In Case the ADL Asks Me to Apologize
A preemptive response prepared by my feline handler, Muse the cat
If you want to make a lot of money like Kanye West, it helps to have a Jewish handler. The downside is that if you say the wrong thing they just might lock you up and send you to Zombieland.
So I decided to hire a feline handler instead of a Jewish one. If I get out of line I get scratched and clawed a little bit, which sure beats being institutionalized and injected.
Jews like Harley Pasternak, Kanye West’s (former) handler, are supposedly really good at PR. But threatening to chemically lobotomize your clients seems a tad overbearing. It might work in West Hollywood or Tel Aviv, but I’m not sure it will play in Peoria.
Cats, by contrast, have a mysterious suppleness. They don’t lunge at you drooling and barking their heads off like Harley Pasternak or the ADL. Instead, their preternatural flexibility allows them to twist and contort their bodies into any shape necessary to dissuade the attacker by evading the big bite while brandishing claws “in your face.”
Your feline handler won’t make you a billionaire. All Muse has ever managed to do for me financially is help convince people to donate a measly $200 a week to support False Flag Weekly News. At that rate it will take me five million weeks to make a billion dollars.
But Muse did give me some priceless PR advice: Just be reasonable and keep asking for dialogue. That way, when they continue lunging and drooling and yapping, it will become obvious who’s open to talking it out and who’s afraid to have any kind of substantive discussion.
I have been asking for dialogue with the ADL since they unleashed a flurry of fatwas against me starting in 2015 after I published We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo. They repeatedly tried to get me barred from entering Canada to do speaking events, succeeding once and failing three times. I kept asking them to come on my radio show and explain to me what I’d done wrong. Their response: Crickets. And then more drooling and yapping.
Fortunately one brave Jewish activist and podcaster, Doooovid, was open to having a dialogue about the Jewish and anti-Semitism questions. The bad news is that YouTube scrubbed the video from the internet when it nuked my channel last October 10. The good news is that I still have the video (and so does so here it is:
Another Jew who has been open to having reasonable dialogues on sensitive topics is Rabbi Michael Lerner. Check out my radio conversations with Rabbi Lerner. He also wrote chapters for two books I edited, 9/11 and American Empire v.2 and We Are Not Charlie Hebdo.
Now that people like Kanye West, Kyrie Irving, and Dave Chappelle are forcing the issue into the public square, and Elon Musk is opening up Twitter to such topics, a long-overdue discussion of Jewish power questions seems to be building up a head of steam. People who probably wouldn’t have “gone there” in the past, like the noted poet-scholar-activist Charles Upton, are saying interesting things. Below is my email dialogue with Upton, sparked by his response to my recent radio shows on the topic.
Dear Kevin,
According to Henry Makow, who is Jewish, the first people the Big Jews will exploit and oppress are the Little Jews, after which they will move on to the Goyim.
Are the little Jews oppressed by the Big Jews therefore “not Jews”?
When we say “The Italians” do we mean the Mob exclusively?
When we say “The Blacks” do we mean the gangs, exclusively?
If not, then how are we justified in identifying “The Jews” exclusively with the BIG Jews?
We are not justified in doing this, as you obviously well know.
So we need a better name for the Big Jews than simply “the Jews”. Without that we will fall into the pit dug for us by the Big Jews who want to identify all criticism of them, no matter how justified it might be, with “anti-Semitism.”
“Jewish Power” won’t work because it still implies that if you are a Jew you will have a share in that power, which is definitely not the case.
So how about just
The Big Jews
I think you should interview Makow, if you haven’t already.
Hi Charles,
I have interviewed Henry Makow many times:
But you’re right, this would be a good moment for another.
I generally agree with your suggestion, though of course it isn’t only the very biggest Jews who benefit from the power of nepotistic Jewish ethnic networking. As I recall from Unz’s article, simply being Jewish rather than non-Jewish (and white) makes you about seven or eight times more likely to be admitted to the Ivy League, where virtually every president, and every admissions officer, is Jewish. And Gilad, when he was a young dirt-poor immigrant to the UK, found it easy to join a Jewish real estate swindle, I mean business, that made him very good money for only moderate effort. Gilad told me that simply being Jewish allowed him, and any other Jew of similar abilities, to basically go anywhere in the world where there’s a thriving Jewish community and easily make really good money, usually by siphoning off rather than producing value, just by plugging in to the network. Whereas non-Jew of similar abilities would likely end up pumping coffee at Starbucks, driving cab, working construction if they’re lucky, etc. Still I think the big problem is indeed the big Jews described in the work of Whitney Webb, Mike Piper, etc.
Let me know if you want to record a radio show on this or anything else.
Dear Kevin,
I see what you mean. But to the degree that Jewish nepotism is a real force outside the circles of the rich and the powerful, and non-Jews know it, we are left with a situation where you look over at some guy you don’t know with a big nose on the subway and say to yourself, “privileged Jewish bastard!”— which, if left at that, will result in the fire-bombings of synagogues. The hardest kind of prejudice to overcome is prejudice that is partly justified, seeing that basic emotional reactions don’t subject themselves to detailed rational criticism.
