Swami Beyondanonda Incites an Upwising!
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
The planet’s leading red-pilled news roundup, False Flag Weekly News, can’t help including a lot of dark comedy. That’s just the way things are going these days. If you can’t laugh, you have to cry—and if you’re paying attention, you’re probably doing both at the same time.
But this week our dark humor “lightened up” (or should I say “enlightened up”) thanks to guest host Swami Beyondanonda of WakeUpLaughing.com. If Monty Python performed Finnegans Wake high on mushrooms and telepathically relayed the broadcast to a holy man in a cave in the Himalayas, that holy man would have to be the Swami—who would then rebroadcast it to the world with twice as many puns as Joyce used in the original, plus three times as much spiritual wisdom.
Fortunately I’m not James Joyce. I’m just some conspiracy theorist with a weekly news show. So Swami didn’t have to be telepathic or Himalayan to unleash his effusive outpouring of punning proverbs and wiseguy wordplay on the world, exposing red-pill truths in a highly entertaining manner while skewering the sanctimonious censors and money-grubbing gatekeepers who prevent such critically important but deeply disturbing information from penetrating the cerebral cortex of boobus Americanus.
Anyway, here’s this week’s opening schtick, absent from the above-embedded censored YouTube version of the show, but available HERE:
In today’s top story, Johnson and Johnson has announced that it splitting into two companies. Both of the will be called “Johnson.” Johnson will specialize in injectable experimental MRNA vaccines, while the other company, Johnson, will be putting even more experimental self-spreading MRNA vaccines into its baby powder, shampoo, and cosmetic products. But don’t worry! All of Johnson’s products are guaranteed to be fully tested on Anthony Fauci’s dog. And the other Johnsons’ are too. I feel sorry for that dog! Anyway, Johnson will be suing the other Johnson for stealing its injectable experimental MRNA vaccines to use in their baby powder: “Get your Johnson out of my baby powder!” The Dow Jones industrial average, which closely follows False Flag Weekly News, just went down 17% after hearing that story.
And that’s a wrap, folks.
See you at the upwising!