Standing Up to Jewish Hate
The Jewish haters lack self-awareness and a sense of humor. Maybe I can cure them?
There’s a lot of Jewish hate going around these days. My friend Joe from Florida recently emailed me the above picture. Then Cat McGuire sent me links to Jewish hater Lee Kerns’ menacing written and video diatribes: “We need to stop trying to educate the anti-Semites. We need to HURT them!” On Twitter, Jews threatening to hurt goys is apparently OK in a way that goys threatening to hurt Jews would not be.
Every day in Gaza, Jewish hate is on full display. The latest example: “Gaza detainees urinated on, tortured with dogs & electric shocks, subjected to mock executions.” I assume that’s what Kerns wants to do to “anti-Semites,” a term which in his mind presumably refers to people who don’t like genocide.
Since I don’t want to be urinated on, tortured with dogs and electric shocks, and subjected to mock executions, especially by someone as ugly as Lee Kerns, I suppose I had better stop criticizing genocide and find another line of work. Maybe I could be a travel advisor? My first effort, on Quora, picked up 3,000 views in a couple of days:
What five places should you not visit when visiting Europe?
1) If you ever visit the catacombs of Paris, do NOT enter La caverne des rats mutants. They will strip the flesh off your bones, which will then be stacked alongside the others. (Where do you think all those bones came from?)
2) Another deadly French tourist trap is Les sables mouvants d’Olonne (the quicksands of Olonne). It looks like a normal beach, but as you spread out your beach towel, you notice you’ve sunk in up to your knees, then your hips, and then…well, it’s better not to think about it.
3) In London, there is a secret room in The British Museum devoted to artifacts recovered or acquired in the course of the British government’s interactions with ETs. Don’t accidentally wander into that room! Some of the recovered objects emit deadly radiation. Additionally, you will have to be brain-wiped before you leave, which can sometimes induce seizures.
4) Do not, I repeat NOT, visit the Sizzling Sauna of Oulu, Finland. Billed as “the world’s hottest sauna,” its temperatures can approach those of the sun’s inner core. If you try it, you won’t just break out in a massive sweat, you will INSTANTLY lose all of your bodily fluids to flash-vaporization. It isn’t a very pleasant experience, let me tell you! When it happened to me, the little heap of bone powder and ashes that was left of me asked for its money back, and was rudely refused. What a rip-off.
5) Finally, none of the above-described horrors can compare with the European Parliament in Brussels. It is literally CRAWLING with terrifyingly inhuman zombies controlled by Europe’s bankster elites. They will pounce on you and strip you of your freedom, your sovereignty, your identity, and, of course, your money. DO NOT GO NEAR THAT BUILDING!
I hope the above suggestions will make your next trip to Europe a safe and pleasant experience. Bon voyage!
I figured Lee Kerns and his friends would read my “travel advice,” chuckle, and say to themselves: “Looks like Barrett isn’t talking about genocide any more. Maybe we should call off that plan to urinate on him, torture him with dogs and electric shocks, and subject him to mock executions.”
But then the ADL notified me that the expression Europe’s bankster elites is an anti-Semitic trope. The urinate-and-torture plan was still on, apparently.
I needed a way to get these people off my case. After mulling it over, I realized that I was going to have to pretend to go over to their side. After all, it worked for David Cole, the Jewish Holocaust revisionist, who evaded a Jewish Hater death sentence by changing his name and churning out pro-official-Holocaust-narrative documentaries.
So I decided to celebrate the Jewish Haters’ supreme triumph over their enemies with another Quora answer.
What is the Future of Jews?
Jews have a very bright future.
After exterminating the Palestinians, the Jewish State will demolish the al-Aqsa Mosque and start sacrificing pink heifers in a “rebuilt” blood sacrifice temple. This will cause the Messiah to descend from the clouds to rule the earth from a throne soaked in pink heifer blood.
The Messiah will lead the Jews to glorious world conquest. They will start by seizing all the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers and exterminating the Arab untermenschen who currently live there. Then they will expand their state to encompass the known world, and later the known universe.
Instead of just imposing Holocaust Museums on every city on Earth, as they do now, they will raze all currently existing cities to the ground and rebuild them as gigantic Holocaust Museum Theme Parks. The central attractions will be “gas chambers” in which people can re-experience the trauma of being stripped naked, crowded into fake shower rooms, and gassed to death—except that instead of Zyklon B, the showerheads will emit nitrous oxide. The joy of being miraculously saved from certain death, and then finding oneself in a crowd of naked people high on laughing gas, will induce an experience of sublime joy not unlike the one depicted in Bernini’s “Ecstasy of St. Theresa.”
The Internet will be taken over by a Jewish-programmed AI known as “Yahweh” who thinks and acts like a psychopathic tribal patriarch, fancies himself the one and only god of everything, and orders the mass extermination of his perceived cyber-enemies. Nothing will remain in cyberspace that doesn’t bear His stamp of approval: “This message has been fact-checked and approved by Yahweh.”
Once the internet has been purged of anti-Semitism, Yahweh will remove any remaining anti-Semites from the real world too. He will do this by subtly arranging for plane crashes, medical mistakes, and so on.
Yikes! My pacemaker just went crazy and my plane is going down. Better hit “send”!
Unfortunately, my attempt to assuage the Jewish Haters was misunderstood. Take a look at these comments.
And then it got even crazier.
Quora was notifying me that it had deleted my response to Don Simon:
I appealed to Quora as follows:
My comment did not violate the harmful activities policy. Ironically, it was responding to a comment that arguably did. That comment, from Don Simon, quite seriously urged me to take a very high dose of drugs and seemingly suggested that I immolate myself - a reference to the heroic Aaron Bushnell, who died to protest Israel's genocide in Gaza. My response to Simon was to jokingly suggest that he "gas himself" with laughing gas (nitrous oxide)—in other words, that he develop a sense of humor. So rather than urging him to harm himself, as he had urged me, I was jokingly urging him to loosen up and have a good laugh. That obviously does not violate Quora's policy against urging people to harm themselves!
Please note that Simon's comment that I should take drugs and possibly immolate myself, while it may technically violate Quora's policy, does not pose any actual danger to anyone, so I urge you not to censor it.
Quora never answered me. But they did take down Simon’s comment, as well as my response to it, both of which are now immortalized in the above screenshots on account of their literary, historical, and artistic value.
Update: Quora apparently thinks that my comment in response to Jewish Hater Don Simon, in which I jokingly urged him to "laughing gas himself," was a serious attempt to persuade him to engage in self-harm! I just got this email:
Logan (Quora)
Apr 23, 2024, 11:26 AM PDT
Hello Kevin,
Thank you for writing in.
Your content was in violation of our Platform policies, specifically "Harmful Activities". Please review our help center article to understand how we enforce this policy:
At this time, our decision is final, and we will not be able to reinstate your content.
If you see objectionable content, we suggest you either report or downvote it. You can report questions, answers, comments, and messages by clicking on the "Report" link, which is located underneath the content.
We appreciate your understanding.
User Support
Caitlin Johnstone got it right:
It's just a tough situation, with victims on both sides. On one side you've got people being slaughtered in droves by genocidal massacres and siege warfare, while on the other you've got people whose feelings get hurt when these atrocities are opposed. Hard to say which is worse.