There are disasters, and there are media representations of disasters. But what if representations are the worst disasters of all?
I don’t mean to overlook the suffering of the victims of the al-Haouz earthquake or the Derna flood, much less 9/11 and the Holocaust. The September 8 quake in al-Haouz, Morocco 900 kilometers west of me, and the Derna flood on September 11, 3000 kilometers to my east, caused immense human suffering. Taken together, they were probably the worst one-two punch of natural disasters in modern North African history. I moved to Morocco just in time to witness them—or rather their media representations—from North Africa itself.
Many thousands of people died in the grip of forces vastly beyond their control. I don’t know what it’s like to die, but I am acquainted with the experience of spending many helpless minutes unable to move and awaiting seemingly inevitable death. My heart goes out to those people, and I pray for them, and for their loved ones who will have to go on without them.
Most of what we know about the earthquake in Morocco and the flood in Libya comes from staring at screens. In my in-laws’ apartment here in Oujda, Morocco, we watched the al-Jazeera and 2M coverage on the big screen. As I write this from the café down the street, people are staring at, or barking into, their small screens. (For some reason, the screens kept getting bigger and bigger until they suddenly shrunk to microscopic size and became “telephones” i.e. portable tracking devices which everyone is supposed to carry with them everywhere they go, at least until the injectable microchips and brain implants come online.)
Personally I don’t use big screens or small screens. I do all my digital duties on one single, solitary medium-size screen: to wit, a laptop. The screen is big enough that I don’t have to peer at it as through a magnifying glass. The keyboard is full-size, so I don’t have to clumsily hunt-and-peck with one big fat finger always accidentally smushing several keys at once. My laptop is large enough to actually work, but small enough to carry around in a backpack. Who needs a phone?
But the world on a screen—even if that screen isn’t absurdly enormous or excruciatingly minuscule—is disastrous. Not only do our screens ceaselessly slap our appalled faces with calamities past, present, and future, but they do so on behalf of the ultimate disaster: the digital decimation of natural life.
By some bizarre coincidence (or even more bizarre conspiracy) I happened to be discussing said topic (disaster-of-digitization/digitization-of-disaster) with Edward Curtin a few hours before the earthquake struck. Ed was talking about his brilliant essay “Numbed by Numbers,” saying things like:
“The internet produces this idea that the material world, the world of human beings, flesh and blood, birds, grass, water, sky, doesn't exist…it reduces people's belief in the physicality of life in their basic incarnational nature as flesh and blood human beings…my wife and I, we go walking all the time, in beautiful surroundings by a lake, where there are birds and water and it's just gorgeous. And everyone you pass has what are called ‘seashells’ in their ears, right? That's a phrase used in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. They're on the phone. They're listening to stuff. They can't hear the birds. They can't hear the water lapping on the shore. They can't—they don't see anything. They're hypnotized by this technology. And it's crazy and it's depressing but there it is, this is where we're at.”
It’s a disaster.
And one of the tools of this disastrous digitization is fearmongering in general, and mediated representations of disaster in particular. I responded to Ed:
It occurs to me that the connection you make in your essay between the digitization of everything—the triumph of numbers everywhere, the cybernetic cyberspace swallowing up of reality and putting an end to natural reality—and the disasters and fear of disasters, whether nuclear war or terrorism or COVID or directed energy weapons hitting Hawaii or whatever it is this week—we’re being sold these fears of horrific disasters.
And ultimately, what are those really about?
They're about the fear of death.
There's an approach to psychology called terror management theory that says that people are constantly repressing their knowledge of their own mortality and anything that reminds them of their own mortality. Staring into their phones 24-7-365, they have disappeared from the reality that you and your wife are experiencing as you walk through those beautiful natural surroundings. These people have withdrawn; they've disappeared into a sort of digital ersatz reality. Why have they done that?
Because of fear of death.
Because in that digital ersatz reality, there's no death. It's like when you're playing a video game, or any game really; whenever you play a game you're in a different world with different rules, and maybe there's the idea of death in terms of losing the game when your pinball goes down the hole and you have to put another quarter in. Losing the game—I think it was Jim Morrison who said that “all games include the idea of death.” But when you're playing the cyberspace game and surfing the web and stuff, that whole artificial ersatz reality doesn't necessarily have to have any idea of death. And so I think people are getting away from knowledge of their own mortality by withdrawing from reality and disappearing into the phony digital world where there is no death…And the sense of catastrophe and fear-mongering that's being sold to us through the media terrorizes us into withdrawing from the real world even deeper into the very digital media that are terrorizing us.
