find ourselves locked down even more severely than during COVID, cowering in fear of the “Biden Pandemic” that began in the subways of Moscow, carried by subway-dwelling bats and vectored to humans by bat coughs and sneezes, then miraculously moving from Moscow to Beijing and Qom, and from there to the rest of the world…and if ABC News tells us that multiple US intelligence sources issued warnings about a terrible pandemic brewing in the Moscow subways at a time when nobody could possibly have known such a thing except the people who sent the bats…and if Ron Unz draws the all-too-obvious conclusions in a sequel to his COVID book…
…don’t say I didn’t warn you.
* OK, I exaggerated; based on these figures we can expect .8 of a severe pandemic per lifetime.
"Faul" is not the only celebrity who died and has a replacement. Sterling might appreciate this article - "Stephen Hawking died and has been replaced."