This week’s False Flag Weekly News featuring Dr. E. Michael Jones begins with a vulgar joke involving Leopard tanks and breast implants. Think of it as a scene from a Dr. Strangelove sequel about the war in Ukraine. (Though come to think of it, given its ending, I’m not sure how Dr. Strangelove could have a sequel.)
Later in the show (1:04:20) E. Michael Jones and I discuss Andrew Joyce’s article “On Jewish Vulgarity.” Dr. Jones agrees with Dr. Joyce that Jews have been known to weaponize vulgar humor against the goyim. By obscenely mocking everything the dominant culture holds sacred, by bringing low what the goyim hold high, the Jewish subculture degrades and weakens its host.
But is that always entirely bad? Stanley Kubrick and Terry Southern’s Dr. Strangelove hilariously derides militarism in general and nuclear weapons in particular. I’d say that’s an aspect of the dominant culture that deserves to be degraded and weakened.
Then again, when Sarah Silverman says “I’m glad the Jews killed Jesus. I’d do it again!” she’s pushing the Lenny Bruce style to a nastily unfunny extreme. Lenny said somewhat similar things, but with a modicum of wit: “Alright, let's admit it, we Jews killed Christ - but it was only for three days.” And: “People say to me, 'Why did you kill Christ?' I dunno, it was one of those parties, got out of hand, you know.”
Lenny Bruce also uttered quite a few vulgarities involving sexual acts and bodily functions, some of them funnier than others. Though he wasn’t the first Jew to get crucified, he may be the first and last one crucified for telling dirty jokes.
In any case, whatever one thinks of the talents or lack thereof of particular comedians, the Andrew Joyce/E. Michael Jones thesis is correct as far as it goes. But their take is a bit one-sidedly anti-vulgar-humor, not to mention anti-Jewish.
Mikhail Bakhtin’s work on carnival culture, especially Rabelais and his World, shows that vulgar humor can coexist symbiotically with the sacred symbol system of high culture. Medieval Christian Europeans, for example, enjoyed roughly 60 feast days per year. On some of those occasions, hierarchies were ritualistically inverted, the fool was crowned king of the carnival, and vulgar humor reigned supreme. When it was over, the conventional hierarchies re-emerged from the chaos fully intact or even strengthened by having been temporarily inverted and twisted into unfamiliar shapes.
Bergson argued that laughter keeps people flexible. That thesis may apply to cultures as well as individuals.
Douglas Rushkoff, for his part, says that Jewish irreverence and iconoclasm have helped keep Western culture supple and open-minded. The Jewish establishment hates his book, which means he is probably on to something. On the other hand, I’m not sure that the kind of irreverence and iconoclasm that “totally Jewish” Hollywood vomits at us 24/7/365 in the form of “Santa’s a slasher” Christmas horror flicks and so on, while saving its reverence for its umpteenth sanctimonious Holocaust drama, is really doing American culture any favors.
Dr. Jones and I discussed how Groucho Marx laughed the WASP dowager Margaret Dumont into oblivion—a synecdoche for the Jewish arrivistes laughing the WASP establishment into oblivion (and then replacing it). So yes, laughter can serve destructive and/or ethnocentric ends. But some institutions deserve to be laughed to death. Kubrick and Southern were right to try to annihilate the nuclear weapons establishment with laughter. (Unfortunately that establishment looks like it is going to have the last laugh.)
Laughing Pfizer to Death
Another institution that deserves to be laughed to death is Pfizer, whose corporate motto is “We’re in relentless pursuit of breakthroughs that change patients’ lives.” According to Pfizer executive Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer is considering “relentless pursuit” of Pfizer-mutated COVID viruses. Now that could definitely change people’s lives.
Walker’s title is (or was) Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning. Even more darkly, painfully funny than the undercover video of Walker admitting that his company is mutating, or planning to mutate, COVID viruses for fun and profit, is his reaction to discovering that he’s been set up by Project Veritas. The R&D Director with the highfalutin’ title throws an extended tantrum, assaults the cameraman and destroys a tablet, hysterically calls the police, and generally has an on-camera mental breakdown.
Jordon Trishton Walker’s performance is pathetic in both the popular and classic senses. For a woke audience, it looks almost like classical tragedy:
The imitation of a single action, in which a hero of high status falls from fortune to misfortune. The fall must occur because of a “tragic flaw,” or some error or shortcoming in an otherwise good protagonist, and not by vice or depravity. (source)
The woke drama critic would focus on the “high status” of a gay black dude who rises to the exalted position of “Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning.” We witness our tragic hero falling from fortune to misfortune over the course of a Grndr dinner-date. Walker’s tragic flaw, from the wokist perspective, is his naive goodhearted innocence: He couldn’t even conceive of the possibility that the seemingly friendly stranger he was dating was setting him up for public shaming, mortification, and career destruction. How are the mighty fallen!