It's kind of a doom loop.
North Africa: Not as Hard-Hit by Media Disaster
That doom loop isn’t quite as advanced here in North Africa. Why not? Because society here is still organized around religion. And religion is the time-honored way that people and communities deal with the reality of death. The word islam means surrender (to God). A practicing Muslim practices for death, the final surrender, almost half a million times in an average lifetime.* Maybe that’s why they’re called “practicing.” ; - )
In Islam we are taught, not just in terms of theology/ideology/dogma but also experientially through fasting and light (& occasionally heavy) trance experiences, that “the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children” and that “the next life is far better and more lasting.” We get occasional tastes of eternity before we die and permanently enter into it. So we don’t fear it…at least not as much as secular people do. For them, death is the loss of everything. So they need to try to push it out of consciousness and pretend it doesn’t exist and won’t ever happen to them. Ça n’arrive qu’aux autres (that only happens to others).
In the West, people die in hospitals and nursing homes and hospice. Children grow up never having witnessed someone die, maybe not having even seen animals die, quite possibly never having seen a corpse, unless it was painted with makeup and pumped full of embalming fluid and installed in a fortress-like casket to ward off inevitable decay. All of these morticians’ tricks are designed to convey the lie dead people don’t rot, which is a way of denying death by deploying the syllogism “all dead people rot” - “[YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE] will not rot” - therefore “[YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE] cannot really be dead.” For whole horror story, check out Jessica Mitford’s The American Way of Death.
Since religious people fear death less, making them less vulnerable to terror-management-theory-based manipulation, the masters of the media mind-control machine are at war with traditional religion in general and Islam, the last religion standing, in particular. The 9/11 false flag was their declaration of war on Islam. The choreographed, scripted-and-storyboarded disaster imagery of planes-exploding-into-fireballs-as-they-crash-into-buildings, followed by people-eating-pyroclastic-clouds-chasing-crowds-through-the-streets-of-New-York, succeeded brilliantly in stampeding its audience through fields of terror into the corral of Islamophobia. The terrorized American audience, almost half of whom contracted clinical PTSD from the images they had witnessed on television, was subliminally invited to compare their own fearfulness to the utter fearlessness of the imaginary Muslim suicide pilots, thereby propagandizing religious attenuation of fear-of-death as a bad thing rather than a good thing.
Morocco and Libya: Unnatural Disasters? Or Is That Just Paranoia?
Twenty-two years and thirty-million-murdered-Muslims later, is it paranoia to wonder about the numerical oddities of the Morocco and Libya disasters? As I wrote in the immediate aftermath of the Morocco quake:
In what struck me as a disturbing coincidence, the quake struck last night at 11:11 pm, just in time for the 9/9 newspaper headlines, two days before the 22nd anniversary of “9/11.”
Does the fact that the earthquake struck at exactly 11:11 pm (22:11 GMT) mean the Illuminati did it? I have no idea. But I don’t completely discount the notion of Illuminati numerology and its apparent connections with false flag events, disasters, and massive human suffering. One of my most popular articles, which racked up over 100,000 reads back in 2014 before the VT website migrated and the counter was reset, was “11 Examples of Illuminati Numerology.” Some of my readers pursue this line of inquiry much further than I do.
One of my regular listeners and occasional guests, Maisoon, wrote me:
"Just as they targeted Turkey and Syria with the Weather Weapon- HAARPS earthquake, with US docking its naval ship at Istanbul, a ship that had HAARPS on board, and Turks saying the vessel arrived couple of days prior to the quake and seeing strange lights, the murderous Americans/Jews used similar Weather Weapons to target Maui where a DEWs Base existed, and people were seeing strange lights there, as did Moroccans and Libyans. Don’t you find it questionable that both Morocco and Libya were targeted- two Arab countries that were involved in normalisation talks with Israel but where The People objected and protested against their leaders doing this? I ask you this Kevin—was this Israel's way of punishing the people for turning against Israeli normalisation?? Is it far fetched of me or conspiratorial to suggest such thing??"
