Christians don’t understand their own religion & are quickly destroying it in the name of Inclusivity. Even Muslims tell me that.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

It's all woodrows jew untermeyers fault, why did he sponsor the unholy ghost who wrote felon scofields notes. 65 million southern Baptists including the wop trying to be a wasp, pompeo, are under the thrall of scofields notes and unable to recognise the Rev 3:9 mob led by weinsteins, rampaging through all Southern shikse arriving in Hollywood.

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Western Christians, particularly American Christians, are spectacularly ignorant about not only their own faith, but the true history of Christianity, and Biblical history generally.

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Thank you so much, Kevin, for stepping up for truth in attempting to set the record straight for John Milor. I was sure you were going to let him get by with the mainstream version of Hitler and the Jews because it's so hard to go up against orthodox versions of reality.

It's especially difficult when people are clearly uninformed about alt history and so you seem to them like someone arguing for flat earth. I am always surprised when people who believe in fringe subjects like aliens or the paranormal (which I of course do) have not let their curiosity likewise explore hidden history. For example, I remember being at Gobekli Tepe with fellow travelers who completely embraced the "heretical" notion that civilization did not start 5,000 years ago -- and yet they adamantly believed the 9/11 Official Narrative. All we can do is keep planting seeds. Bravo for your efforts. Very well argued!

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The gentleman on your show is either against what you’re saying and holding back or is just ignorant to the facts and not prepared for your positions on all things Israel. (Or afraid to agree !)

However he would be good as a return guest in a debate capacity if so inclined!

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Sure, but where does that leave us? Are you arguing that the End of Times is near? And this is the war at the End of Times, Armageddon? Oh, noooo....

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Somebody please tell the fool Africans would have been the first target for ETs wanting to study humans, and since theyr too busy trying to survive they don't have the luxury of the exceptionals to fall for this UFO nonsense. Besides the ubiquitous smartfone has killed off all the ETs, none have remained to be filmed for Tiktok, bwahahaha.

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