By Kevin Barrett, for the forthcoming American Free Press, posted here in full for paid subscribers
On October 7, 2023, Palestinian resistance groups, led by Hamas, broke out of the Gaza Strip—a de facto concentration camp—and gave their Israeli tormentors hell. By October 10, more than 1000 Israelis and 700 Palestinians had been killed, and more than 150 Israelis taken prisoner.
The Palestinians escaped Gaza and infiltrated Israel in a combined land-air-sea operation. Soaring paragliders swooped over walls while bulldozers punched holes and boats evaded the naval blockade. Palestinian commandos overwhelmed border guard posts, pulled Israeli soldiers out of their tanks, and captured several high ranking officers including at least one general.
Numerous Palestinians fought their way deep into Israel. More than 72 hours after the operation was launched, many were still holding defensible positions and fighting off Zionist attempts to retake them.
Western mainstream media, dominated by Zionists, spun the concentration camp escape as “terrorism.” They highlighted alleged atrocities like random shootings at a music festival and the desecration of a tattoo artist’s corpse.
Arab media, by contrast, showed Hamas fighters pulling Israelis out of tanks, overrunning IDF soldiers, and taking over Israeli military posts. Unlike the cowardly Israelis, who specialize in sniper murders of children, Palestinian fighters routinely confront opponents who are far better armed than they are.
The biggest Western media lie was that the operation was “unprovoked.” Before the Gaza breakout, the ultra-extremist Israeli government had already killed more Palestinians than it did all of last year. Now is on track to set an all-time record.
Unprovoked?! The Palestinians have been massacred, blockaded and starved, penned up in de facto concentration camps like the Gaza Strip, and subjected to endless indignities. Their children are shot for sport by IDF soldiers.