I once worked with a Jewish lady, a psychiatric social worker, in a basically 2-person social service agency to serve the homeless in Marin County. Half-Jewish, that is, who identified as Jewish. Her mother was a Russian Jewish immigrant, her father the one-time head of the Communist Party in Northern California, racially as white as they come, descended from the Adams family who gave us two presidents and from the Dukes of Norfolk. She always had money problems, partly because she was the scapegoat of her family; ultimately I found out that we were being funded by the County because she was in bed (literally!) with the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors (an Italian with a big dairy ranch). At one point she tried to invoke Jewish nepotism with the big film producer Saul Zaentz, because her middle name was Zaentz, but it didn’t work. She also got next to rock impresario Bill Graham at one point, and was talking up the possibility of a benefit concert with him the night he died when his helicopter ran into power lines during a storm.
So Jewish nepotism is definitely not a sure thing. And I become weary of people, one man in particular, in my email circle who adds the name JEW to any social or political evil he sees; there’s nothing more “natural” than translating a social evil that involves a racial group into hating everyone in that group. The truth that Black-on-Black and Black-on-White crime is super-high automatically translates into “look at that Nigger over there OPENLY WALKING DOWN THE SIDEWALK!” How do we work against this without denying the real evils that are partially associated with race? Is there any way?
What about the old trope of the Jew who can’t get into the WASP country club? Was that ever true or was it a myth cooked up by the Anti-Defamation League? Is WASP power totally a thing of the past in the U.S.? The Protestant churches are fast declining, White birthrates are declining too (but certainly not Whites alone)….has anybody branded The Bonfire of the Vanities with Tom Hanks a White Supremacist movie? It was certainly a White Victim movie, with the decent young White man persecuted by a Jewish mayor and a Black preacher….
What’s becoming less and less possible is to see others as human beings first and racial, gender or ideological identities second….power relations between people are analyzed and studied, for very good reasons, but after that all we can see any more is power relations….
I’ll think about what I might want to talk about in an upcoming show; thanks for the offer.
~~ Charles
Dear Charles,
That is already great stuff to talk about on the radio! I agree completely that we should judge people fairly as individuals, and that focusing too much negative attention on ethnicity can lead to bigotry and worse.
The comparison of prejudice against blacks and Jews isn’t symetrical, since blacks are about as far below white goys on the power and privilege scale as Jews are above them. WASPs did rule America until roughly the mid-20th century, and it was perfectly ethical to criticize them in those days. Jews rule America now to about the same extent, and it should be equally ethical to criticize them. “Punch up don’t punch down.” Today Jews are at the top and should be able to take a few rhetorical punches. But yes, obviously we don’t want it to get way out of hand. How do we prevent that while still telling the truth and demanding justice?
Dear Kevin,
“Punch up not down” is entirely right; nonetheless it’s certainly possible to be menaced by the Jews from above and the Blacks from below at the same time. My one Fascist friend in New York (sweet, intelligent, Italian, desperately poor in a house he can’t heat and may not be able to keep) tends to unload on both Blacks and Jews. As an actor as well as a one-time politico he has an intelligent critique of Jewish Power, and his problem with Blacks stems mostly from the kind of White Flight that has left him and his wife (a Brit from a family of Polish nobility) the last white couple in his virtually all-Black neighborhood near Queens on Long Island. Jews have learned how to establish their power through centuries of clannishness when they were far from the dominant ethnic group in Europe (though they had their niche)—a ghetto-developed skill that is highly useful in a much bigger way now that their past oppressors the WASPS have fallen, the people who used to be able to keep them OUT of the Ivy League. But when we Whites try to find or establish the same kind of clannishness for self-protection now that our position of dominance is dwindling, we have little history to draw upon. All we seem to be able to come up with for clannishness is Klannishness: the Oathkeepers, the Aryan Brotherhood, the Neo-Nazis. How can we defend the spirit and achievements of our race without becoming terrorists? A pretty hard thing to do when Woke culture automatically defines our every attempt to do so as white supremacy. The universities have Black student Unions, Latino student unions—but just try to start a White student union and see what happens! Maybe our only recourse will be to join the Tall White Aliens so we can submit our grievances to the Galactic Federation….
~~ Charles
Very interesting discussion. More please!
It's too difficult to have a discussion about the "above topic" because of the degree of self-censorship. I am married to a Jewish man, and live in Jewish community. My husband and I have fought for years about Jewish privilege. The problem really is that Jewish people don't recognize that they are the ones running the show, that they are in the rulership clique. It's like high school when the popular clique was blind to those outside of it. If you are in it, you don't see it. I have a theory that if only the regular Jews could wake up then everything would change, but they won't and they can't seem to be able to. Like with the vaccine. Jews are 85% vaccinated, the most vaccinated ethnic group of all. They are also super hostile to the unvaccinated. It was Jewish Congressman Waxman who wrote into law the 1986 vaccine act that now plagues us. Vaccine mandates are Jewish from start to finish. It's almost like a first commandment to being Jewish--get vaccinated or forget going to any Jewish event. This may end badly, though, if the vaccine is really as toxic as some think. Then maybe the Jewish clique will falter, and a lot of other things will become obvious to them.