The No-Show Physics & Civil Engineering Debate with RichardGage911 & _____
Why won't any qualified experts defend the official story?
I regularly host this annual debate, sponsored by the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness.
Richard Gage, the guest debater this year, then provides a most persuasive presentation of the main points of the debate that would have to be satisfactorily addressed by a future opponent – if one were to be found.
In the absence of an opponent this year, the debate was considered “Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 violates Newton’s Laws of Motion, especially the complete collapse of the 3 World Trade Center towers.” The debate occurs every year on the birthday of Albert Einstein – March 14, 2022.
For more info visit the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness.
Also note that for more than a decade I have been offering $2000 to any University of Wisconsin instructor who will debate me on 9/11. Still no takers!