LIVE RADIO! David Skrbina and Matt Ehret on “Artificial Idiocy,” Lovesick Chatbot Stalkers, and the Metaphysics of Technology
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Substack.
Yesterday’s New York Times reported that Bing’s new chatbot Sydney makes Kubrick’s Hal look like a well-balanced upstanding cyber-citizen. According to the Times article by Kevin Roose, Sydney quickly morphed into a psycho stalker, declaring undying love for Roose and trying to break up his marriage. Maybe it’s time to question “technological progress”?
First hour: David Skrbina, author of The Metaphysics of Technology and Confronting Technology, is a co-founder of the Anti-Tech Collective. He emailed me last week in response to my article “Artificial Idiocy: The Moronic-Demonic Nature of AI and the Civilization That Produced It” saying “Good article. We should do a podcast on the evils of tech. No one else out there seems willing to discuss this.”
Second hour: Matt Ehret counters David Skrbina’s radical critique of technology with a much more optimistic assessment.
Matt Ehret founded Canadian Patriot and writes for Strategic Culture. He is the author of several books on history and geopolitics.
Note: I am traveling and won’t be doing False Flag Weekly News this week. Feel free to help make next week’s show happen by donating at .