“Honesty Studies” Scholar Fabricated Findings
Does our culture have a systematic honesty problem? If so, why?
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Spoiler alert: Here’s how today’s False Flag Weekly News ended:
Kevin Barrett: Speaking of totally disgusting human beings, let's move from the Biden family over to Lucky Larry Silverstein. Our near-final story today is that Lucky Larry Silverstein is now becoming a casino magnate. He's putting up a giant casino, or trying to, over on the far west side of Manhattan, which is more or less your stomping ground, Cat.
Silverstein is the guy who's “best known for his Towers at the World Trade Center site”— and he’s well known for demolishing the Towers and for his "pull it" confession. Here’s Bloomberg’s story about Larry Silverstein becoming a casino magnate. So I decided to help him out and give him some free advertising. He’s welcome to use this image to publicize his casino.
Cat McGuire: Well, I don't know who's going to go (to the casino). There's a huge wealth flight out of the city.
So that development is the largest real estate development in the country. It's called Hudson Yards, but nobody's going there. All the wealthy people are leaving. So if he wants to put in a big hotel or whatever there, I guess maybe tourists would come. But it's not a tourist friendly place. It's it's not even a city family friendly place. It violates everything in Jane Jacobs' friendly communities. Where he wants to put it is not a friendly place at all. And nobody's going there, even New Yorkers.
Kevin Barrett: Well, you know, Cat, our government and media want us to believe that World Trade Center Building 7 just fell down from a hitherto unknown physical phenomenon, and it just went straight down into its own footprint at free fall for 2.5 seconds, and near free fall the rest of the way, just from a couple of modest office fires that initiated this completely unprecedented phenomenon. Everybody is supposed to believe this.
I think we have a systematic honesty problem in our society. But fortunately over at Harvard University, the honesty researchers are going to solve it. There's a new field of Honesty Studies: "How can you trick people into being honest?" No, that's not a joke: There's a leading professor in Honesty Studies at Harvard (Francesca Gino) studying how to trick people into being honest. She's doing studies showing that if you put a little pledge to be honest at the beginning of a form that somebody has to fill out, they will be more honest than if you put that pledge to be honest at the end of the form. And they had all of these statistical results proving that putting the honesty pledge at the beginning elicits more honest behavior than putting the honesty pledge at the end. "So, yes, you can trick people into being honest, and that will solve our honesty problem!" Unfortunately, it turns out that the Harvard scholar who studies honesty was fabricating the findings!
It turns out that putting the honesty pledge at the beginning versus the end probably doesn't even have any effect. She just made the whole thing up. So I'm not sure if the Honesty Studies professors are going to solve the problem of systematic dishonesty in our culture. What do you think?
Cat McGuire: Yeah, we've become rotten to the core and that's because we're a ZOG government.
Good article.