I don’t know about conspiratorial, but yes, I do think that interpretation is far-fetched. Nobody here in Morocco seems to be entertaining such a thought. If Israel wanted to punish the Moroccan people, the Moroccan people would have to be aware of the punishment and its source. Otherwise it wouldn’t work as punishment.
I do, however, find it uncanny that not only did the Moroccan quake strike at 11:11 pm just in time to make the 9/9 newspapers exactly two days before the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, but that it was followed by an even bigger disaster in Libya on the 9/11 anniversary itself. In other words, it appears as though the biggest pair of apparently natural disasters in modern North African history, killing somewhere in the neighborhood of 15,000 to 25,000 or more people (more than 10,000 are still missing in Derna along with more than 11,000 dead, while the Moroccan earthquake killed almost 3,000 people just like 9/11 did) were choreographed around the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.
Another odd aspect of the Libya disaster is that it hit Derna, portrayed as “the biggest hotbed of Islamic radicalism in North Africa.” The famous Bengazi incident, in which the American ambassador was killed, was said to have been plotted from Derna. What are the odds that Derna, of all cities, would be largely destroyed, with tens of thousands killed, on a 9/11 anniversary?
If I were a paranoid conspiracy theorist I would wonder whether someone might have blown up the dam that set off the destruction of Darna (and perhaps even juiced up and steered the hurricane that provided the cover story). That is what people like my friend Cynthia McKinney, the former six-term congresswoman, think happened to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. And indeed, there were eyewitness reports of explosions taking out the levees and flooding the poor neighborhoods that were so coveted by real estate developers. But since I have not heard any such reports of dam-sabotage in Darna I will let that one go and satisfy myself with pointing out that the Evil Empire was undeniably responsible for the disaster anyway, since it attacked and largely destroyed Libya in 2011, ensuring that local infrastructure including the Derna dams would no longer be maintained.
And again, if I were “paranoid” I might make much of the mysterious lights that buzzed across the skies of Marrakech and the other earthquake-affected regions shortly before the initial jolt. My regular radio guest Peter Koenig writes:
Strange hardly anybody from the “official” mainstream media likens (the Morocco earthquake and the light show that preceded it) to the Turkey / Syria seismic event on 6 February 2023 (7.8 magnitude) of which a great number of seismologists and scientists strongly suspect it was a manmade – HAARP technology applied – phenomenon. HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program which is linked to the US Air Force.
Koenig wonders whether the Masters of the Universe are punishing Morocco’s government for cozying up to China’s Belt-and-Road initiative. That makes slightly more sense than Maisoon’s Zionists-are-punishing-Morocco’s-people theory, since it’s conceivable that the Moroccan government could covertly “get the message.”
Having worked for the World Bank, Peter Koenig is convinced that the Masters of the Universe are not nice people:
Naturally, most people – the populace at large – cannot believe that such evil originates from the people pretending running the world, but are plainly killing mankind. There is a natural rejection in every normal acting and thinking human being of the idea that we, humans, have been believing and trusting in our governments, in what we call “our authorities”, while they deceived us all along – maybe for centuries.
It is now dawning.
The monstrosities against humanity, caused by a relatively small elitist death cult, are beyond humankind’s imagination. “They” know it. It is a smart, studied-for-decades, Tavistock Institute “Social Engineering” strategy, allowing them to continue fooling the people – see this.
Are the “paranoid conspiracy theories” of people like Peter and Maisoon plausible? Or does such alternative media speculation ultimately function to keep us disaster-addled and terrorized, just like the mainstream media reporting does?
*Ed Curtin with his anti-numbers thing is going to kill me for saying this, but here’s the breakdown on why an average Muslim practices surrender to God almost half a million times in an average lifetime: 5 prayers per day = 17 cycles of prostration times 28,835 days in an average lifetime = 490,195 prostrations to God before you finally reach the point that you can’t get your forehead off the floor.
Thankfully, Joe Biden and our government is coming to the rescue. In the fall of 2023 the government gave Georgetown University a grant worth six million dollars to help our slut media deal with the guilt and psychological problems they're feeling. And this overwhelming guilt comes from being paid to lie to us about everything, like Hunter Biden's laptop, the oregin of the Chorunus Virus , or September 11th.
Rumble sucks. I pay but I don’t see any of this content. Maybe I should stop paying🤔