In today’s False Flag Weekly News (click HERE to watch on Rumble and HERE for links) Dr. E. Michael Jones and I agreed that the current war in Ukraine is a US war of aggression against Russia. Why? Because when the CIA overthrew Ukraine’s legitimate democratically-elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, in 2014—and replaced him with a junta of neo-Nazi Gladio operatives and neocon-linked oligarchs, turning Ukraine into a knife at Russia’s throat—the US unofficially declared war on Russia.
I am contemplating headlining my next American Free Press article “Why the CIA Overthrew Imran Khan—and Yanukovych (and Dozens of Other Heads of State).” The reason, of course, is that Khan, Yanukovych, and the many other victims of CIA coups d’état refused to follow American orders and act against their own people’s interests. John Perkins explains how it works in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. The Americans and their imperial institutions (including the World Bank) make an offer that the head of state cannot refuse. The economic hit man (EHM) says: “I have a fistful of gold in one hand, and a bullet in the other. Which do you want?” If the head of state demurs, he is overthrown or assassinated. If that can’t be arranged, the US invades his country and dispatches him.
Imran Khan was overthrown today by the Americans and their bought-and-paid-for Pakistani politicians because Khan was honest and refused to impoverish his people by remaining in the US orbit. Instead Khan accepted much more lucrative offers from China—offers to help Pakistan develop and pull its people out of poverty. And China, unlike the US, doesn’t insist on obedience; it is happy to make win-win deals with fully independent sovereign nations.
Yanukovych, too, refused to accept a US-EU deal that would have impoverished his people. Instead he opted for a much more lucrative Russian offer, as he explained in Oliver Stone’s must-see documentary Ukraine on Fire. US operatives responded by overthrowing him in a color revolution coup, whose Orwellian appellation, scripted by some CIA-Soros apparatchik, is the “revolution of dignity.”
Look what happens when you ask the CIA, which runs Google, about the “2014 Ukraine coup”:
The US overthrow of the legitimate government of Ukraine was essentially a US declaration of war on Ukraine as well as on Russia. All patriotic Ukrainians, if they had any dignity (not to mention brains), should have recognized that their nation was at war with the US and acted accordingly. And many did. I am speaking of the brave patriots of Crimea and the Donbass, who have been resisting the US puppet government with everything they have, and suffering slow-motion-genocide for their pains, since 2014.
Likewise, as of today, April 9, 2022, every patriotic Pakistani is at war with the US and should act accordingly.
Powerful piece. Thank you Kevin for saying it like it is. There is nourishment in just hearing the truth said.