What appears as tragedy to the woke repeats itself, to a non-woke audience, as farce. A “high status” protagonist?! Puh-leeeaze! If this guy’s a top-level geneticist, I’m Albert Einstein. And his tragic flaw is his goodheartedness?! C’mon! His “tragic flaw” is that he’s a friggin’ idiot! And he’s working for a scumbag corporation!
Remember, an actual “tragic flaw” has to stem from “some error or shortcoming in an otherwise good protagonist, and not by vice or depravity.” Let’s face it: Vice and depravity, thy name is Jordon Trishton Walker. Not to put too fine a point on it, this dude isn’t so much goodhearted as he is drunk, narcissistic, and horny.
And so we laugh, uncomfortably, at the controlled demolition of the ego, and the career, of Jordon Trishton Walker, erstwhile Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning. Here’s what E. Michael Jones and I said about it on False Flag Weekly News:
E. Michael Jones: The other issue here is, I guess he was a homosexual too. Does that have any relevance to this story? Does the fact that you are a homosexual have anything to do with your moral compass?
Kevin Barrett: Actually, Mike, one relevant angle here might be the fact that he’s gay and black could be why he was given this prestigious-sounding job, even though he may not be the brightest bulb in the pack.
E. Michael Jones: It’s clear he’s not that bright. But yeah, this is the fault of affirmative action. Or it looks that way. So, what do you mean by affirmative action? You mean some kind of docile moral degenerate who will do anything for money, and then brag about it, and then lie about it after he brags about it?
Kevin Barrett: And when his career gravy train is blown up like this, it’s the end of his life. It’s really sad that so many people are living like this. You can tell the values this guy is living for are his pride and his ego, his fancy-sounding job, all the money it brings him so he can go on these dates with the guys he hooks up with. This is what he’s living for. And then when that all blows up in his face, look how miserable he is. Well, guess what? People living for those false values, when they die—and we’re all going to die some day—it’s all going to blow up in your face. And when it blows up, do you want to be in hell, which is where this guy is, as we watch him (mortified) on the screen? Or do you want to die peacefully, at peace with the way you’ve lived your life? This is actually kind of an interesting moral lesson, isn’t it?
E. Michael Jones: It is. It’s a cautionary tale. It’s a moral tale. If you’re going to hire people like this, you’re going to have problems. So don’t hire people like this! Don’t go out of your way to hire moral degenerates! Because that’s going to cause problems. The other thing is, you’re talking about this kind of narcissism which is characteristic of homosexuals as well, which allows him to blurt this whole thing out on camera, and they get mad at you when you quote him.
Though I generally agree with E. Michael Jones, his advice to Pfizer “don’t hire moral degenerates” is unworkable. If they fired all the moral degenerates, there wouldn’t be any executives left!
I’m not sure how much I can say about Jordan Trishton Walker that hasn’t already been said. So here’s an attempt at an original angle: Did anyone else notice that his middle name Trishton sounds like a drunken attempt to pronounce Tristram, the name of the eponymous hero of Sterne’s Tristram Shandy? It makes you wonder whether Walker, like Tristram Shandy, got his unfortunate name, and his even more unfortunate destiny, through some sort of comic mistake. And just as Tristram Shandy was condemned to a life of eternally loquacious digression because his mother, at the moment of his conception, asked his father whether he had remembered to wind the clock, one wonders whether Walker’s parents suffered a similar imbroglio, condemning their son to a life of uninhibitedly narcissistic gay chitchat.
In any case, if you’ll pardon the digression, I seem to have strayed from my argument that destructive laughter can serve constructive purposes (just as the critique that Kevin MacDonald critiques in The Culture of Critique is not always a bad thing). So…two cheers for the Jews in their riotously bawdy scoffing at everything gentiles hold sacred! And now if you’ll excuse me, I must hurriedly exit backstage while dodging rotten fruits and vegetables hurled at my head by the ruffians in the comments section.
Dr Jones was spot on. But the Ukraine war needed more attention. This is St Augustine’s City of God against the City of man. It is Christ versus anti-Christ and there will be no peace until the jew-orcs are swallowed up by the earth that opens for them. BTW I tried to chip in $10 but couldn’t find a box.
Pat Flanagan